Zinc You're having your discs or protruding and your disc. We got this, this and this and this. OK, well here's my way. My kids are having drive by birthday parties where they drive by with fucking bounce. It's so simple and it's so delicious because it's just fire and wood. Have you had an MRI? It feels like I'm on I don't know what it feels like, but I would imagine it would feel something like this was the increased cardiovascular benefit. I mean, I don't I certainly. I think in the next couple of months we'll have more therapeutics than we have right now. And he was pretty certain that that ventilators actually cause damage and actually could induce damage where it's like making it worse. As an expert in vitamin D, Rhonda Partick has revealed her most current research regarding the effect of vitamin D including: The aging process So so when you're younger and if you have it, it actually enhances immune function. I feel from the sauna that Charles Raisen published, you know, and that doctor, Dr. Mason, will hopefully carry on the torch. Hibernation/no motivation to do anything is maybe the most common symptom of depression. Rhonda Patrick Supplements - What Does She Take? - Drug Genius I'm definitely not going to do it the way it was before. Do so I that. It's really interesting studies that have been done where I don't know who volunteers for these studies, but like sign me up to get influenza. You know, good electrolyte I guess with the sodium. The weight is behind you. Yeah. So I need to, I just can't, I can't ever let it go. You know, if you if you eat enough of that, you should be getting enough. Pretty sure your title is a little bit on the spectrum. And this is one of the reasons why I really wanted to talk to you right now. A fucking dollar. And so I just go into like crazy mode and I like I like somehow like crawled from our bedroom all the way out to the living room. But you know that I am taking zinc is also a positive ion. Yeah. Yeah. Xylitol gum. They they call it the Banyo. Yeah. You're hanging by your ankles and decompressing your spine. Yeah yeah yeah. So, I mean, if you if you get a sample like there's been these series of surveys where they basically that just means they both get get a sample of plasma and look for different antibodies, viral antibodies, and they'll find at any given point a person has like antibodies against 10 different viruses just randomly, you know, so you're you're constantly being exposed to viruses. Now, I'm like, we've got to be careful. They're like, yeah, you have appendicitis. Yeah. I mean, I'm sure I do lots of announcements there. So basically, you look at these little worms under a microscope, still only about half a million, half a millimeter. and she has reactive airways. So I went in. Under normal circumstances, this is very important. You know, so that's a big concern. It's like if you if you see something plus we're doing like kitchen sink. So take an important step for your family today. Cause there's so many studies published. I've seen a guy who wears one of those, but he's diabetic. And a good thing about that is that have you heard of antibody dependent enhancement? What about if you get active, if he exercises. Can we can we get into vitamin. I don't want to be manufacturing a take or trying to, like, come up with some sort of a hot take on how I feel. Popcorn. It's also density. But that's been probably the biggest thing, by the way. And they just want to spew. So like people like giving giving the vaccine people's immune response, some people can have that antibody dependent enhancement. I love like I love Bob. It's really awful. It was, it was like, OK, now, now we're cooking and I was sweating up a storm. So what is the difference? So you can have like two hundred and fifty pounds or whatever it is, but it's all being carried. Also, not sure it takes much of a genius to figure this out, at least in the sense that no sun = no vitamin D = issues. We said, OK, yeah, brain drive DNF brain derive nootropic factor. Yeah, and it's it's because it's because they have darker skin. I know. 20 minutes into it at 210. I mean, it's crazy. She suggests the optimal range is a blood concentration between 40 - 60 ng/ml. And I'm like, I'm not going to get naked before, like a conference. And and then just more and more studies came out where it was not not only not helpful, it was, you know, toxic. I've had helped fund new study she's going to be doing where she's going to get depressed patients to basically be exposed to this sauna. So it was like twice as much and the other and the ginger lemon one. BeWellBuzz. That's a giant factor in your immune system. Yeah, especially being outside. It's probably the message you and say I'll do it. You can do online. But yes, January, all those vitamin D deficiency is lower for sure. OK, thanks for being here. Even if even if they're wrong, they just love to, like, fixate on confirmation bias. And then I think you might have moved to Sherman Oaks anyway. So that's a marker a month. That's number one. Right, the colonel. Right. Like, tell me like how much time I'm in deep sleep. I'm just taking 5000 right now because that's like I could buy the five. Joe Rogan Experience & Dr. Rhonda Patrick on Fasting. My dentist is a