Except for prevailing laws against abortion, any law, presidential decree or issuance, executive order, letter of instruction, administrative order, rule or regulation contrary to or is inconsistent with the provisions of this Act including Republic Act No. [6], Starting 1967, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) began shouldering 80% of the total family planning commodities (contraceptives) of the country, which amounted to $3million annually. Its staunch opposition to the bill has drawn the controversy among non-Catholics and Catholics alike who support the bill whereby many invoke the principle of separation of church and state. According to the ABS-CBN news which reported on the results: "In the SMS poll, 69.58% of votes cast reject the RH bill while 30.42% support it. ", Filipino Freethinkers, an association of agnostics, atheists, progressives, etc., very active in the fight in favor of the RH bill, stepped up the pressure, creating more controversy that fired up renewed interest in the bill on both sides. The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012 (Republic Act No. What are the disadvantages of RH bill? [79], At 3 in the morning on December 13, 2012, the House of Representatives voted on second reading in favor of the bill with 113109 while five representatives abstained. "[51] In the separate online poll held on the Harapan microsite that livestreamed the debate, majority voted against the bill at the very end of the debate. Age- and Development-Appropriate Reproductive Health Education. A fan page, Free Carlos Celdran was created in Facebook, which generated 23,808 fans in 24 hours. Among those who learned of the bill for the first time because of the survey, the score is 59 percent in favor, versus 11 percent opposed. [64] Former Finance Secretary Roberto de Ocampo stated that these punitive provisions "are tantamount to an affront to civil liberties and smack of religious persecution". Health Care Facilities. When a couple agrees to practice this, they will only have the number of children they can afford to support. [8], SEC. Good citizens need to be people who act according to moral principles. Copy. This implies that people are able to have a responsible, safe, consensual and satisfying sex life, that they have the capability to reproduce and the freedom to decide if, when, and how often to do so. 8344, which penalizes the refusal of hospitals and medical clinics to administer appropriate initial medical treatment and support in emergency and serious cases; (b) Any public officer, elected or appointed, specifically charged with the duty to implement the provisions hereof, who, personally or through a subordinate, prohibits or restricts the delivery of legal and medically-safe reproductive health care services, including family planning; or forces, coerces or induces any person to use such services; or refuses to allocate, approve or release any budget for reproductive health care services, or to support reproductive health programs; or shall do any act that hinders the full implementation of a reproductive health program as mandated by this Act; (c) Any employer who shall suggest, require, unduly influence or cause any applicant for employment or an employee to submit himself/herself to sterilization, use any modern methods of family planning, or not use such methods as a condition for employment, continued employment, promotion or the provision of employment benefits. Explain your rules and decisions 10. The State also recognizes and guarantees the promotion and equal protection of the welfare and rights of children, the youth, and the unborn. The State recognizes and guarantees the human rights of all persons including their right to equality and nondiscrimination of these rights, the right to sustainable human development, the right to health which includes reproductive health, the right to education and information, and the right to choose and make decisions for themselves in accordance with their religious convictions, ethics, cultural beliefs, and the demands of responsible parenthood. Stages of Responsible Parenthood Parenting is a process by which parents and children grow and develop, each influencing the other throughout their lives. [28], The Wall Street Journal in July 2012 said that Aquino's "promotion of a 'reproductive health' bill is jarring" since it could lead to "a demographic trap of too few workers. RH Law revisited | The Manila Times Those with fewer than 200 workers shall enter into partnerships with health professionals for the delivery of reproductive health services. [9], Employers with more than 200 employees shall provide reproductive health services to all employees in their own respective health facilities. Health Tren D S Issues AN D | PDF | Birth Control | Parenting - Scribd Joaquin Bernas, S.J, one of the drafters of the Philippine Constitution and a prominent lawyer and writer, explained that the concept of separation of church and state is directed towards the state, rather than the church, as it is a political concept. Hiring of Skilled Health Professionals for Maternal Health Care and Skilled Birth Attendance. "[citation needed], The key to solving maternal deaths, according to the Senate Policy Brief on reproductive health, is the establishment of birthing centers. This concept recognizes that while reproductive health involves women and men, it is more critical for womens health. 7. 10354), informally known as the Reproductive Health Law or RH Law, is a law in the Philippines, which guarantees universal access to methods on contraception, fertility control, sexual education, and maternal care. The proponents state that the passage of the RH Bill would mean: The Department of Health states that family planning can reduce maternal mortality by about 32%. [33], Jo Imbong, founder of the Abay Pamilya Foundation, reported that "Lagman said in a House hearing that the bill would protect human life 'from implantation' ",[37] and not from fertilization, noting at the same time that the Records of the Constitutional Commission state that "Human life begins at fertilization". 