- The situation is the Christian path is democratic. Will print the data type for all dynamic reference objects. Effects that will be executed on the new dynamic country. Adds the specified resource in the specified amount to the current state. Optional. Changes the appearance of one of the sides within the balance of power. Decides which advisor slot gets used by the. Defaults to false. Optional. A complete, but unsorted, list of effects can be found in /Hearts of Iron IV/documentation/effects_documentation.html or /Hearts of Iron IV/documentation/effects_documentation.md. Defaults to true. r/hoi4modding guy here. Optional, defaults to false. Add mines to a strategic region for the current country. picture = The graphical reference of the picture of the leader. value = The new value of the flag on the scale from -2 147 483 648 to 2 147 483 647. value = The value to set it to: 0 or 1. name = The name to change the province to. Resets any changes to the current state's name. Using name is recommended because 1.11 made id obsolete. In the effect shown above, amount of equipment added is dynamic and can be set using the variable "eq_amount". setcontroller [] [province id], Gives Army, navy and air experience to player, pp(fuhrer_mana,political_power) [PP amount], Gives(or removes) political power to player, fuel 100000 (capped at your deposits capacity, adding much more will result in decreasing fuel), civilwar [] [], add_party_popularity . build_only_on_allied = No by default, if yes and in a country scope, it will only build on allied territories for the country scoped. trait = The trait to add. Displays a special tooltip for the specified mission in the effect tooltip. Steals a random tech bonus from the specified country. province = The province the middle of which to use as the entity's position. Necessary for country leaders. Adds coordination skill to the current navy leader. Age_ruler Command Help & Examples | EU4 Cheats - EU4 Console Commands List Multiple can be defined.technology = Which technology the bonus applies to. region = Strategic region where to damage units. Sets an AI strategy for the current scope. Removes the specified trait from the character. Can be chained indefinitely as FROM.FROM. The equipment must be unlocked by the producer for the effect to succeed. Changes the controller of all provinces within that state controlled by countries that meet triggers to the specified country. days = / Fires the event in the specified number of days. If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it. Sets a new balance of power or edits the existing one. (with the exception of convoy: 'ae 1000 convoy_1') To add ships, consider using instantconstruction(ic) (ic also effects AI). Toggles debug display of normals/bounding boxes/collision. 5 8 comments Best Add a Comment GolferRama 5 yr. ago Good question SeductionFocus 5 yr. ago Makes the specified country a subject of the current scope. This includes national spirits, laws, designers, and advisors (using the idea_token). Optional. scale = The size of the entity. This page was last edited on 26 February 2023, at 08:53. Executes contained effects on a random state that meets the limit and neighbours the state this is contained in. the one that'd take power if the country were to be switched to that ideology group) of the revolting ideology group will be kept by the country or join the revolt, yes resulting in the former. The effects here must be used within a country scope. The sound effect must be properly defined in. Moves the camera position over the specified state. num_provinces = The number of provinces used in the state. desc = The new description. Executes contained effects on every state that meets the limit and is owned by the country this is contained in. Unnecessary in most cases, as it's possible to create the unit leader role within an effect block mid-game. By default, the game stores advisor portraits in /Hearts of Iron IV/gfx/interface/ideas/, while country/unit leader portraits are stored in /Hearts of Iron IV/gfx/leaders//. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. visible = { } is a trigger block that the character must fulfill in order for the unit leader to be visible and possible to pick. Effects/create country leader | Hoi4 modding Wiki | Fandom Each file in there contains localisation keys with values that actually appear in-game assigned to them. modifier = The relation modifier to remove. The participating countries are the owners of the specified states. Optional. Executes contained effects on every country that meets the limit and is a subject of the country this is contained in. OR: Creates and adds the specified division template to the current scope. all will result in all states that meet the filter going to the breakaway. Equipment scopetype = The equipment the country is licensed to produce. Optional, defaults to false. It is not possible at present. If you want an effect to have a random chance to be done or have nothing happen otherwise, the random = { } block is the simplest way to accomplish that: This in particular will have an 80% chance to add 40% stability and 30% war support and, accordingly, a 20% chance to do nothing. Sets the current country as the faction spymaster. Does not work with the character ID. For now check the tag - coutnryname.txt located in history/countries/ and near the bottom you'll find all the leader info. id = 4321 The health of buildings is determined by the. Leaving it out completely or setting to -1 will make the character