2023 Planetary Overview | Cafe Astrology .com I follow gut instincts and guided actions daily. I went through a fair amount of childhood abuse and neglect, and though talented and really smart/intuitive I had trouble with letting myself shine. You have a happy, positive vibe and you are bring lovely emotions to others. Im sure Neptune conjuncting Northe Node epecially in a cardinal house has to do with this confusion and feeling of being lost. Mars rules our animalistic instincts and can often provide clues to our vitality and physical self. Sorry for all the posts but I just realized something importantNN transiting Gemini trine my conjunction as well this past year..! I bet you are an amazing person! The North Node is one major point in the chart showing PURPOSE. I also have a desire to help people to inspire them to give them something that will free them from their mental patterns. I hate this so much. Thus, how an eclipse affects you depends on your birthdate, birth time, and birthplace. You may feel like an outcast, and the use of drugs or alcohol should be avoided. North Node Conjunct Mercury By studying our birth chart, we are able to recognize reoccurring patterns in our life, from the way we dress to the way we nurture ourselves, how we act in relationships, and even our destiny in this lifetime. I have an urge to be successful but I feel traped in my mind so most of the time Im just sitting and stressing. In modern astrology, these points are linked to fate, karmic lessons, and ultimate fulfillment of a soul's desire. I have this placement, we are subtle to possession so please be pretty careful! And as depressing as all that sounds, I am aware now, and I am taking the steps to move forward and use the placements full potential! Planet transits' are astrological weather; that consists of the highs and lows of the days to come for different times. ( With the square as well, you must be careful not to lead with manipulation and let obsessive behaviors rule your livelihood. Neptune conjuct NN in 7th H (3 orbs) Neptune is conjuct my DSC and Uranus all in Capricorn. I discovered astrology when I was 23 years old. The moon is also a symbol for mother figures in our life, and this can indicate that you were incredibly influenced or close with your mother. Most important to me is that you find Jesus. Id love to get to know you better so we can better understand the impacts of this placement. Chiron is hovering on my Pisces Mars ( yes, its been a hellova emotional/physical ride ) Born with an optimistic outlook, this attitude will prove to deliver many opportunities. Your Saturn energy can be used to settle and stabilise your Neptune in 3rd and the mars and Pluto in first. Venus Trine North Node - Synastry, Transit, Composite Hard aspects include both the opposition and square, which can both increase tension. JUpiter transit to natal north node is not the same as the other way around. But it is Gemini so does that mean there are two sides? Yea, Nessus is very hard to see but when you do, you despise the person, usually. It makes sense looking at it from the view of traditional astrology. This is why it's called The Death House or "the house of death, sex, money, and taxes." Overall, the 8th house acts as a key to our deaths in this . Click here to get the 1st 3 minutes of your reading free. So it comes down to one thing for me where do I value my lifes purpose is it either in my bank account (which is non existent) or is it in the banks deep in my mind where revenue is building. Here are the highlights: Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces - 2022 (new cycle) Pluto enters Aquarius - 2023-24 Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus - 2024 (new cycle) Neptune enters Aries - 2025 Uranus enters Gemini - 2025 Virtually all these transits to the Nodes open up the possibility of encountering someone who shakes up or changes your life in some way, and helps propel you forward. And aspects to Saturn. You can become quite obsessive about your career with this placement, so getting lost in work should be avoidedyoull need to manage your work-life balance. Also, when you are used to wielding very little power in life, and suddenly you are in a powerful position, this is another trippy layer of reality to contend with. You can change UT/GMT timezone to your local timezone by entering your current location. I was also hoodwinked through narcissistic abuse by my twin brother and mother. My Jupiter is at 29 degrees 55. Its through the failures that youll be able to access a new sense of self and purpose. It seems like Im always thinking about something else, most of the time I worry about everything. They go straight