A New Chapter, About to Be Published,Amboy Journal, April 30, 1879, 1. David recalled his father killed most of his wild game in the fall when it was the fattest and harvested about 100 deer each year along with bear, elk, and small animals. See Jirah Mumford & Co., in the Harmony Township Tax Assessment records from 18261831. The oldest sons of Isaac and Elizabeth Hale were mature when the family finished their frame home, and they may have preferred their independence staying in the log home where they had grown up. But I have not been able to reconcile the known data with this possibility. William Colbert, A Journal of the Travels of William Colbert Methodist Preacher thro parts of Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, Delaware, and Virginia in 1790 [to 1798], Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University. Caleb Carmalt eventually transferred all of his unpaid mortgages to Robert H. Rose for collection, Caleb Carmalt Accounts, Rose Family Papers. TheCommentarybecame one of the principal Methodist theological resources, and Peck indicated he had read it and believed Clarkes arguments supporting a Trinitarian view (Peck,Early Methodism,395).Peck also indicates John Comfort had access to C. Giles book,Dagon of Calvinism; or, the Young Hammerer,which may have been borrowed or owned (Peck,Early Methodism,257). 36. The pinkish purple blossoms of Jo Pye weed along the road had long since faded, and now the bright yellows of the towering chestnuts in the river floodplain, the muted browns of the oaks leaning over the road, the brilliant reds of the maples in groves on the higher, south-facing mountain slopes, and the deep greens of the six hundred year old hemlocks on the north facing mountainsides all began to rise and fall in a pattern familiar to Vermont emigrants. Several decades later, in 1825 Isaacs sons Jesse and Ward bought the Traves sawmill, and the illiterate John and Mercy Travis both signing their X for the transaction.143 Some of the millers, sawyers and workmen of these mills were among the earliest converts to Mormonism.144. 189. Born 21 Mar 1763 in New Haven, Connecticut. In December 1827, with financial support from Martin Harris,[1]:8 the couple decided to move to Harmony, where they reconciledto some extentwith Emma's parents. Buck served as the first permanent minister stationed in the Everlasting Hills.166 He found success in his attempt to spread religious conviction, and he developed a congregation downriver eight miles from the Hale home. When Mumford left Harmony Township in 1831, the 434 acres of unseated lands were initially listed again under Joseph Smith then Joseph was crossed out and Jacob was written above it. 1829, Appendix 1: Agreement of Josiah Stowell and Others, 1 November In 1813, Jesse Hale turned twenty-one and reached legal adult age. 61. Drinker, impressed with the good heartedness of his steward named the area HARMONY in respect of the Hilborns who were Quakers, (Abner H. Baird, Deeds, Wills, Maps, Pictures, and Historical Information of the Joseph Smith and Isaac Hale Farms, L. Tom Perry Special Collections, Brigham Young University). Ever bent on elevating the situation of her family, Lucy gushed about the Hale home in a later reminiscence when she noted the ma[n]sion in which they lived [was] a large neatly finished frame with convenient appendage necessary. Their mansion, she recalled, was pleasantly situated, and it stood on an extensive and well cultivated farm.11 Not only did they live in a home full of comforts, according to Lucy, but she seemed to believe their circumstances added to their moral standing. This was considered one of the miracles the couple experienced together. Mudge,American Camp-Meeting Hymn Book,11. 31. Read more about Smith being put on trial for cheating Josiah Stowell in Brodie's No Man Knows My History, appendix A. Emma (Hale) Bidamon (1804-1879) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree Numerous contemporary sources suggest a large group of treasure diggers stayed on the Isaac and Elizabeth Hale property in 1825 and perhaps as early as 1824. Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,429. Letter For My Wife Rebuttal, Part 6: The Early Church - The Translation Collection of the LDS Church History Department. Everyone in the valley assisted each other in their daily tasks during social events where this combination of work and play were known as frolics. Frolics were occasions for dancing, eating, and socializing while settlers raised barns, husked corn, quilted fabric, or other tasks usually completed as a community. The first of Isaac and Elizabeth Hales children to leave were those daughters who had married husbands from outside the community. The Hale family had a 130-acre farm, with orchards of apples and pears, a large garden, and groves of maple trees. It puts his conversion to early 1779, however, which is a year before his parents were supposedly converted. See Timothy Pickering to Levi and James Westfall, June 15, 1825, Susquehanna County Property Deeds, 5: 41819; Samuel and Mary Hodgdon to James Westfall, April 21, 1823, Susquehanna County Property Deeds, 23: 61516; Israel and Patty Skinner to Joseph McKune, Susquehanna County Property Deeds, 23:616. But Isaac, who did not have the same experiences in Vermont, and had resisted full involvement in Methodism for several years even when Lewis preached and promoted it, apparently had an independent spirit and was not inclined to adopt his brother-in-laws perspective. Black