mini pill reddit gasex

I started the mini pill April 18.I didn’t have any spotting. And spotting.As far as effectiveness, the difference is minimal with perfect use (99.9 vs 99.5%), but many people can't keep to a rigid pill schedule.Combined pills also provide some protection against certain types of cancer if you take them longer term.I'm on the mini pill but I would much rather be on a combined pill again. Don’t recall any bad side effects or symptoms. I took the mini pill for 12 months after having my bub, not having any AF at all in that time. Why? Never hurt my supply, still dealing with acne but I think that’s more of a me problem than BC.Started Lo Loestrin Fe a week ago though and holy shit do I feel terrible. Seems development of POPs has not progressed, seems companies want to spin a new combo and cash in.Is there something I'm missing about the minipill that would explain why it isn't massively popular?The pill's biggest selling point is convenience. Ranting and gushing is welcome!Press J to jump to the feed.

My last day of the combined pill was April 12. I hear it’s pretty easy to get pregnant on it so just be aware of that.I started it at 6 weeks. Take a minipill once a day at the same time each day. I’m on mini pill now and doctor told me it’s not as effective at the traditional so I’m nervous about getting pregnant again. Also, it is fine while breastfeeding, but my doctor told me it only has a 90% success rate when not breastfeeding.I tried it when I was breastfeeding my first. Edit to add: she stated she was taking it correctly, also. Unlike combination birth control pills, the minipill — also known as the progestin-only birth control pill — doesn't contain estrogen. Don’t get breast tenderness at all, I had it before and it actually went away after I started the pill. Ladies, please be careful on the pill and make sure you read the instructions carefully! While I didn't have the migraines or nausea, it's got its own problems. Otherwise, nothing negative.Hi ladies, I take this pill daily as a birth control ( pcos, irregular cycles, months of no bleeding or months of bleeding in need of blood transfusion) and I wanted to know how were you taking them to get pregnant? I’m cautiously optimistic with the mini pill.I love the mini pill! To read more about this, follow this link – Not sure about the mini pill but I got pregnant on the traditional pill, I took it at the same time every day (had alarm set on phone to remind me) except for the odd chance I was out and left my pack at home. Posts focusing on the transition into living with your new little one and any issues that may come up. I started the mini pill April 18. It is FREE! When you finish a pack of pills, take a pill from a new pack the next day. Super positive for me overall.Loved it.

As I've read about the mini pill it's common for users to have irregular periods and spotting and all that stuff, and I've had to deal with it . If you want to get notified by every reply to your post, please register. It significantly damaged my supply.I’ve been on it a little over a year now.

The mini pill is much less convenient.There are many side effects that the mini pill has too. Visit your gynae on a regular basis for check-ups I’ve been on it like 6 months. illustration of mucus in cervix with labels. And I now have a Mirena because same hormones!

I went on the mini pill after I had my first baby and was breastfeeding. The minipill norethindrone (Camila , Ortho Micronor, others) is an oral contraceptive that contains the hormone progestin. We then used breastfeeding as contraception (since we were planning a second sometime anyway) which worked well for me but I know isn’t recommended.When I was breastfeeding the second, I had an iud, which I was very happy with I’ve been on it since September, two days after I started it I bled for about a week and haven’t had anything besides light spotting since then. $6.99 #39. Although they did become brown, dark brown, but that’s totally normal with the hormone I had. I’ve had zero bad side effects.
Love this pill.I was on Microlut (levonorgestrel) for a year after coming off the combo pill - also had migraines with aura. That said.

illustration of eggs not being released by ovaries . While breastfeeding, it stopped my periods. Nexplanon, Mirena, Depo) that are quite popular - presumably because they remove the need to be super-vigilant over taking a pill at the same time every day.Mini pills come with many of the same side effects (depending on the individual woman) as combined pills do.. plus irregular bleeding.Personally, I'd be way more enthusiastic about them if they didn't require taking them exactly on time every day. No libido changes, no emotional upheaval. Also just got pregnant, unplanned. It is kind of a pain to have to take it the same time every single day, but I just have an alarm set on my phone to make sure I always get it right.good: didn't get pregnant while on it bad: non-stop bleeding and it triggered my migraines. The risk of serious side effects like clots is super, super small though.There are good and bad things about this pill but if I could be back on my old pill, I would be.Agreed with everything, especially about the acne. For the first two months sex drive tanked as I was getting use to the pill, but after that my sex drive went to normal and actually landed a bit higher.

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