to the point. Discover the key to your unique life path & personality. Please let us know the natal planet or angle that the NN conjuncted, the house where the conjunction took place and what happened in your life (were the house or houses ruled by the natal planet affected?). My early thirties I became frantic with regret that Id wasted my gifts, that I needed to realign myself in the world according to my post Saturn Return spiritual nature. Solar Arc Venus conjuncting your natal Moon is encouraging, but a simultaneous square from transiting Saturn can suggest difficulties. The ways in which each of our planets interacts and forms aspects with one another in our birth chart reveal our more complex and specific characteristics, traumas, and strengths. Develop a spiritual life and cover yourself energetically and psychically with prayer and good thoughts. North Node Conjunct the Moon Anyways, I find that this does help me read people. I can only give you impressions as I dont know signs degrees and aspects etc. The North Node in Taurus South Node in Scorpio transit is taking place from January 2022 to July 2023. A planet aspecting the lunar nodes comes into special focus. I too felt blown away by Barbaras post and it provided so much insight. Likely, he will not have an ego crisis or identity issues. With the nodes are talking about the moon. We go to our cookbooks and teachers to try on their theoretical conclusions about karmic reckonings and fated 'karmic' meetings, but that's elusive, too. This is the first article in a two-part series exploring north node aspects. I also have Jupiter trine NN I get crazy dreams and omg Deja-vus are just insane. He is, also, the force that keeps us disciplined and responsible. So I hope this helps in some way. It is a time where a significant relationship will end or you may suffer heartbeat. There are a lot of different ways to interpret the North Node and the South Node. Astrologer Mary Fortier Shea describes progressing the solar return Moon until it aspects a solar return or natal planet, and noting when a solar return planet transits over a solar return house cusp (to pinpoint major changes). I have the Neptune conjunction NN in my natal chart. Ive learned to trust it absolutely. I also get along with people from many cultures and have traveled a lot. But life has gotten much much easier with age. Conjunctions are actually known as a hard aspectbut only because their pull is so strong. He wanted to avoid certain things and when I tried to move us to resolution he would attack me. Hi i have NN conjunct Neptune also.. And I am also psychic as hell. This is an overall positive placement that encourages growth through knowledge and spirituality. Its evolved over the years as I have evolved and grown spiritually. Birthday Report Package Deluxe Transit Report 1 Year Get A Natal Chart ReportProgressed Chart Report Deluxe Asteroids Report Get A Solar Return Report Get A Lunar Return Report Child Natal Report 1 Year Transit Report Outer Planets, Find Your Soulmate Saturn Transit the 12th House Using Astrology To Get What You Want. anything artistic i love! Hi ashley. SUBSCRIBE for a chance to win a FREE forecast . When Your Future Meets the Past - Medium Transit Chart Calculator, Astrology Transits online - Astro-Seek.com I love you and hope you write to me to say hello or to ask questions. There is not much information on the internet about this conjunction with the North Node. Here, well look at what it means when one of the outer planets, which tend to define our unconscious side, forms an aspect with your north node in a conjunction, opposition, square, trine, or sextile. But I definitely spend more time thinking about proper personal alignment and direction than anyone Ive ever met. Its really interesting to have an earthy Capricorn placement influenced by so much contrasting energy. Youre not someone whos rigid; youre incredibly open-minded. You might not have experienced enough nurturing as a child and had to care for yourself in some way. To tell a bit more: Eclipses aspecting the Lunar Nodes: As children, we need the boundaries and protection of familiar settings and people; the job of our parents is to prepare us to go out into the world with a strong foundation, so we can move toward unfamiliar and rewarding challenges. The South Node is the more lunar end; it defines a familiar way of behavior, a familiar way of defining and reacting to the world. Pluto is the planet of transformation, as well as death and rebirth. Then the Sun at 16 and Venus at 24 and Vesta at 26 Sagittarius. Trying to see it from your point of view. As for dealing with all the feelings you get I think maybe you are already