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If you think about it, the modern, high tempo lifestyle of today surrounds us with so much estrogen it is hard to avoid it in your everyday life. Our content is referenced where possible. It too is an AI (Aromatase Inhibitor) just as Arimidex is. It probably went to zero by the 3rd day because of the potency of this medicine.I can attest to the poor quality of life while being low on estrogen. Often times, adjustment is necessary with a powerful and very potent aromatase inhibitor such as Aromasin.

With this being said, the general range of Aromasin doses are 12.5 – 1mg daily. i've been taking 6.25 mg the day per my doc after my injections but I've been having some issues and feel like its not enough. As Estrogen levels reduce, the physique may take on more of a harder ‘grainier’ and ‘ripped’ look due to the loss of water retention provided by Estrogen. Here you will find inspiration for what supplements will boost your hormonal environement and TRT.thank you again am going through the delicate balance of regulation and finding correct dose as we speak , from two pumps to one up to 2 and down to 1.5… its fun, but better than taking another pill. Even on low doses of AI, I get tendencies of this lasting for 2-3 days after the intake.My experience is that, while AI will hopefully work better for others, I have had tremendous difficulties finding the right dosage for me. The one exception to the issue of complete Estrogen elimination is in competitive bodybuilders that require almost total elimination of water retention on the competition day.

Your body might work optimally at maybe half that – but you won’t know untill you try.I’m thinking about implementing a user forum on the TRT-Train, but I want to know what you guys think.Testerone deficiency is a multi-faceted problem, and the cure is to attack it from several angles.

Such dosage will completely avoid side effects caused …

Two weeks later my blood test showed that my estrogen was at zero. Anastrazole (also known as Arimidex) comes in 1 mg tablets. Split it up using either a knife or a tablet slicer and take either a quarter, a third or a half every other to three days. If you are on TRT then your testosterone level will not be elevated to supraphysiological levels, and you only need a smaller dose to help you. Testosterone deficiency does a “double whammy” to the male body. 150 mgs is not TRT and more of steroid dosage along with hcg probably put you into the 1500-1600 range no ... for TRT for some time now.
In some ways you can compare testosterone to alcohol. However, these symptoms can be caused by other things as well, such as high or low levels of SHBG and problematic levels of free testosterone. Not handling estrogen while on TRT properly might give adverse effects on your health and prevent symptom relief from your treatment.

Because of this, it is of major importance that you do blood tests regularly while figuring out the problem.

I'm #165 with 12% bf. We know you don't like to be bothered by senseless emails, and what you get from us will be high quality and useful to you. This article contains scientific references. I found that the more you use aromasin the more senstitive you become to it.

Aromasin is another AI that is even more potent with a capability of reducing estrogen by 25% more than on the same dose of Arimidex. High estrogen level in males is also connected to heart disease, and elevated E can cause big mood swings.Unlike SERMs (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator) that stops estrogen from binding in various tissues with receptors, an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) stops the aromatization of testosterone to estrogen in the first place.

More is not always better, and even though it seems counter-intuitive to reduce the testosterone intake in a hypogonadal patient, it might give better symptom relief than keep adding extra testosterone.

You don’t need it to get rid of your fatigue and brain fog.

A guide on relevant aspects of the use of an Aromatase Inhibitor while on TRT.

This will be covered in greater detail very shortly, under Aromasin’s use during PCT (For the purpose of Estrogen control during a cycle: It is well established that Aromasin is very effective at reducing total Estrogen levels via the inhibition of the aromatase enzyme. Personally, my startup on TRT gave less than optimal results due to problematic levels of estrogen. When starting out with aromasin even 25mg per day is a common dose for a mild cycle say 750mg test and 500mg deca.

TT: 939 approx 36hrs post injection of 150mg test cyp per week FT: 225 E2: 65 SHBG: 30 Obviously got sensitive nips and tenderness at that E2 level. AI does its job with great effect, but that will leave the poor, chubby guy on TRT on a roller-coaster ride going from high to low and back again to high.Luckily, there are other ways of handling your estrogen without the use of AI.

Note that the use of Aromasin alone for this purpose is not ideal, and should be combined with a SERM (such as Nolvadex) and possibly All content is medically reviewed and fact checked to ensure as much factual accuracy as possible. Having optimal levels of estrogen will help prolong your life.

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