and Black, Annotated Record of Baptisms for the Dead, 6:3355; Susquehanna Co, PA, Wills and Administrations, 18121921, vol. 139. [17], Emma was baptized by Oliver Cowdery on June 28, 1830, in Colesville, New York,[13] where an early branch of the church was established. This conclusion is supported by a shift in the tax record on December 31, 1823, when David was taxed for one house and his fathers assessment dropped from two houses to one.254 Davids financial ledger from the period also indicates his store was on or near his fathers property by 1824, and the log home is the only candidate for both a residence and store.255, George Peck wrote notes on each sermon he delivered at Isaac Hales, he recalled he preached at . A hoe found at the site suggests it may have been more than simply a hunting camp since women worked there too. Isaac Hale had initially welcomed Smith when he came to Harmony, Pennsylvania where Emma grew up, looking for a place to stay and continue his translation of the Golden Plates from which the Book of Mormon would be translated from. 208. Isaac believed that Joseph was a treasure seeker and con artist. 251. The turnpike crossed the river at the bridge into Lanesville where it continued south past what locals called the Vermont settlement on Tyler Road. Emma first met Joseph Smith Jr. in 1825, while he boarded with her family. Arah began to build a second, larger home until the dam to his mill gave out and destroyed his home and livelihood. For more information, please see our Joseph Lewis recalled his childhood home where he lived with his father, Nathaniel Lewis, as our home and residence,Joseph and Hiel Lewis, Mormon History. And she wrote them of the great city her fellow believers were building called Nauvoo where the entire Hale family could come to live, even if they did not accept her religion.291. After concluding their new Methodist minister was more interested in money than he was in fulfilling his ministerial duties, Comfort wrote, My Dear Son if this is christianity or Methodism How I have been deceived for more than thirty eight years.284. 142. 233. Upham,Life of Timothy Pickering,4:119. For instance the scaffolding for building A. Lathrops chimney yet remains & looks as if it had withstood many a wintry storm; but the chimney is scarcely raised as high as the roof of his house.146. Remains of the stone portion of a stringer fence along the Carmalt eastern property line. 63. Versaggi, personal communication to author, September 13, 2013. But when Catlins neighbor turned up a brass kettle with his plow, he thought that might have been the one he heard about and returned it to the Indians.266 Blackman observed of the Westfall property, On the draft of a survey made by a Pennsylvania agent in 1785, six small wigwams are marked . Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,102. During that year, Buck was charged with teaching false doctrine, leading some members of his congregation to try removing him from his position. Wilkinson,Annals of Binghamton,102. . 290. Winter approached, and one long-time resident, fifty-five-year-oldJosiah Stowell had a wagon full of men from the vicinity of Palmyra, New York, he was bringing to work in Harmony Township before they could no longer dig the frozen ground. 216. Both families were financially well placed and both played a significant role in community life. Albert Clarke, Methodist Episcopal Church, Lanesboro, Penn., Centennial Celebration, March 35, 1912, Susquehanna County Historical Society. Joseph Smith's Witchcraft, Scrying and Arrest 1820 - 1827 Against the wishes of Emma's father, Emma and Joseph married on January 18, 1827. Clarke suggest William Smith married Moses Comstocks daughter and settled in the valley in 1791, the year after he notes Hale and Lewis settled the valley. When he reported receiving a calling from God to take his father's place as head of a "New Organization" of the Latter Day Saint church, she supported his decision. 5 Member of Methodist church. Emma and her family remained rich in real estate but poor in capital. thursday morning perhaps nine oclockwas a number standing aroundJason spoke to me & said would wish to speak to meI slipd around the log house & he asked me if I had seen Ashbel Munson & Hill told him I had seen them . Chaffee,History of the Wyoming Conference, 37. Stocker,Centennial History of Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, 543. However, as the time passed Isaac had concerns about Joseph's character and history. 119. Life on the Hale farm remained difficult and isolated during the early years of settlement. . Menu and widgets They introduced a variety of doctrinal innovations through revelation, and they discussed using their rods to find treasure to finance a New Jerusalem.83 While it is not clear if Woods followers identified themselves by a particular name, it may have been something akin to modern Israelites or Jews.84Outsiders called them Rodsmen. . Smith, and his father, with several other "money-diggers" boarded at my house while they were employed in digging for a mine that they supposed had been opened and worked by the Spaniards, many years since. Isaac and Elizabeth Halecontinued to welcome new babies into their family with the births of a string of girls and Isaacs namesake boy pressed in the middle. George Peck,The Life and Times of Rev. After Joseph and Emma Hale Smiths marriage, they returned to the neighborhood that became for them a significant place in their familys timeline. isaac