The assent of Annapurna, which had never been climbed before, took six days. harmony-major performing forces - strings, trumpets, oboes, and timpani tempo-fast Match the descriptive words or phrases with the different musical elements of music as found in the Air of Bach's Orchestral Suite No. aria 1 1 . Just off the plane and plopped in the middle And dropped from laughter, and there we were, an opposing view The term decrescendo tells the musician to perform what action? Underline the complements, and above each write DO for direct object, IO for indirect object, OC for objective complement, PN for predicate nominative, or PA for predicate adjective. "Fair Phyllis I saw sitting all alone, Feeding her flock near to the mountain side." The second phrase is the same as the first. Not everyone is great at one subject, they need help sometimes! The main theme of this movement is first played by: b) the violins 3. Get your act together and stop being little children and pointing fingers at someone for cheating! 5. According to the text, what was the significance of Debussys work? Banished to the outfield and daydreaming Audiences immediately embraced the dodecaphonic work of Arnold Schoenberg. B. continuo brass, percussion, strings, woodwinds, Which describes the texture of this opening passage? monophonic consonant Correct! Which type of scale follows this pattern of whole and half steps? b. what vocal range is heard in this excerpt. He was more depressed than ever as he drove on by himself. Of Williamsport, Pa. and a neighborhood game, Eventhepassingtrafficdidntwaketheoldhoundlyinglazilyunderthetruck. Which best describes how the woodwinds are playing in this excerpt? 12. Unless you assent, no one may enter your home without a warrant. Correct choicesmooth and connected, moving by small steps. And calling out in desperation things like What are some of the instruments being played in this concertino? Polychordal 30. a young prince and princess in love (Ave Maria) The melody quotes a chant. See Page 1. Which best describes the scale?, What accounts for the slightly fuzzy sound of this recording?, Which best describes the music from the beginning of Burleigh's arrangement of Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, heard in this excerpt? I played on till dusk Put the following excerpts from the A section of Bach's Gigue from Orchestral Suite No. Which best describes the meter at the beginning of section 7 of Appalachian Spring? ____________________________________________________________. He used the dynamic traditions of the Baroque period with Classical instrumentation choices. 9. homophonic speed or pace of the music concerto accompaniment- walking bass line. sonataallegro monophonic Duple meter 31. "How I Learned English," Which of the following musical works includes arias? During the Baroque period, the musical feature that lent harmonic support to the main melodic line of a composition was called: Basso continuo. Excerpt B Incorrect Answer(s) The melody is quiet and mysterious. Phrase lengths were even - usually four or eight bars long. Give the noun clause the function indicated in parentheses. Missing flies and pop-ups and grounders What is the vocal range of the singer in this excerpt? Whereas a string orchestra consisting of violin, viola, and _________. From which region of Mexico does the mariachi ensemble originate? -syncopated rhythms, Which best describes the performing ensemble in this excerpt from part 1 of Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring. A Underline the correct verb form. Opera. O making calculations at sea Air- slow tempo. Then, circle the subject of the sentence. 15. c) He used lyric melodies to show the Romantic styles, but within the framework of Classical forms. There was a wild stamping of hands on the ground, The following excerpt from Berg's Wozzeck, which begins about three minutes into scene 4, features the Captain and the Doctor. Who was the first great proponent of musical Romanticism in France? The melody is bluesy and syncopated. a. half step b. whole step c. same pitch d. leap across many steps, Lilly Allen is taking this assessment. A cadenza is best defined by which phrase? Beginning with his ________________ , Stravinsky was a leader in the revitalization of ____________________ in ___________ art music. ___________ is considered to be amongst the most vibrant and original North American musics. Tugging at my cap in just the right way, Which of the following composers did NOT employ total serialism in his work? violin W-H-W-W-H-W-W A. major B. natural minor C. harmonic minor D. melodic minor Which type of scale follows this pattern of whole and half steps? [player :31]. Hello. flute, timpani, trumpet . a challenging solo passage played by one instrument Which of the following statements correctly describe the opening section of this movement? Which of the following best describes the texture in this excerpt? 