There's a great deal of self-involvement, there's a great deal of desire to elevate himself, to become this world-historical figure. Marguerite Oswald, mother of slain accused presidential assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, is shown in New York with attorney Mark Lane on February 17, 1964, after testifying in Washington before. He wants to "do like Hemingway." When Lee got back from Russia, the way he talked about the Russian system, he didnt talk about it politically, in the sense that he was wrapped up in communism or Marxism. I asked him about this lawyer in New York and I told him I would get him one down here, meaning in Texas. He pressed the lieutenants, he pressed the platoon leaders. He had an interesting experience and he had a Russian wife. What prompts him to take the first concrete steps to extricate himself from the Soviet Union is his break with Ella German. The two-hour documentary special traces Oswald's life from his boyhood to that fateful day in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963, posing a number of questions: Was Oswald the emotionally disturbed "lone. A former litigator, Posner is a fulltime investigative writer. She has no control over him. I didn't know -- but I think that was his posture all along, with the interrogators. He had alluded to some relationships when he was in the Marines, but as far as anyone knows there was no girlfriend, or no evidence of a girlfriend, there was just some kind of bravado or talk. FRONTLINE: WHO WAS LEE HARVEY OSWALD? (TV) - Paley Center for Media . It features interviews with Rachel Oswald Porter and June Oswald Porter, the daughters of Marina and Lee Harvey Oswald, who were raised by their mother and their adoptive father, Kenneth Jess Porter. Find out in the 2015 documentary Outbreak, newly available to stream on FRONTLINEs YouTube channel. As opposed to seeing the Kennedy assassination as the way we ought to see it: as one of the great public tragedies of the twentieth century. Tell me about his interest in the television show "I Led Three Lives" and what that says about him and his imagination. This interview was conducted in 1993 in conjunction with Frontline's first broadcast of "Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald? Even fifty years later, Oswald's Minsk period remains understudied, despite the fact that Oswald's time in the Soviet Union was the longest period of stability in his life. That's the way I read him at the time. When I returned home from work that evening, I asked him about it, and he said, "Well, everything went all right. I think it says that he is very pragmatic, and hes going to go with the punches. I think that Marina's a very complicated character, and I think it's fair to say in Oswald she saw a very good opportunity. His wife is trying to have a second child born in Russia. ", He is the older brother of Lee Harvey Oswald, and a former Marine and salesman. I Led Three Lives he became really engrossed in that particular TV show, and he was still watching it when I left to go in the Marine Corps in 1952. After getting some help with the Secret Service as far as getting a pass up to see Lee, I was allowed to visit with him approximately eight to 10 minutes. The Hartford Files Oswald grew up in very trying circumstances in the early part of his life. You cant set that aside just because he is saying, Im a patsy. Id love to do that, but you cannot. As I learned later on, hes becoming very belligerent to Mother. Can you summarize what the atmosphere was like there that Saturday, and what you made of it? Later in the day, after driving into town with his two pet dogs and sending an emergency money order to one of his employees, Ruby walked to the nearby police headquarters, where he made his way to the basement via the Main Steet ramp. So, to me, that was his back-up plan if everything else failed. . OK?\"Another motive was put forth by Frank Sheeran, allegedly a hitman for the Mafia, in a conversation he had with the then-former Teamsters boss Jimmy Hoffa. How can you explain one without the other? Tell me about his growing problems with Marina. This was his grand experience at the time. You had said that he had very much been on his own in New York. Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans: TRICENTENNIAL MOMENT Using archival footage, interviews and dramatic reconstruction, "Killing Oswald" explores the mystery of how and why John F. Kennedy and Lee Harvey Oswald were assassinated in 1963. Saltar al contenido Oswald's Mother Was a Thoroughly Disagreeable Piece of Work Did she let you know and did she let him know that the kids were a burden? As things progressed down the line the job didn't work out. I couldnt believe it. He began to tire of Minsk as his celebrity began to wear off. He really wasnt. It was wall-to-wall reporters, police officers, FBI, Secret Service. They've gone to the extreme measures to prove that he owned that rifle. Im sure for a certain minimal fee, you could ride the subways all day, and he would do it just to get around. And why it wasnt stopped sooner. What was his concern? He had the presence of mind then to do that. Can you sort of talk about that character trait? Theyve got the original negative. Interview: Gerald Posner | FRONTLINE Lee's fantasy life, to me, became apparent in the 1948, 1949, 1950 period. Lee Harvey Oswald Inside the Soviet Union [INTERVIEW] Everything is deteriorating. They didnt know for sure if he was an agent or not. He wasnt political. That's where he started doing a lot of reading and everything. We're talking seven, eight, nine, 10 years old. He was in control. You had said that he had very much been on his own in New York. He said no, he wanted that one up there. Maybe the next time he went to the library, he would follow up on it, and say "Well, let's really see what this is about." Usually, it has to do with a man, sometimes it has to do with a job, but the threat that courses through his childhood and adolescence is a frenetic, harried, peripatetic that is entirely his mother's concoction. Yes, Oswald moved twenty times with his mother before he turned seventeen, which is when he joined the Marines. [He wanted to] get established and start the American life, live the American dream. Theyre not progressing at the speed I think he wants to progress. I don't know. I asked him about this lawyer in New York and I told him I would get him one down here, meaning in Texas. But it was not terribly electric, it did not offer a lot in the way of possibility or newness. Ive managed to keep it quiet. That was it. It didn't seem like a big deal. He would talk about anything else. But I think all of Oswald's remarks are included here.To hear Lee Harvey Oswald's two radio interviews, go here: He found a spot, not very far, from where Walker was. Once again, its just a continual cycle, and it starts downhill. We spent some time together. I didn't press it any further. At 