too present in the moment and that focus of being more present may be counter productive. Its been scary for me. Saturn Conjunct South Node Until October Alert - Mystic Medusa Or if it is unwelcome. You might feel that you are an especially sensitive person, picking up on others energy. Welcome Carmon. The North Node in Gemini and the South Node in Sagittarius is a KEY astrological transit that will influence you from 2020 until 2022. . You don't need to BELIEVE in Jesus to come here and/or to contact me. Consuming information and knowledge is a full-time job. Eclipse Aspects to Natal Planets - LiveAbout Are out of the equation. [woocommerce-reset-password-nonce] => This is especially true with Pluto in Capricorn, instigating Crises in the life that can stress the Adrenal/Thyroid and compromise the immune system. You can have a huge effect on humankind and will likely find yourself curious about activism. You were born into this life with intuitive gifts. I won't expand on it as I don't want anyone here reading the astrology and getting all worried and read negative things in charts. There can be a tendency to rebel for no real reason. THE TRANSIT OF URANUS to the NATAL PLANETS - Lynn Koiner . My Pluto is in Scorpio 8h, and my Sun is in Sag 8h. But it never happened due to my fathers death and my health problems all starting Despit this positive configuration, I have the tension of bad aspects. Hi~ I have NN conjunct Neptune (10th house). My life has been exciting, challenging and eventful. In astrology, the lunar nodes, commonly referred to as the north node and south nodes, represent mathematical points in a birth chart that are connected with our karmic fate in this lifetime. I feel this is an interesting opposition, because were supposed to leave the SN behind, yet it brings me luck. This planet encourages you to develop mastery and independence in this lifetime. It can bring spirituality to the community if the other planets are well aspected in the birth chart. Free will becomes a contentious concept and the older you get the more you are lucid and its exciting. I think this may be irrelivent then. We are supposed to get closer to our North Nodes as we grow up but I feel I wont ever truly understand my NN path let alone follow it. Neptune also makes up for a leg in my yod. Fate stepped in at others. Ive spent a lot of time believing I was self sacrificing for others but in reality Im self sabotaging myself for other people. Being kind, considerate and polite is one thing but it gets to the point that it hinders my ability to focus on myself. North Node Transit Natal Moon. In a natal chart, it's the thing we have to address in order to get the nodes working. This conjunction can pose problemsit can encourage a fear of change. Im very busy doing nothing at all! Sent 3-5 times a week. For me, it seems to represent manifesting ones dreams as well as being challenged to see through illusions. I, too, have a stellium including My North Node and Jupiter. His Nessus is at 27 degrees 52 Gemini. I spent my grade school years running away from home and had a suicide attempt at one point in my teens. Other NN: You learn to build the emotional foundation that will support your success. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. The North Node helps astrologers understand the connection between the Moon, Sun, and Earth at the moment of someone's birth. Uranus conj the NN is an out of the box person. Im 45 now. Understanding what signs your nodes are in and which houses they occupy in your birth chart can offer immeasurable insight on your personal journey in this lifetime. Substance dependency can be a real issue. I have my Venus,Mars and Jupiter in Leo in 2nd H. So feeling safe and comfortablw is very important to me esoecially now with my health problems. So sorry about your loss, CrisLondon. Teach with grace?) Identity is never in question. They will learn the lessons of pain. It also rules celebrity and Hollywoodif there is a desire to be famous, this could easily be achieved with this aspect. You will be less ego driven now and it is best to do what is best for the greater good, whether it . Maybe none of it has anything to do with this and more with other points. I'm going to create a South Node story because I'm mega curious about that too. YES, Neptune fogs what it touches, hence, the confusion. They are mathematical locations that are calculated based on the amount of time and space between Eclipses along with the placements of those Eclipses. For you, your life may have abrupt beginnings and endings and you will likely be someone who does not follow the crowd. I often missed the mark in my early attempts at being myself in