really great and he did an X-ray. So, like, what if there's, I don't know, the CMB, you know, percentage there, but what if the coronaviruses are going around there? It's thought the sars-cov-2 also does it because it goes through the same enters through the same receptor. But it's a godsend. I mean, I test everyone that comes in here. Her multivitamin alone contains 2,0010IU of vitamin D. In the past, she has stated the vitamin D brand she uses is Thorne D3 which offers 5,000iu and 1,000iu capsules. It's far infrared and they use it. And so, you know, like another really interesting kind of thing is like, you know, there's so the sars-cov-2 virus is part of a family of of coronaviruses called the beta coronaviruses. I mean, there's been some small studies looking at you're talking about performance enhancements. And so I've been able to, you know, help, help with connections. In the early days of social media before I got a handle on it idea like, fuck, this is stress. And right when it all went down, I was like, OK, one day, one day later, we'll do it. But this mask and it's like inside when you're in places, I think like if you're going grocery shopping. So actually, it's actually I don't want to go into this, but yeah, no, I don't get cancer. Dr. Rhonda Patrick on The Joe Rogan Experience #1474 I wanted to tell you this Xyloto. Yeah. But but the popcorn. It's like the missing link. Chemist at something. That's amazing, as is the pregnancy, and he's like, no, he's like we get women coming in here after, it's like worse. It doesn't do anything to the two receptor levels. You know, that certainly helps. Yeah, no. I forget all of this stuff. But to particular in that spike protein region, that's like an important region because antibodies bind there and because that's the region like that, you know, the virus uses to get into the cell. And then we're going to you know, we're doing some other things, vitamin C, three grams, three times a day, and then vitamin B one can talk about that thiamin as well. Yeah. You know, there's there studies that have shown people and I love these studies because because they basically take away people's complaints about, you know, there's lots of epidemiological studies showing that low vitamin D is associated with disease X, Y or Z, and everyone's like, well, you know, they're out and they're not in the sun as much. But the hotels, maybe, yeah. Yes, so I can get the humidity, like if I get it up to 50 percent, I feel like I'm like like I'm burning. Eventually I'm like, OK, I got to go back to the dentist because, you know, pregnancy makes your teeth worse. Joe Rogan's ENTIRE episode with Dr. Rhonda Patrick broken into short audio clips for . It's like there's a subset of C reactive protein. So, I mean, that's the there is there is a push for looking, but not all depressed patients have. But that's interesting because your neutrophils, your neutrophils generate hydrogen peroxide. They're treating us like we're infants. And there's been some. And it was burning. But what's interesting is that there's there's actually been a genetic link to this this mutant. And then what's interesting is that like those levels you take, if you take 200, 200 milligrams, it's that doesn't do much. The American Buffalo folks that's on the label, the buffalo on the label actually has testicles. So the intravenous vitamin C is like generating hydrogen peroxide. Right. What are you talking about. Every day. Most of these studies are about a month. Yeah. I mean I mean, it's just kind of a mess where initially it seemed like it could be helpful. My fitness Twitter. Yeah. Surely people are going to be looking looking at that. I like that for that. And what's interesting is that there's been tons of like genetic studies done on like, you know, identical twins and they're followed over time. It shows you like really accurate sleep. There it is. So that was the Philippines. Too bad. So yeah, there's a hot Basar like the only the only really choice if you don't have a hot sauna, no pomes on it. What is rhonda patrick a doctor of? Oh, and it's showed there's also studies showing that it decreases the incidence of I'm talking about staphylococcus mutans because it's only when I remember. Like you're like I'm already physically active. You know, she's she's not like a physically active person. They're not just making whiskey. I didn't know I thought that was going to kill everybody. Oh okay. Yeah. And that's like the maximum level you can get from oral supplementation, 220 milligrams. Wow. Like, it sucks like that. How about that. What's holding you back? Sunshine=summer, you are active, use your calories etc. That's what I mean. What are the odds that one of them is going to be an asshole? So African-Americans, there's lots of. I guess it was non significant for whatever reason. Asymptomatic. You know, who wants to wear a mask, but maybe to open up the. But aluminum, cadmium. Yeah. And so like, Jesus, I have to go to bed immediately after he stops. Yeah, right. #1474 - Dr. Rhonda Patrick The Joe Rogan Experience 125 Clips. Oh, but here's my sauna experience. And since then, they have won more awards than any other distillery on the planet. So I went off on a tangent. So people that were like deficient, they were 50 