11:21 am CST while authorities were escorting Oswald through the police basement to an armored car that was to take him to the nearby county jail Ruby stepped out from a crowd of reporters and fired his .38 revolver into Oswald's abdomen, fatally wounding him. Describe a typical day in Oswald's Minsk. I said, "If you told me everything you've done, it seems to me you have a case that you could perhaps get a reversal on that, that you did not do anything that they anticipated you done." However, Bolinas author Josiah Thompson says he has answered one very important question. How can you explain one without the other? Advertisement Read the story | More coverage. It seemed like we were never in a location [more than] six or seven months, maybe a year at the most. All these ups and downs hes having, he keeps trying to get up and make it at some level, but hes not succeeding. There's hard physical evidence there. Hallo Bestemming kiezen Alle. Lee Harvey Oswald lived just a few minutes away from Walker in Dallas in a rented duplex that he shared with his wife Marina and their baby girl. This edition focuses on accused John F. Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, wondering whether he was a "lone gunman, conspirator, or patsy." . He is the older brother of Lee Harvey Oswald, and a former Marine and salesman. Jack Ruby killed Lee Harvey Oswald on live TV - The Times of Israel He knew something they didn't know, and he would keep it to himself. John and I would be off doing other things. web pages When Lee came back, how did he react to visits from the FBI when they came and saw him here? The fact that he could put on a facade and pretend to be somebody he wasnt to me, it gets down to what happened later on. What would have been the appeal to him about something like Marxism? He's already tried living with Mother for about a week to 10 days, and that went the way it usually goes. I said, "Yes. One individual gave him a letter saying he could speak and write Russian at a particular level that he thought was real good. Lee would rebel against the discipline of the Marine Corps when he had the opportunity to, when the leeway was there. Posner also discusses the actions, motivations and mob connections of Jack Ruby, who murdered Oswald. Hes thinking about going to Cuba. Thats almost unbelievable. He's thinking about going to Cuba. Definitely not. Three, maybe more fundamentally, I think that modern man, especially in modern America, is just congenitally incapable of making sense of tragedy. The job's not doing that good. After obtaining a hardship discharge from the Marines, Lee Harvey Oswald left the United States for the Soviet Union in 1959. An Interview with Lee Harvey Oswald's Mother Marguerite Oswald Lee had high hopes when he first got back as to what he was going to do. ", I became kind of intense at that point, looking into his eyes. First, the $64,000 question: Why did Lee Harvey Oswald kill John F. Kennedy? Thats what it comes down to he wanted to be unique, by whatever it took. It just didnt fit. I couldn't believe it. But he had prepared answers and statements, anticipating reporters either at the ship or some place down the line on the return. Author: 'I Wanted To Explain To Kennedy Why He Died' - WBUR What kind of a Marxist was he? He wasnt present when they took a head count [at the Texas School Book Depository]. I anticipated, and I said to the family, "He'll be back within a year." But he had prepared answers and statements, anticipating reporters either at the ship or some place down the line on the return. Saltar al contenido As far as material goods the car taking her to a grocery store the first time you cant believe how excited she was. New York City. This is a must watch till the very end.then another must watch with pen in hand . I think they're inseparable. Did he evince any sort of sophisticated understanding of Marxism or communism, or of the Soviet Union in general, before he left for Russia? But the facts are there. 49K views 9 years ago WDSU-TV interviews Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963 when he was living in New Orleans. Sending Out Veterans' Benefits, The Executive Branchs Response to the Flood of 1927, The Case For Calling the Language "American", America Fought Its Own Battle Over Books Before it Fought the Nazis. The planning that Lee did probably at least extended all the way back to the time he was in Japan because of the clothes he purchased at the time. But the Marine Corps has got set procedures and so forth to follow. Chapter 1: Summary and Conclusions Chapter 2: The Assassination Chapter 3: The Shots from the Texas School Book Depository Chapter 4: The Assassin Chapter 5: Detention and Death of Oswald Chapter 6: Investigation of Possible Conspiracy Chapter 7: Lee Harvey Oswald: Background and Possible Motives Chapter 8: The Protection of the President But you go back to the death of Dad two months before he was born, that's a tremendous impact. Hes already tried living with Mother for about a week to 10 days, and that went the way it usually goes. But certainly by age three, he had the sense, I need to be someplace else. Mother would be putting him with a nanny, or a babysitter, or in an orphan home with us, just to get us out of her hair. He had a rifle, he had positioned himself, he prepared in advance to take his shot, after he took the shot he left the rifle there, and then walked away and found his own way home. He would awaken relatively early in his apartment, and he would walk about eight minutes to the radio factory where he worked in the experimental department, and he probably would have been there until late afternoon or early evening, ate dinner, he might have read a good bit -- he was fond of reading -- visited friends, gone to the conservatory or the opera, which was a short walk away from his apartment, and he probably would have retired early. About October 1962 things were not going along too good. Photographs and documents also are on display. After getting some help with the Secret Service as far as getting a pass up to see Lee, I was allowed to visit with him approximately eight to 10 minutes. The other thing was he wanted to get settled with the job. He gave it to me either the first or second night to read. They wasnt going to convince him to say something. None took him seriously. This would have to be at the federal level. Later, after the Kennedy. Lee Harvey Oswald'S Complete August 1963 Wdsu-tv Interview I struggled through about 10 or 15 pages of it. Hallo, inloggen. He could be somebody from New York that knew a lot of things, somebody that could get around be somebody else. One, we tend to think of Kennedy as having been so great and really all-powerful, almost mythological, and at the same time we tend to think of Oswald as so low, that it seems unfathomable that somebody so low, so inconsequential, could topple someone so great. This was something all his own.