the world. He will be in touch with his own heart. Oh boy Im usually philosophical about Mercury retros etc. (Yeah.. its a lot.) Jupiter Transits Transits Interpretations - Astrology Library My north node is in Capricorn in my 5th house. I possess easily and am easily moved by energy, emotion and spirit (I noticed you dont believe in a lot of things, so disregard possession if thats not your thing) I would offer that Neptune alongside NN is a tremendous blessing especially if the traits of the north node sign are adhered to as guidepostsit would be prudent to have an intentionally rich spiritual and prayer world, so that ones psychic energy can be protected and not just scattered and invaded. :-p) and Sun . GMT - Greenwich Mean Time. The connection with Atlantis is very interesting. I have neptune conjunct north node in 6th house in placidus, can relate to all the confusion surrounding life path etc.. but when I change it to wholesign houses its in my 7th house which makes sense too, as I avoid relationships due to anxiety and oversensitivity even though id love to have a relationship. Thanks! Throw Neptune conjunction in there, and all the beautiful things about it, are hindered (for myself) because of my previous inability to see that I NEED to focus on myself. Astrolada.com. North Node Square Natal Venus With Venus Square North Node transit. I dont have Uranus conj the NN. Lunar Living Astrology Those Transiting Lunar Nodes - What are they? Feeling trapped. I use the one Astro.com has.Thanks so much for all your info, Carmon! I would love to hear how things have gone for you over the last few years, in terms of this aspect, if youd be willing to share at all. Youre energetic, spontaneous and fun to be around. Lucky him! Focus on going forward instead of being caught up in the murky waters of the present and past.. Having it in the 7th house seems to be about being responsible in our interactions with other people, being clear and mature, and utilising the connections we have with others to assist us in furthering ourselves, instead of isolating ourselves and retreating into an overly-emotional loner cave. I definitely think it was a twenty year toxic dance. Anyonw who knows about this? Pluto has a deep sense of knowing, and with a soft and kind aspect like a trine or sextile, this will increase your intuitive abilities. Youll find that when you feel confused usually the traits of your Southnode sign are at play. A blend of cautionary / optimistic advice would be great! Your life will require adventure and freedom in order to feel fulfilled. Albeit the lessons they taught could of been in lue of the abuse. He was extremely emotionally abusive and tries to completely deny it and see himself as a good guy. To align oneself with the Divine which requires walking the straight and narrow. You are well aware of the challenges and . One must develop a structure with this placement and stick strictly to critical thinking and discernment. I got sober two months ago, and then started hearing voices, and thought I could read peoples thoughts and project my own. Although changes can be drastic, dramatic, or shocking, that will not necessarily be the case. Hi Ami But i always thought it was in my head until one day i decided to experiment with it. It just makes me a loser. When the sun conjuncts our north node, a person might experience a little more luck, things might fall in place easier, or you might be in the limelight, as the sun loves to be the center of attention (and our solar system). Transits - Uranus conjunct Natal Mercury. Transiting North Node conjunct Natal Planets or Angles I definitely can read others energy and project my own, however I am more responsible with these gifts these days, since having an awakening a few years ago especially through the teachings of Real Love I feel like a Jedi Monk Goddess Priestess. It was a painful lesson, a culmination of 2 years of struggle. Throw in a Neptune in Libra opposition to my Venus in Aires. Thank you so much for sharing your heart with us! Because this is the tenth house, the challenges come from authority figures, and, in this case of Pluto, the challenges are even more forceful. [woocommerce-login-nonce] => Feeling at cross purposes. Any type of communication work will help you along your path to find your souls ultimate journey. I have failed at everything this world deems as successful, yet feel I have made leaps and bounds on my spiritual journey. The aspects they create with the planets in our natal birth chart are called transits. [save-account-details-nonce] => I recently initiated as a priest in an Indigenous System Of Spirituality and many of the practices like daily prayer and