1:37, performing forces- strings and harpsichord, both Air and Gigue -largely homophonic Diffusion Let us complete them for you. Silvestre Revueltas represented a movement that drew on the popular culture of contemporary _________. 22.2 Tonic (T) and dominant (D) functions Consider the following example: Example 22-1. 50 points! 0:27, Heard in excerpt the growth of a young princess Find an answer to your question Which best describes the purpose of the imagery in the excerpt. Match each phase of the baroque period with the characteristic that best describes the phase. Quickly and professionally. Which of the following signifies the collapse of the mountain on top of the trolls from Grieg's In the Hall of the Mountain King? The heat of the day is indicative of Mr. Shiftlet's negative feelings of his life and situation. Which best describes the harmony in this excerpt? Air 0:17, Chapter 26. A. guacamole, A Very soft B medium soft C soft D medium loud 2. Yes. What compositional technique is illustrated by the following excerpt? She did not mean to drop the vase. The passage implies that fifteenth century map-makers spent much of their time introduces its important melodies? How was the impact of the Columbian Exchange positive in some ways, but negative in other ways? 3 in the correct order. General characteristics of melodies in the Classical period. two countries at war over land 0:46, instrumentation - strings only Mr. Shiftlet talks about the importance of family, but he has just left his wife at a roadside diner. accelerando. (1 point) His degraded mental state is reflected in the use of Sprechstimme vocal technique, both tonal and atonal harmonic language, and unusual combinations of instruments. Carried by the first ____ , a richly ornamented and _____ melody unfolds over a steady, even _____ line. - ensemble that includes brass, reeds, and rhythm instruments what are the answers i have the same test today, Which ensemble in the concerto grosso is the largest? How do the rhythm of the Air and the Gigue from Bach's Orchestral Suite No. CH 68 LISTENING QUIZ: Williams: Imperial Marc, CH 69 LISTENING QUIZ: Tavener: A Hymn to the, CH 63 LISTENINg: Bernstein: West Side Story,, CH 64 Listening Quiz: Reich Electric Counterp, CH 59 LISTENING QUIZ: Copland: Appalachian Sp, CH 67 LISTENING QUIZ: Higdon: blue cathedral, CH 62 LISTENING QUIZ: Cage: Sonata V, from So, CH 61 LISTENING QUIZ: Bartok: Interrupted Int, CH 60 LISTENING QUIZ: Revueltas: "Noche de Ja, Giulifollowedthetrailofstonemarkers, Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka. Which do you not? What unique feature of this example suggests that it was written in the Contemporary period? Chapter 55 - Listening Guide Quiz 47: Berg: W, Chapter 58 - Listening Guide Quiz 51: Gershwi, Listening Activities Powered by InQuizitive:, Chapter 56 - Listening Guide Quiz 48: Holiday. Harmony is to be valued, and the avoidance of wanton [deliberate] opposition honoured. On the lines below, rewrite the sentence by adding an adjective phrase that modifies the underlined word. [player :20], Which characteristic of texture in this example is most closely associated with music of the Contemporary period? 2 Which one of the following terms best describes the harmony of the excerpt? declaimed and repetitive. Complete the sentence to describe the first section of Gershwin's Summertime from Porgy and Bess. 3. b) opera This question is incomplete. D. solo. PART 5 EXAM: MUS-19-47105 OL (08/23-12/16) Music Appreciation, A song form that is composed from beginning to end without repetitions. They have changed the answers so now this is 100% hope this helps! And if this isnt your preferred way of passing a test or were to unethical for you, you just need a get off t, I have a 4 question quick check and that it my second question. Which of the following best describes aleatory music? Which statement best describes the narrators point of view in this excerpt? Music answers for 2023 (b) Hypothesize: Which would be a good audience for such a song: un educated farmers, young aristocrats, or both? The losing candidate gave a gracious speech in which he thanked all voters for taking part in the democratic process after the election results were announced. a challenging work played by an entire orchestra Which type of work is most likely to feature virtuosic passages by a soloist? 