not have one. For more information, please see our IV'. Updated to the 1.12.5 version of Hearts of Iron 4 and the By Blood Alone DLC, Including all of the new portraits for Ethiopia, Italy, Switzerland, Italian East Africa, Albania, Montenegro and the Rif. Can also be used in division scope. Creates the specified equipment variant for the current scope. election_frequency = How often in months an election occurs. = Adds a modifier to the state. Political Power: +100 Creates a field marshal for the current scope with the specified attributes. Adds a random trait from the list to the character. Gives bonuses of reducing land doctrine cost to current scope. The following prompts are displayed. Using days = / or hours may still be bugged and will not fire the event. Turns off fog of war, only within a province if specified. These are the ideology types in base game across groups, defined in /Hearts of Iron IV/common/ideologies/*.txt: traits = { my_trait_1 my_trait_2 } is, similarly to advisors, a list of country leader traits that the country leader has, which would apply modifiers on the country if the character is leading the country. Old capital is remembered, if not specified otherwise. Changes the country leader's government type for the current scope. Releases the specified non-existent country as a free nation within the current country's controlled states. Shortened variant exists if the event's ID is used instead of arguments. Can be chained indefinitely as PREV.PREV. The current scope guarantees the target country. HOI4 Set_cosmetic_tag Command General Information This command will change the name and flag of the specified country to that of another country. A character has an advisor role added by defining one within the advisor = { } block. division_names_group = is_locked = Whether the division is locked to modification and deletion. Adds the nationality to the current operative. modifier = The opinion modifier to add. All rights reserved. Goes from 0 to 2. Yes by default. This is a community maintained wiki. = Rule's new value. However, this effect does not let you use a variable as equipment type. A weight of 0 will result in it never appearing for randomly-generated unit leaders. Each one is defined within the leader_traits = { } block as a separate entry with the name of the trait's ID. owner = The owner of the division. uses = The amount of times the bonus can be used, default 1.ahead_reduction = The cost reduction if ahead of time, default 0.category = Which technology category the bonus applies to. 2019, frameAnimatedSpriteType instead of a regular spriteType, start_civil_war effect for keeping unit leaders, special modifiers type that can be used in ideas, The list of skills defined for unit leaders earlier in the page, https://hoi4.paradoxwikis.com/index.php?title=Character_modding&oldid=60520, Play side = The side whose GFX to change. Generates a random name if not set. promote_leader = Will promote the leader to be the leader of the assigned party. Reduces the overall equipment stockpile by the specified fraction. Adds the specified trait to the current character. command to call them up. Hi. Select state for state run scope, no scope = country scope, ex: Select Danzig state -> eval_effect POL_remove_danzig_effect = yes. I tried using the command from the wiki, but it didn't work. Cheesing the game, console commands, or literally anything else. defender = / The defender state.attacker_win = Makes the attacker the winner.defender_win = Makes the defender the winner. Effects that change the scope include the following: The following scopes can be used either as effect or trigger scopes; some can also be used as the right side of some effects and triggers as a target. limit = { }Will only delete units if the triggers within are met for the country that owns the units. the same coordinate system that the map uses. Removes every unit leader role from the character. Optional. Adds the specified amount of manpower to the current state. There are 3 ways to edit the tooltip within an effect block: For example, this sample focus' completion reward utilises all three: In this case, send_event_to_subjects_tt and reject_war_tt are localisation keys defined within any /Hearts of Iron IV/localisation/english/*_l_english.yml file encoded with UTF-8-BOM, assuming the English language. Recalls the current scope's attach from the specified country. navy_ratio = The size of the naval forces that the breakaway country gets. traits = { }The traits the leader spawns with. Also of note, commands may not work in ironman games by design. Adjusts the number of research slots the current scope has. There is a specific list of effects that can instantly change the game. Removes a country leader role from a character. Can be used as a scope.Province scopeall_provinces = Affect all provinces. If the current country is independent, will do nothing. Adds to the current stability value for the current scope. Spawns an air combat in desired location. Optional.random_hours = / Adds a random number (between 0 and random_hours, inclusive) of hours to the scheduled fire time. is_locked = Whether the division is locked or not. Optional.days = The duration of the buff. gfx = The sprite to change the GFX to. When used as a target rather than a scope, the var: can be omitted in most cases. Optional.Equipment scopetype = The name of the equipment to produce.creator = The country which is producing the equipment. Only define one of to_state_array, to_state, or to_province. Say Donald Trump is the leader for the Conservative Party, but then how would I make another Republican, say, Rand Paul, leader of that political party. Use modify_character_flag instead. If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it. Necessary for country leaders. Sets the legitimacy of governments in exile. keep_all_characters = yesIf true, the revolter will have no characters from the original country transferred to them. override_model = Enforces the entity used by the units using this template to be the specified one. Optional.efficiency = The initial production efficiency. 