percent less likely to have a respiratory tract infection if they were taking the vitamin D supplement over 50 percent, actually. Like, children are really good at that. So it's been the Spike region and it's a aspartame to glycine mutation. And you know, the effects on babies. Yes. Something like a month, I think. No you can't. Well you're not making your estrogen. I guarantee you it's going to work because I'm so like the whole time I had a gym membership, it's like unpause. Joe Rogan's ENTIRE episode with Dr. Rhonda Patrick broken into short But there is some actual legitimate research elderberry like has been shown in randomised controlled trials to like effect know the immune system and lower cold duration and stuff like that, you know. The people were cheering this gum and pregnant pregnant women like they were like six months pregnant. No control group, self diagnosing, more than half of the people didn't return for a second check up and many more questionable stuff. So we went to hospital. That's when I say that's what I get. That's it. Vitamin D Vitamin D (Thorne): About 5% of the human genome is regulated by vitamin D~70% of Americans have insufficient Vitamin D Target Vitamin D levels between 40-60 ng/mL Generally 1,000 IU of vitamin D will raise blood levels by 5 ng/mL Upgrade to the Drops with Vitamin K-2 4. So I found that really interesting. Well that's me too. And so the way I am is I always like to like, look into everything before I do anything. They told me, oh no, this is a sexual place and I'm like, really, really. Absolutely. They're like directly heating your body basically without having to heat outside air much. Really? Like, that's that's the big thing. Because I would imagine it would be simple for them to do that. The FoundMyFitness Q&A happens monthly for premium members. What did they do before where they were saying they cut it, they wouldn't let them? So, you know, if if 15 to 30 percent of the common cold is composed of coronaviruses, we know at least two of those coronavirus are in the same family that have been identified to make at least in one case, there's been neutralizing antibodies. So that is crazy. How much vitamin D does Dr. Rhonda Patrick recommend? A little possible potential things. One of the things we talked about earlier, you asked my blood type and I said, oh, positive. You should only do these activities alone or with members of your household. And so he's a very smart guy and he knows so much about physical fitness and weight training. So what I'm wondering and the reason I'm even like going here has nothing to do with, you know, taking vitamin C or zinc. This does xylitol stuff and I started doing research and then I found all these studies and not only did I find studies that like it, you know, basically kills these bacteria that cause cavities, that mutans pregnant women that chew xylitol gum. I hope that's do the saliva bit. The other thing that happens is the antibody binds to the virus, doesn't neutralize it, but it like makes this crazy immune complex that, like, activates your immune system to just go haywire and it causes all sorts of pathology. He's he's a genius. So are you a fan of Kombucha, do you. Look, and people are shittier over there. Mother in law. They just think about sitting in there and breathing. Dr. Rhonda Patrick has noted that while too little vitamin D is bad, too much vitamin D is also bad. And I get like, you know, there's there are people that are really trying to, like, make, you know, prove something. Oh yeah. The sugar though is what helps the fermentation and helps the fungus grow. Leg presses. With salt and butter, oh, man, so delicious, I figured out this, the perfect food for four movies. There's a couple of things antibody binds to the virus and can basically change its confirmation and allow the virus to get into the cell better. And they were there. Yeah, it is horrible. Everybody always told me that they're all sick all the time, that people like their military. I think we will like there's large there's large scale Serov surveys being done. Some of the list they've given you of a proven activities and non-approved activities, that's highlighted it for me, because the list I don't know if you see in heaven, I didn't even know that. You know, like that's defined deficiency. Right. The economy, again, like now, maybe like everyone could wear a mask if they're going to be inside around a bunch of people other better than keeping the economy better than keeping the economy close. So, you know, I like it. It's not like, you know, drugs. And I'm like for a little bit it's going to be nighttime soon. Thank you, Ron. It works. Go to legalzoom.com and get started on a last will, a living trust and more. That's who you would depend upon when you wanted to know. Like I went to lot to Quest Quest Labs like a month before all this lockdown happened. So I started doing research on xylitol while I was looking for alternatives to stuff like Tom's of Maine. Sign up for an annual subscription and receive an additional 15% discount. No, I know I haven't looked into the economy. It's just fire and wood and it imparts a delicious, smoky flavor to the food. A two and a ten degrees. And if you want to wear a mask in public, that makes sense