causes of neutropenia norvasc

In adults, a count of 1,500 neutrophils per microliter of blood or less is considered to be neutropenia, with any count below 500 per microliter of blood regarded as a severe case. This might happen due to an infection, but can result from cancer treatment. Follow Neutropenia is a condition where there are abnormally low levels of neutrophils in the blood supply. [] Most of the neutrophils are contained in the bone marrow, either as mitotically active (one third) or postmitotic mature cells (two thirds). Fever, the symptom that usually indicates infection in people who have neutropenia, is an important sign that immediate medical attention is needed.Growth factors called colony-stimulating factors, which stimulate the production of white blood cells by the bone marrow, are sometimes helpful and are given as a injection (under the skin or into a vein).Corticosteroids may help if the neutropenia is caused by an autoimmune disorder. Bone marrow (or stem cell) transplantation is not used to treat neutropenia per se, but it may be recommended to treat certain serious causes of neutropenia, such as aplastic anemia or leukemia.Merck and Co., Inc., Kenilworth, NJ, USA (known as MSD outside of the US and Canada) is a global healthcare leader working to help the world be well.

Although not all of these side effects may occur, if they do occur they may need medical attention.

Neutropenia describes a significant reduction in a type of white blood cell called neutrophils.

Often it is spotted during routine blood tests or tests for another condition. Video

Because neutropenia has no specific symptoms, doctors often... Some drugs may cause increased peripheral destruction of white cells. Given that the patient started Lotensin 2 months before symptoms started, and neutropenia is rarely seen with Norvasc, doctors suspected Lotensin to be the cause of his drug-induced agranulocytosis (DIAG). Neutropenia can be due to a decrease in neutrophil production, accelerated usage of neutrophils, increased destruction of neutrophils, or a combination of all three factors. Numerous drugs have been associated with neutropenia.

White Blood Cell Disorders The mechanism of neutropenia can be varied depending on the drug. Some cases are sporadic in origin. Antithymocyte globulin or other types of therapy that suppress the activity of the immune system may be given by vein when a disorder such as aplastic anemia is present.When neutropenia is caused by another disorder (such as tuberculosis or leukemia or other cancers), treatment of the underlying disorder may resolve the neutropenia. Anything that disrupts this process can cause neutropenia. The range of neutrophil numbers in mild neutropenia is 1,000-1,500; the number in moderate neutropenia is 500-1,000; and the count in severe neutropenia is less than 500. Background and objectives: Drug-induced thrombocytopenia is a serious, but rare, side-effect of treatment with a number of drugs.

Lifestyle precautions for people with neutropenia include: © 2004-2020 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. This is the Consumer Version. Even if doctors cannot diagnose a specific infection, people who have neutropenia and fever are presumed to have an infection. Neutropenia describes a significant reduction in a type of white blood cell called neutrophils. We do not control or have responsibility for the content of any third-party site.Neutropenia, if severe, significantly increases the risk of life-threatening infection.Neutropenia is often a side effect of the treatment of cancer with chemotherapy or radiation therapy.Doctors suspect neutropenia in people who have frequent or unusual infections.A blood sample is used to make the diagnosis of neutropenia, and a sample of bone marrow may be needed if the cause is not apparent.Treatment depends on the cause and severity of the disorder and can include drugs to stimulate the body's production of neutrophils.Antibiotics are given if the person has neutropenia and fever or other signs of infection.Neutropenia may resolve quickly when the infection resolves or the exposure stops.The typical lower limit of the neutrophil count is about 1500 cells per microliter of blood (1.5 × 10When the neutrophil count falls below 500 cells per microliter (severe neutropenia), the risk of infection increases greatly.

The main complication of neutropenia is an increased risk of infection.

This condition is a medical emergency and occurs most commonly in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.

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