spiritual bathing make soooooo much sense as I use them to purify and protect my energy so that I can be a healing clean vessel for myself and to others. This may make it hard to interact with the world because your own nature demands a lot from you. Inconjuncts Mars (5th) at 18Can18 The conjunction lends you great amounts of passion and determination. Of course I didnt know this when I was growing up. The sign of the South Node represents archetypes that have been mastered. I'm thrilled to launch my new book, "Astrology Realized"! Having said that there is a feeling you are watched over from above regardless. I have much water and I love being isolated.. Uranus in 7th H contributes to this. November 12, 2014. Im still deciphering what he left in the back of my head. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. However, when one thinks of him, one will, likely, think of his mind and its gifts. When north node transit in 7th house | Astrologers' Community Indicators for a New Relationship in the Solar Return Chart ITs really weird for a long time i thought i was crazy because i could sense peoples intentions and feelings. I didnt see myself clearly. Personalized Daily, Weekly & Monthly Horoscopes. Im now 46. I am exceptional in knowing what others need (though not always what they want) and am impervious to lies, manipulation and facades, which tire me. The Moon Nodes and the Force of Destiny - Time Nomad Not until I was an adolescent, I returned to that dream (as the anti-spiritual folks were gone) and my behaviour throughout life, I knew things I had not learnt anywhere. Im trying to live in gratitude, reminding myself always to be humble and just do whats right in front of me. I don't need anything from you, except to serve you. I hope I can do this when I tell you about my own life. I cant just listen and be in the moment when my mind has already saw every gesture, sensed whether the person is lying or sad or happy or anything. Your path to growth will come from learning to let go of your rigid thinking and patterns. As the north node progresses into Taurus, however, we are invited to regroup from the devastation. The opposition and square can indicate that your painful relationships will push you to grow the most during this lifetime. You look at the world on a macroscale and can help introduce new ways of thinking, science, or technology. The North Node is actually much busier than the South Node during their tour of these signs. and that awareness is half the battle won, but admittedly, Im quaking in my boots Whats your ultimate destiny in this lifetime? I do have a talent for writing and have decided to develop this. Painful isnt really the word that describes the sensation. Achievements will come more easily and your personality and sense of self is generally accepted by others. We are always evolving. It is sometimes very hard to be present. The day it was all confirmed, Chiron was exact on his natal Saturn/Mercury conjunction. Pluto transiting your 5 th house. The dark side of Saturn conjunct north node natal is a pessimistic attitude, especially if the conjunction takes place in the first house. We are talking INTENSE. I feel Im playing with resistance and I need to overcome it as im living like a recluse. My NN is 8 degrees Sagittarius conjunct Neptune at 10 degrees, which is in mutual reception with my Jupiter in Pisces. The native may be beautiful, herself, or she may add beauty to the life of others through a career in interior design, make up artistry, plastic surgery, poetry or any number of careers dealing with the topic of beauty or the arts. Lol!!! In 10th house I have jupiter, moon and venus. Your staying power is strong and there truly is no feat you cant face. The North Node returns to its own place, having completed a 360 degree cycle through the entire zodiac, every 18.6 years. Your capacity to enjoy and explore altered states is innate, you dont need substances. UT - Universal Time, formerly recognized as. A friend of mine recently broke out of a stifling situation at a long term workplace and got a new job with amazing pay and next step up the ladder. Transiting North Node on Natal Mercury: releasing your intellectual Nodal Square. This native will, likely, have ambition and be a go getter when it comes to goals. *Please Like, Comment, Subscribe, Share. No purpose. Sent 5 times a week. I have never known what to do with my life. Sometimes people arent ready for your line of thought, as you can be a little too far ahead of the curve. Scorpio and its ruling planets, Mars and Pluto, fulfill the necessary karmic work of. I have always been interested in the occult, and reading people comes super easy to