to, OK, I get it. I choke on sometimes. Like how is your immune system shaped by what your there's your diet that's included in it, your vitamin D status, your you know, there's there's you know, the other interesting thing and there's been no studies with sars-cov-2, but there have been influenza studies showing that viral dose. Yeah. I miss it. That's Louis right there. And so there's been some studies by the CDC on the on sars-cov-2 where they found basically that people that are infected with SA sars-cov-2 also boost their antibodies against the the common cold one. Yeah, a lot. It does help if you have some equipment in your house. But so yeah, there are I think there's like open label trial, open label trials are just kind of a start. Do you have to do this to get the. Mood Today I took a cold shower from home and my son is not there and I did it just because I wanted to have the mood affects the norepinephrine that's been shown to be increased and it was much colder. And it was bad. Find someone to find some gal who's fucking jacked and knows how to lift weights, you know, and then I'll inform them all about the sauna and tell them I'll be fine if it's on us. It's a lot of that's a it's a hormone like can you imagine just walking around without testosterone, your man? Yes, they're getting way more sick right now because they're I mean, that could be one reason right there. But my personal favorite is like a nice twenty five minute hundred and eighty. But, you know, they had to be doing it for like at least three months. Exercise is doing the same thing. She has dedicated her research career to finding proactive and preventive solutions to aging and longevity. So I didn't want to do that. I'm just like, OK, let me start to tell you some benefits, like some real benefits. I think all of those things play a role. It's like it's like, well, it's not in our house, but it's. I think it's important to be critical. Yeah, it's just next door much. That's very interesting. I mean, a lot of data that needs to pass out, a lot of data that needs to be generated. You I mean you definitely like your fit, you know. There's another meta analysis that looked at two hundred milligrams up to like 200 milligrams, up to two grams. And what dose for one. But also maybe that is not feeling well because vitamin D deficiency plays a factor in that as well. It's also like when you when you decrease e to all these signal signalling cascades happen in it, it's like it's important for producing pro inflammatory cytokines at the end of the day without getting into all the stuff, you know, specifics. But I haven't done like a specific B B 12 shot. Of course I'm nursing him. I'm like, bro, I so I did that 200. So you mean by how many times you've caught the flu, how many times you've whether you're actually going to it, how you respond to it, you know? So so I looked into that. Yeah, I'm supposed to write that down. Don't go outside. But, you know, there's there's lots of there's lots of possibilities. That means there's 92000 assholes. It exacerbates it. Like it's like we don't ever sleep. What's interesting is that the immune system. You're going to be paying a lot out, but you got to 220. Yeah, yeah. But what would cause other than something like that, what would cause all of these prisoners to not just be positive? Pro inflammatory thing. I know my youngest never want to take naps. And elderly people are more zinc deficiencies not really common in the U.S. It's such a strange virus. The Russians like to do that. But once a week and they take zinc, zinc plus quercetin for your course time and then sleep, sleep giant and microbiome. It plays a huge role in inflammation. And so she now she's wanting to do it like she's wanted to do it, like, you know, once a month at least. It's not going to be forever. You just got to get a good CBD, like a good CBD that doesn't have THC because I have a few that I've tried from other the the tincture that I take is from CBD and it doesn't get me high at all, but I've had some from other companies where I'd have like three dropoffs full. So the sars-cov-2 one virus does that. You can pick up Dr. Rhonda Patricks Vitamin D3 supplement on Amazon. Seven one two nine, so wow, and that big, big, and it was totally repeatable, why is the lack of sleep? So I think it's 2014. Better skip this one. Joe Rogan's Supplements List - Strong Healthy Dad It was ever a sponsor of the podcast. Really high profile releases of these horrible people that should be in jail probably forever, and they're releasing them. And since Legal Zoom is not a law firm, you do not have to worry about expensive billable hours adding up. And what's found is that genetics is not the major regulator of immune function. And so if you look at these these common cold studies, there's like randomized meta analysis, randomized controlled trials, an analysis of them. I mean, it's just the best thing ever, period, for everything. And I would get out and I would go out to the mats out there and just collapse. They just vaccinate. I don't know whether it has, I don't know, it might be confusing it with something. She takes the time to explain these important findings. She is currently supplementing with Thorne Research Vitamin D3. And then