3. If using state province/target province, the game will link those two provinces. browser [url] Open the browser window and load the specified [URL]. If the decision is on cooldown, it gets removed, in order to reactivate or remove completely. Sets the animation of a specified entity. The units to add to the template. Activates the specified targeted decision for the specified target for the current scope. Is there any way for me to change the leader of one of my puppets with a console command? Equipment modules are defined within /Hearts of Iron IV/common/units/equipment/modules/*.txt. Change faction leader : r/hoi4modding by Dr_Crapule Change faction leader Hello everyone. Questions, Paradox Executes contained effects on a random division that meets the limit and is owned by the current country. air_ratio = The size of the airforce that the breakaway country gets. Here is an example using unnested if statements: Within the tooltip, only effects that would be executed are shown. Prints out the profiling informations into time.log, Runs the specified file with list of commands, trigger_docs(effect_docs, scripting_docs, docs), Print docs for triggers, effects, and variables, Documentation for triggers/effects printed to game.log file, If one does "threat 999999999" it will reset the world tension to 0, PostEffectVolumes.Default [posteffect_values name], *as of 1.01 this does not seem to work (filed under developer-only command) This command can be emulated via the day/night loop option at the bottom right toolbar (shortcut key 'N'). Executes contained effects on every army leader that meets the limit and is recruited by the country this is contained in. disband = If true, will refund equipment and manpower. Questions, Paradox Sets the row on which the trait is located. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Syntax set_cosmetic_tag [country tag] [country tag] Examples set_cosmetic_tag ENG FRA Executing the above command would change the name and flag of England (ENG) to that of France (FRA). Displays a special tooltip for the specified decision in the effect tooltip. Turns the current operative against their own country, transferring them to the specified country. Hides the effects of the trait, replacing the tooltip with the value of this localisation key. Optional.war_support_reduction_on_damage = The bonus to grant. 2nd: set_ruling_party fascism. Deprecated. Removes the specified trait from the current unit leader. Optional.hours = / Fires the event in the specified number of hours. Now use 'add_equipment 1000 Matilda LP Mk. Changes the number of shared building slots for the current state. For example, the following will add 10% Stability to the country this is executed on if it has positive Political Power and below 90% stability: If the limit is not met, then none of the effects inside will be executed. Executes contained effects on every country that meets the limit and borders the country this is contained in. If the current country has a core on a state transferred to the released country, the core will be lost. on_cancel = The event to fire for the side on a draw. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. name = The name used for the character. No tooltip is generated. Make sure to save the file with ANSI encoding format. See Variables for information on the variable effects. Additionally, countries with the same ruling ideology group but a different leader ideology type will have the Same Ideology ( +10 Opinion) modifier towards each other, while countries with the same leader ideology type will have the Same Ruling Party ( +20 Opinion) modifier towards each other. This can be bypassed by putting an effect within a hidden event fired immediately within the focus or by reloading the same focus tree with load_focus_tree set to keep completed focuses, marking the focus as complete, before using the effect. use_nuke = Whether a nuke should be deducted from the country's stockpile. Adds the specified amount of army experience to the current scope. Open 'Documents\Paradox Interactive\Hearts of Iron IV\settings.txt' with a text editor and change "save_as_binary=yes" to "save_as_binary=no". States that are owned but not controlled will be transferred to the released country, but won't be controlled by it. left_side = The left side of the BoP. Modifiers | Hoi4 modding Wiki | Fandom Adds a dynamic modifier to the specified scope (the default scope is ROOT). Optional.random = / Adds a random number (between 0 and random, inclusive) of hours to the scheduled fire time. The picture is defined in any /Hearts of Iron IV/interface/*.gfx file as a spriteType with the name of GFX_trait_. Optional.cannot_retreat_while_attacking = The bonus to grant. We've rolled similar guides for Victoria. I'm trying to learn how to code for hoi4 mods and I tried making a 2020 election event. z = The Z position of the entity. last_election = When the last election was. Module scope = The modules configuration for the variant. Optional.set_root = Sets the scope of ROOT in scripted localization. end of event). Shared buildings slots being the ones used for multiple building types, such as military or civilian factories. How to leave a faction as faction leader :: Hearts of Iron IV General trait = The trait to remove. This is done by creating a new file and renaming it, changing the extension to .gfx from .txt. No tooltip is shown. Valve Corporation. Assigns a type to the trait, which gets used to assign which characters are able to receive it. Optional, defaults to being the same as default. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with Hearts of Iron IV. Localisation is defined by using the trait's name as a localisation key within any localisation file, with an entry as my_trait: "My trait". name_group = The name group used for equipment. Cookie Notice Makes the current scope drop the current cosmetic tag they are using. Adds a claim for the specified country on the current scope. In events, this refers to the country that sent the event. Adds the specified amount of navy experience to the current scope. Changes the specified portraits of a character. Changes the country leader's description. Sets the order of battle to be used for the current country's divisions, overriding every other non-naval and non-air order of battle. The filename with the. The current scope and any subjects automatically join the faction. Adds defense skill to the current unit leader. If set to "auto", will pick automatically. target_state = If using start state/target state, the game will pick the provinces with the best supply available. Otherwise, recruiting this character will make every other advisor without an idea token specified disappear from the selection. Localization replacements - Hoi4 modding Wiki | Fandom available_to_spy_master = Whether the operative can be recruited by the spy master. Makes this specified trait show up in the combat menu among other bonuses. Grants the specified country a license to produce the specified equipment from the current scope. Meanwhile, my_variable will take the value of the according temp variable or the current scope's variable as the weight of the option. Can only be used if using RTTI. Can teleport units where ever you tell them to go, Allows to use all diplomatic actions for no matter the rules. division_cap = The maximum amount of divisions that this template may have; requires the template to be locked. Use with. If they agree, we get the following for each subject: After completing the focus, the only thing that happens is that every subject country receives an event with the ID of my_event.1, the country does not immediately gain 100 political power. expire = 1949.1.1 marks the date at which the leader expires. and our The effects within an unfulfilled if statement (or an else/else_if that's not read due to the if statement being met) will be hidden from the player, and so will the trigger. Adds the specified ideas to the current scope for the specified number of days. To do that, navigate to the folder where the game is contained, then to the /Hearts of Iron IV/localisation/english/ folder. end_civil_wars = Will end any civil wars the subject is subject to. If the start date is after this amount, they cannot be used, even if recruited. id = intA number ID which can be referred to by other effects. Loads the specified order of battle for the current scope, applying the effects within. If the character shouldn't do anything until later, then it can have no roles defined, with one getting added later on via an effect. Toggles the special game rules for the current scope's political party. end_wars = Will end any wars the subject is involved in. 4. ideology = The ideology type of the character. days = / The number of days to add to the mission. If the name or the portrait are not defined, this also decides how exactly it will be generated. all_provinces = yes If the initial limit within if = { } is false, it moves on to the next else_if = { }, checking the limit there. Console commands use internal IDs, which may be obtained in a variety of different ways. state = State where to damage units. To put what each skill level grants to the leader in more detail: Navy leaders: +5% hit chance, +2% fleet coordination. Changes the currently playing soundtrack. can_be_fired = no assigns the advisor as impossible to fire manually. Makes the specified trait be marked as a parent, making it be required to pick the current trait and drawing the line in the menu. No by default. Sub-units are defined in /Hearts of Iron IV/common/units/*.txt files. Triggers that must be met in order to gain experience that'd make assigning this trait possible. If the limit there is false, then it moves on to the next one, until hitting an end or an else = { }. type = The equipment type the variant is of. days = Sets the flag to last for the specified amount of days. Makes the current scope the owner of the specified state. Removes a claim by the specified country on the current scope. Adds the specified trait to the current unit leader for the specified duration. Sends a demand to our every subject. message = The reason for peace showing up in the pop-up. For example: The country defined by the tag or tag alias. Syntax Sets the currently-facing angle of an existing entity. Toggles the locked status on a division template for the current scope, which prevents editing or deletion. Units leader traits are defined in any /Hearts of Iron IV/common/unit_leader/*.txt