5. a) a small group of soloists within an orchestra Bill Corson was pitching in his buckskin jacket, consonant diatonic dissonant modal [1 mark] 1 1 . Jewish Culture in the Formative Period of Islam A. the First Viennese School B. It uses both tonal and atonal harmonic language. Choose the correct definition of timbre. So it was not impossible that I, Which of the following movements is associated with Debussy and Ravel? melody- lyrical "Hum baby" sweetly on my lips. Ayo what is you children doing there aint 5 questions so whathcu mean "I got 5/5"? Yours and take it, but doing all right, Correct! Mozart What technique are the strings employing in this excerpt. Use given of the noun clauses below in a complete sentence to make a paragraph describing the theft of a hovercraft. How I Learned English, (1 point) Or another. All three voices are of equal importance. Here is the full information: Read the excerpt from Chapter 28 of Moby D ick. CH 40 LISTENING QUIZ_ Hensel_ September_ At the River, from The Year (Das Jahr) LG 31_ MUL1010.pdf, CH 34 LISTENING QUIZ_ Beethoven_ Symphony No. just shut up and keep your opinion to yourself chez. Which term best describes the harmony in this excerpt? where my hovercraft is now (object of preposition to). a ma 3? opera CH 20 LISTENING QUIZ: Instrumental Movements Medieval and Renaissance Dance Music LG 9: MUL1010-Music Appreciation-20193-8. Not only would it be unethical to help you cheat, but it would also deprive you of a much needed educational experience. The surface of the earth is soft and impressible by the feet of men; and so with the paths which the mind travels. Which of the following correctly describe the chords heard throughout this section of The Rite of Spring? What role did women play in progressivism? 3. Which of the following best describes the tempo in this excerpt? a. Nonmetric b. Duple meter c. Triple meter b . 67 LG 24_ MUL1010.pdf, CH 23 LISTENING QUIZ_ Bach_ Cantata No. What effects did their articles have on politics and the lives of poor Americans? My forehead with a thud. Certain dynamics will only be popular within the cultural boundaries of the countries where the Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka. Which instrument is playing the theme in this excerpt? winds and brass (featured) with piano and strings. dissonant. Match the descriptive words or phrases with the different elements of music as found in Act III, scene 4 of Berg's Wozzeck. Die Zauberflte is a story about what subject? A - 0:46 . Bach 4. a) bach - trumpets and violins, playing in thirds This chapter will introduce the two most prominent harmonic functions: the tonic function and the dominant function. Gershwin himself called it a ____________ opera. opera EXAMPLE:Hopefully, the working conditions in the factory will continue to improve. hope this helps! there are 15 questions. Which describes the harmony in this excerpt? The melodic element of twentieth-century music can be described as: The term "modernisms" describes a group of stylistic movements in the early twentieth century. Chapter 54. fat even as a boy, was on first, He always believed that if he got rid of his wife and had the car he always wanted to travel with his own company, he would be happy, but that is not what happened. Melodies were diatonic with the occasional chromaticism. Clean and untouched, transfixed Ringed by elms and fir and honeysuckle. This excerpt is from the _____________. Mr. Shiftlet has the car he wanted and managed to rid himself of his wife, but he still is not happy. 00:00 00:00 The music in this excerpt does not flow unceasingly from beginning to end. 3 to the correct section in the form of the work. Which best describes the melody in the opening two lines of this song? Hum baby sweetly on my lips. 2. d) uniqe sound quality of instrument's voice Which describes the harmony in this excerpt? Eventhepassingtrafficdidntwaketheoldhoundlyinglazilyunderthetruck.\underline{\text{Even the passing traffic didnt wake the old hound lying lazily under the truck.}} Which do not? 1 is an example of what type of musical styling? Which of the following describes the texture of this excerpt? Correct Answer(s) The Gigue is in compound meter while the Air is in simple meter. This message has the % No Clickbait% Seal of Approval, Ayo chez honestly shut up Which of the following reasons describes why it is important to consider dynamics quadraphonic 3 compare? I. Incorrect Answer (s) The title character is a tenor. Music can be defined as A. sounds produced by musical instruments B. sounds that are pleasing, as opposed to noise . Which best describes the irony in the excerpt? The novel is about a man, Ahab, who goes out in the normal world to upset the equilibrium of nature by killing the creatures. Which of the following was not a French composer? U is correct trust me % No Clickbait%, Updated Connexus answers: a musical composition for only one instrument family Though at the end of the novel, it is the nature who remains unchanged and the man has to witness a failure. Repeat of A- 0:44 Answers: 1. consonant diatonic dissonant modal [1 mark] 1 1 . Why was Schubert considered a transitional composer? Which best describes the melody in the first section of Summertime from Gershwin's Porgy and Bess? What is the texture of this music? (1 point) Match the description with each excerpt from Berg's Wozzeck. Which does NOT occur? The harmony of the Gloria from Palestrina's Pope Marcellus Mass is best described as full and consonant. Repeat of B- 1:37. 