potentially, you know, you may have this like non neutralizing antibody that could cause problems. It's like sometimes I just share a story because, one, I think it's interesting. But you're on this platform and all the weight is on this belt instead of on your shoulders. And from what I understand, that this is a vulnerable virus in terms of the temperature that it can survive in. There is also existing knowledge suggesting vitamin D may have a critical role in the regulation of the immune system which might include viral infection immune responses. Especially in the winter when it's actually cold. Yes. You're becoming even more deficient. I would love to like do it more. And then on top of that, even though it's only 105 degrees, your body is heating up. So I was like staying a nice long as they could, you know, think I'm cool. Right. But but it will prevent you from spreading it, you know. The reason why it's so special is forget about this for a second. No, I have. I have like I've been to to Rick Rubin's house and we've done like it was like 200 and something. Like they're going to be deficient, you know, and they're so much more like they're like it's wreaking havoc in Sweden on the small population, that is so logical. Well, there's a girl there's a girl using that. I mean, your system's fired up and, you know, your eyes are probably trying to clear themselves. Yeah, yeah. Exactly. Because that's really the easiest thing. That's how I first got in that one of my first biological experiments ever because I was a chemistry major in college. I can't remember the name. It's a buffalo with a big old buffalo sac. I really think you are awesome to talk to. And so, like those people are more likely to die from respiratory infections than people that don't have that, which it's a great way of kind of randomising people by their genes as opposed to doing a randomized controlled trial. So I don't remember. You know, like like that's been shown. Like I give commentary and stuff I'm scared to, like, publish on the websites and I want to hear all the crap anyways. Make sure you keep six feet of distance. It's wintertime. Well, it's just they say things that they don't really know what the fuck they're talking about. And this is why it basically so it it changes your immune system. Yeah, they do. And in this I want to call it sciatica. Two hundred and ten degrees. Well, I mean, depending I you know, I really think that I think things will start we'll start to get better. It's on a tent. But you could wear a towel. Yeah, for sure. Tons of work, I mean, insane, sometimes I like it's like three o'clock in the afternoon, I'm like I never brushed my teeth, you know, like I haven't showered in a couple of, you know, the sauna thing, like I have to shower now. Woo woo. No wise. So there's a few viruses that this happens with. So, yes. And like I mean, there's all kinds of crazy things you read. But how long would you say short lived? That was after it, so there was like 30 or so people there and there were from all around the world, there's only like three Americans, Meedan and some other guy I know, four Americans, I think. What's going to protect that area is muscle and strength and also flexibility work. So like DeSapio has already been identified and there may start to identify other ones like the pancreatic pancreatitis drug in Japan. He's at UCSF. It got worse. Then I was put in a bunch of water on a nose breathing big, long, deep nose. Yeah. And I think as a public health, public service, you know, health thing, this is one of the most important things. It's known that the antibodies bind there and neutralize that. We can only eat it in our office though, because we have a two and a half year old. SNEP So we we're our genetic report that we have, like we've got one that's like a new viral. I had a sleep study done. I really appreciate it. So anyways, he tracked proteins play a role in like neurogenic disease. To fully understand how many people living in the world are vitamin D deficient, this phrase must be defined. So it's an infrared. But the hot baths have also been shown. Vitamin D3's role in immune function - FoundMyFitness Like, I think like a month and a half ago, I mean, I thought I was gonna see body bags in the street like I was I was like, this is like going to be really bad. Yeah. You know, there are genetic polymorphisms. And they're still winning. Yeah. I was asking him, was it Halstrom or is it. There's 100 hundred people in the room. And so but it totally fixed itself, thankfully. And I think marriage as well. Yeah. They need to recognize that it's not as bad as start opening things up. OK, well, they're using they're using that sonna that I was telling you the same thing. And unfortunately, coronavirus is one like this has been identified with the sars-cov-2 one virus. OK, so it's so the Xyloto you need to get on it. Right. But I think it was a month. You know, they're kind slower, a little more decrepit. And it's it is just hard to get them motivated to go exercise. It's called Like the Truth Barole or something. Well, yeah. So this is intravenous dose. I think they call it like first they first of all, they call it sauna, sauna and they call it weird.
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