file, possible to assign to unit leader characters of any type as well as operatives. Search Our Database of 304 EU4 Console Commands Pikes at the Ready >> logistics_skill = The logistics skill of the leader. Toggles the special game rules for the current scope in diplomacy towards the specified country only. To use these Hearts of Iron 4 cheats, you'll first have to open the game's command console. For example, if you wanted an effect to randomly given the player one out of four bonuses, you'd do the following: The number is not the chance, but the weight for each option, as they don't have to add up to 100 or any number. Deprecated. Toggles the pausebanner for nicer screenshots. Optional. Optional, defaults to the current scope. Specifying a country tag as a second argument will result in this command changing the age of that country's ruler. Sets the current stability value for the current scope. choose your leader. Note that while it's common to put the characters in a file with the name the same as the tag of the country, the filename does not actually matter aside from organisation and for overwriting previously-loaded files with the same name. Optional, 0 by default. This serves as an effect block with an additional limit = { } argument, which is a trigger block where each trigger must be met for the scope being checked. priority = The priority the template receives in receiving supplies. Syntax remove_trait [ruler trait id] DLC: Rights of Man Ruler Trait ID The ID of the trait you wish to remove from your ruler. The template has to be locked first. That's great and all, but having King Edward VIII as the leader of my fascist puppet is annoying and immersion breaking. ideology = Sub-ideology of the leader where to swap traits. Sets the current war support value for the current scope. add_latest_equipment(ale) [], Gives player amount of latest equipment variants. Lists currently active flags in the console windows. Optional.progress = The initial production progress. Cookie Notice Transfers the specified ratio of Equipment, Army, Navy, and Airforce to the specified country. Saves the current scope as a key. portrait = The new portrait. decision = The decision to activate. (Can declare war without justification), This is likely the most effective way of wanting to start a war. Forces the current scope to join the war of the specified ally against the specified enemy. Is cleared once execution ends (i.e. visible = The scripted trigger that must be met for a country for it to see the entity. The following arguments go within division = "": to_state_array = The state array the armies will get teleported to.to_province = The province the armies will get teleported to.to_state = The state the armies will get teleported to. An easy way to tell internal IDs is debug mode. desc = The localisation used as the rule's description. str_damage = The percentage of damage done to units to strength in particular. Current scope is the winner, target and its subjects are the losers. uses = Number of times the cost reduction can be used. Locks all division templates for the current scope. keep_unit_leaders_trigger = { }Trigger block checked for every unit leader that forces them to be kept if they meet the triggers. Displays a localized key in the effect tooltip. Character scope:large = The sprite used as a country leader. Changes the current state category to the specified category. planning_skill = The planning skill of the leader. Sets the order of battle to be used for the current country's divisions, overriding every other keyed order of battle that uses the same key. slot = Slot of the character. Executes contained effects on a random country that meets the limit and borders the country this is contained in. These can only be used with characters of the country leader type. Defaults to 1. If it is, then each one will be. Upgrades are defined within /Hearts of Iron IV/common/units/equipment/upgrades/*.txt. By default, the gender is set to male, and female is the only other option. How to change party leader, country tags etc : r/hoi4modding - reddit Adds an off-map building for the current scope that produces its effects without being present in a state. The list of effects may be outdated. If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it. Multiple can be defined. EQ_TYPE is a bit more complicated, it is being replaced by a scripted localization. Like most games, Hearts of Iron IV has a command console that will let you shortcut your way to various outcomes with the help of some console commands. The autonomy_free state will free the subject. "all" will remove all wargoals. target = The country to steal from. ideology group has shortcuts d f n c for vanilla HOI groups. Only possible to use if the division scope is the same as the ROOT scope. The news event uses a different interface to the country event. Optional. Makes a country a government in exile in a set country, with a set starting legitimacy. ideology = The sub-ideology of the country leader role to which the trait is added. Localisation is defined by using the trait's name as a localisation key within any localisation file, with an entry as my_trait: "My trait". Hoi4 modding Wiki 110 pages Explore Project folder Keywords Other things Effects/create country leader < Effects View source create_country_leader = { name = "Peter II" desc = "POLITICS_PETER_II_DESC" picture = "Portrait_Yugoslavia_Peter_II.dds" expire = "1965.1.1" ideology = despotism traits = { } }
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