4. The texture in the opening phrase of this work is monophonic. Answer: Chronological order Explanation: I have found that the excerpt that is missing is from "The Rosetta Stone." It starts from 1798 year when Napoleon went to Egypt and it is describing the following year. Which best describes the meter at the beginning of Section 7 of Appalachian Spring? 8. a) The dynamics help create the mood and message of the composition. Growing fuzzier each time I whiffed. In 20th-century music, traditional harmony and tonality were redefined or rejected in favor of: Which of the following were important composers in the Contemporary period? . Which of the following composers most heavily influenced the music of the French post-WWI school of musicians known as Les Six? 10. c) concerto Which best describes the harmony in this excerpt? period. libretto The musical features of the following example suggest that it comes from a/an::40. Which term best describes the harmony in this excerpt by Grieg. Identify this composer. Match excerpts from Bach's Gigue from the Orchestral Suite No. 12. d) overture Many historians blame Wilson for the defeat of the Versailles Treaty in Congress. [player :27], The following piece was written by a leading figure of the post-WWII Germanavant-garde. Bro why are you guys here if you guys don't want cheaters? (1 point) a cappella a cappella The text setting in each vocal melody is mostly Syllabic. Because of that, we can easily recognize that it is about chronological order structure. Correct! Drag the appropriate descriptions to the musical elements of the Air from Bach's Orchestral Suite No. 140, Wachet auf (Sleepers, Awake), Nos. The Air is in ________, or, ______form, with each section repeated; the __ section is longer than the __ section. The young boy rejected Mr. Shiftlet's offer to give him a ride, and now the man finds himself alone. violin, trumpet, harp " Fair Phyllis I saw sitting all alone , Feeding her flock near to the mountain side . It clearly says at the top of the website "Jiskha Homework " so if ya'll can't read that then idfk what to tell ya'll. Which do not? Missing flies and pop-ups and grounders Giulifollowedthetrailofstonemarkers\underline{\text{Giuli followed the trail of stone markers}}Giulifollowedthetrailofstonemarkers, Giuli could see the town\underline{\text{town}}town. 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He chose the instrumentation of the modern era while using the structural style of the Baroque The passage from Chapter 28 of Moby's book which best fosters the topic of the novel concerning man's emphasis on assembling his own obliteration is man's powerlessness to modify destiny. (1 point) Reality outran apprehension; Captain Ahab stood upon his quarter-deck. 1. which type of texture do you hear from the following audio sample audio sample unable to play a.monophonic b.homophonic c.polyphonic d.multiphonic I need the whole test plz, A. dining room B. kitchen C. home**** ========= What popular Mexican dish uses stuffed poblano chiles? Which of the following describes the texture of this excerpt? Early (1600-40) - Composers favored homophonic texture over polyphonic texture. Mr. Shiftlet would have preferred to travel with his new wife, Lucynell, but she has left him at the diner. What describes the instrumental family that performs this dance? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which best describes the vocal style heard in this excerpt from Schoenberg's Pierrot lunaire?, Which best describes the music in this excerpt?, Which best describes the relationship between the vocal and instrumental parts? And there I was, Still, Suite for Violin and Piano 0:25 Correct Answer(s) The piano plays a steady ascending and descending bass line with chords on every other beat. Which best describes the rhythms in this excerpt? Listen to the two examples below and then match the musical trait to the work it best describes. d. Your promotion has received the board's unanimous assent. How do authors reveal their attitudes, or point of views, toward a topic in argumentative writing? style originated. In the sentence, two verbs appear in parentheses. What reasons do you think they might give to support that position? [player :31]. Nice job! . Listen to the opening of "Batter my heart." how would you define the step between the notes in this clip? It represented the first viable alternative to tonal music. What issues did muckraking journalists concentrate on during the first decades of the 1900s? How do the textures of the Air and the Gigue from Bach's Orchestral Suite No. Long regarded as one of the world's premiere schools of music, the Eastman School of Music offers a uniquely inspiring array of artistic, scholarly, and creative opportunities. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. 15. A make sound louder gradually B make sound softer gradually C make.