hale father of emma smith - mathieu-pfennings.be 231. Pvt Isaac Hale (1763-1839) - Find a Grave-reminne She gave God glory for his boundless love to sinners.222 As he heard this prayer, the uncle resolved to give up his sins similar to Isaac Hales example a few years earlier. The outlines of this figure were plainly visible to the earliest white visitors of this valley. Wilkinson,Annals of Binghamton,102, reported, Major Buck . The detailed reports of this excavation are available in the unpublished documents: Hartgen Archaeological Associates, Inc., Report, Historic Sites, Church Historians Office, 2005; Hartgen Archeological Associates, Inc., Archeological Field Investigations and Addenda 1 and 2, Joseph Smith Jr. House Site, Town of Oakland (Formerly Harmony), Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, May 2005. The Smiths lived in the homestead until 1843, when a much larger house, known as the "Mansion House" was built across the street. I don't know how nine children fit in that little house. The first two men to have frame homes built along the east bend of the Susquehanna River were also prominent Quakers who brought their Society of Friends beliefs with them from southern Pennsylvania. 27. She is buried in the Catholic Cemetery at Nauvoo, Illinois. REVOLUTIONARY WAR VETERAN --- This brief bio text was created by Tim Troxell, who initiated Mr. Hale's memorial: Isaac Hale was born to Reuben and Diantha (Ward) Hale. --- The below. Isaac later described Elizabeth as my esteemed friend and wife of my youth.56 His perspective of husband and wife relationships is suggested in later trial testimony where Isaac recalled a neighbor had asked if he could borrow a canoe to carry his wife and children down to Munsons [Tavern] where his wifes mother lived. Hale responded, I told him [the] canoe was not fit to carry women in.57 Hale also shared the view of his contemporaries that a prospective husband needed to have a home and property prepared for his prospective bride to set up house before he could marry her.58 When Isaac left Vermont, Elizabeth was barely thirteen. Cowdery continued a scribe for Smith until the Book of Mormon was completed as I supposed and understood. The Value of what Joseph Smith's Disapproving Father-in-Law Said About The Lewis family arrived among the earliest settlers, and they would have spent most of their time clearing land to make it productive. Upon Joseph's death, Emma was left a pregnant widow. But an examination of overall land values suggests a modest drop in value between 18601861 from $600 to $575 which may indicate the removal of a rear kitchen or other modest structure on the property. Wilkinson,Annals of Binghamton,35. 218. King notes, drawing on her own work and that of other archaeologist, that while rural taverns show more evidence of food preparation in the archaeological record than do urban taverns, there is still an abundance of ceramic fragments for drinking paraphernalia along with those for other socializing activities, such as group smoking, at both types of taverns (18). Welch was listed variously as a Lieutenant, Captain, and on his tombstone as a Major. Shortly after the couple rode away from the hiding place, a small mob came over and searched the wagon for the golden plates. Quary was responsible for capturing smugglers, but this time he was convinced the men he captured were not just smuggling goods into Pennsylvania but had taken a detour somewhere to bury Kidds famous treasure in its mountains.65 Where, he did not know. Willingborough Township, 1798 Direct Tax. John Comfort, one of the wealthiest men in the valley, a close friend of Isaac Hale and a member of the same Methodist congregation, regularly reported his success to a son in letters. Doing so, he apparently jumped to conclusions about a temple site because of the Joseph Smith names. Blackman noted that the region is filled with sources of salt, Emily Blackman, Susquehanna County, in William H. Egle, ed.,An Illustrated History of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania(Harrisburg: De Witt C. Goodrich & Co., 1876), 1019. George Peck (Early Methodism, 33233) related a story as he heard it from Nathaniel Lewis where Nathaniel asked to try Joseph Smiths spectacles to translate strange tongues from Adam ClarkesCommentary and Critical Notes on the Holy Bibleinto English. Ben Pykles, personal communication to author, December 28, 2011. But it is not clear how productive these mills were or how long they stayed in operation. For details about John Lewis as minister in Harmony, New York, see, Elder John Lewis, and Harmony, Feb. 22, 1826, Elial T. Foote Papers, Chautauqua County Historical Society; McClurg Museum, Westfield, New York, 2:37 and 26:137. 35. Joseph and Isaac Hale, Emma's father, had a tumultuous relationship due to Emma and Joseph eloping, Joseph's treasure digging, and Isaac's frustration with Joseph constantly borrowing. As "protecting the morals of the community" became her mission, Smith supported the public confession of sins; on this subject, Smith called the women of Nauvoo to repentance with "all the frankness of a Methodist exhorter. Amy Wallace, Gold Lures Geologists to Connecticut,The New York Times,July 8, 1986, accessed April 10, 2015, www.nytimes.com/1986/07/08/science/gold-lures-geologists-to-connecticut.html. 267. Department. Emma became its founding president,[7] with Sarah M. Cleveland and Elizabeth Ann Whitney as her counselors.
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