me, albeit, there seems to be some amount of confusion sometimes, because im prone to suggestions. This native will likely be positive and upbeat. So I got four over-lapping fingers of fate constituting a challenge to my positive aspects. The North Node () is a mathematical concept, and it represents one point of the Moon. Scroll around for magical inspo, ancient astrological imagery and snippets of esoteric info. With the conjunction, youre likely a strong, healthy person who has incredible staying power. These are the cycles of the three outer planets: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, which are reaching key points over the coming decade. Recognising instantly a karmic bond on first meeting (South Node in Libra, North Node conjunct Venus). Like you I have a conjunction of my natal NN and Jupiter. I cook for my family. Using alcohol or other substance throughout my life as a way to artificially induce the courage to manifest my north node. So Yes i definitely have my purpose playing coy with me. This native is called to show his mind/intelligence/intellect to the world. That is so interesting. Can an orb of 10 degrees be used or is that too wide? YOU are the most important person to me. The opposition and square will ask you to center yourself. The best manifestation of NN Conjunct Neptune, I would say, is as an accepted (by ones own self) Loving Spiritualist who is here to usher in Heaven on Earth I hope this helps someoneMany Many Blessings. We will look at what it means if one of your personal planets forms an aspect with your north node in a conjunction, opposition, square, trine, or sextile. Tr Nnode crossed his midheaven the fortnight he was interviewing (3.5 degrees past, actually). Saturn Conjunct North Node Natal, Transit, Synastry - Astrology Transit North Node Square Natal Sun ~ Thwarted Goals It also represents masculinity and fatherly figuresthis can indicate a strong relationship with a father figure in your life. Its like living in 2 worlds since the age of 4 and knowing it doesnt really matter ))). Basically they are defined as the two symbolic points where the plane of the moon's orbit intersects the ecliptic of the Earth. When it becomes meaningful is when the north node is transiting a planet or an angle. The Lunar Nodes through the Signs | LUA ASTROLOGY Your sensitivities and emotions can help you along your path by helping others heal and recognize their feelings. Pluto conjunct NN is a very powerful placement and its only present, I believe, once your soul is strong enough to withstand the ultimate earthly trials. I have to be careful of Energy transference and being drained. Find your highest truth with the help of a gifted psychic reader. Along with honoring my ancestors and asking them for help and associating with archetypal Indigenous Energies ie Orishas aka Dieties or Saints Hope this helps #yourgiftedtrustthat. Nice aspects Sextile moon in Taurus, 0 orb Trine Venus in Scorpio 1 orb Tricky aspects Square Mercury and Pluto in Libra, 0 orb Inconjunct Neptune in Sag, Jupiter in Aquarius, making a Yod The sextile with the Moon is the base point of another Yod with Neptune st the apex. And these zodiac signs share a distinct relationship with the seven planets in astrology. Astrology transits online Planets and other objects are in continuous motion. Hi Ashley! My Pluto/NN is in the 2nd house, and Im looking for transits to explain this huge reversal in fortune. But North Node conjunct Neptune for me feels like an emotional rollercoaster. I hope I can do this in my articles. It is not ones fault if one feels cast adrift. Your growth will happen once you understand the challenges your sibling brought and use its pain as power. August 17, 2016. i am sorry you went through that, Ashley. Transit Pluto in 10th House. When our north node forms a conjunction, these aspects of our lives come naturally and easily. I do charts for the people who want them. Lucky him! Thank you for those excellent points, Georgia and Welcome! Im a dreamer, an amateur philosopher, an idealist but also practical: what I believe is what I do. It can indicate someone who has already paid their karmic debts in a past life and is now here to enjoy. I have some South Node stories but I guess they will deviate from the topic at hand. A Saturn conjunct north node natal placement enhances all these qualities. North Node is the path your soul is heading, Pluto is transformation of the soul. Although mine is in the 8th house. Youre able to balance the fun in your life with a mature outlook. Growing up you may have felt like you were in direct competition with your peers or siblings.
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