4. There are several studies cited by those who support the bill: President Aquino stated he was not an author of the bill. Thus, the Population Commission was created to push for a lower family size norm and provide information and services to lower fertility rates. Separability Clause. SEC. Reproductive health in the Western Pacific - World Health Organization The national debate is seen as part of a wider culture war. 13. I. Towards this end, the DOH shall implement programs prioritizing full access of poor and marginalized women as identified through the NHTS-PR and other government measures of identifying marginalization to reproductive health care, services, products and programs. Study now. He said that his position "is more aptly called responsible parenthood rather than reproductive health". Section 6. The President of the Catholic Bishops Conference said that there could be an excommunication of the President if he continues his stance. (aa) Sustainable human development refers to bringing people, particularly the poor and vulnerable, to the center of development process, the central purpose of which is the creation of an enabling environment in which all can enjoy long, healthy and productive lives, done in the manner that promotes their rights and protects the life opportunities of future generations and the natural ecosystem on which all life depends. Proponents, on the other hand, state that the church should not meddle in matters of the state and should focus on religious matters, not political matters.[66]. Ang Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Law of 2012 (Republic Act No. SEC. What is the positive and negative impact of the law in the family and in the It entails fairness and justice in the distribution of benefits and responsibilities between women and men, and often requires women-specific projects and programs to end existing inequalities. PDF Quarter 2 Module 2: Significance of Health- Related Laws in Section 19. SEC. [68] They argue that a decreased population growth will lead to improved quality of life and economic development. Section 7. DepEd, partners launch convergence of comprehensive sexuality education When women who had attempted an abortion were asked their reasons for doing so, their top three responses were: they could not afford the economic cost of raising another child (72%); their pregnancy occurred too soon after the last one (57%); and they already have enough children (54%). What is the purpose of Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health "[7], Different presidents had different points of emphasis. Students also viewed Gender and Society Preface Appreciating Diversity The State shall also promote openness to life; Provided, That parents bring forth to the world only those children whom they can raise in a truly humane way. All serious and life-threatening reproductive health conditions such as HIV and AIDS, breast and reproductive tract cancers, and obstetric complications, and menopausal and post-menopausal-related conditions shall be given the maximum benefits, including the provision of Anti-Retroviral Medicines (ARVs), as provided in the guidelines set by the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PHIC). While there is general agreement about its . All accredited public health facilities shall provide a full range of modern family planning methods, which shall also include medical consultations, supplies and necessary and reasonable procedures for poor and marginalized couples having infertility issues who desire to have children: Provided, That family planning services shall likewise be extended by private health facilities to paying patients with the option to grant free care and services to indigents, except in the case of non-maternity specialty hospitals and hospitals owned and operated by a religious group, but they have the option to provide such full range of modern family planning methods: Provided, further, That these hospitals shall immediately refer the person seeking such care and services to another health facility which is conveniently accessible: Provided, finally, That the person is not in an emergency condition or serious case as defined in Republic Act No. [33], Proponents such as E. Ansioco of Democratic Socialist Women of the Philippines argued that "The World Health Organization (WHO) includes contraceptives in its Model Lists of Essential Drugs" and thus are safe medicines. 10354, otherwise known as "The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012" or the RPRH Act. 10354, sec. 12:01 AM January 23, 2017. . Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Summary [9], Any person or public official who prohibits or restricts the delivery of legal and medically safe reproductive health care services will be meted penalty by imprisonment or a fine.[9]. PDF Its Harmful Impact on Women's Health and Human Rights Reproductive health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, in all matters relating to the reproductive system and to its functions and processes. Section 20. 12 issued by President Rodrigo Duterte supporting the full implementation of the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health (RPRH) Law is a major push for the government's family planning program, which has been hindered by various challenges to the implementation of the landmark law. Explanation: Advertisement Still have questions? - 9701198 . In 1975, the U.S. adopted as its policy the National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (NSSM200). [47] In December 2010, Pulse Asia announced based on the results of an October 2010 survey, 69% of the Filipinos are in favor of the bill. DepEd Learning Portal (n) Public health care service provider refers to: (1) public health care institution, which is duly licensed and accredited and devoted primarily to the maintenance and operation of facilities for health promotion, disease prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care of individuals suffering from illness, disease, injury, disability or deformity, or in need of obstetrical or other medical and nursing care; (2) public health care professional, who is a doctor of medicine, a nurse or a midwife; (3) public health worker engaged in the delivery of health care services; or (4) barangay health worker who has undergone training programs under any accredited government and NGO and who voluntarily renders primarily health care services in the community after having been accredited to function as such by the local health board in accordance with the guidelines promulgated by the Department of Health (DOH). The Executive Order No. "[9], Although abortion is recognized as illegal and punishable by law, the bill states that "the government shall ensure that all women needing care for post-abortion complications shall be treated and counseled in a humane, non-judgmental and compassionate manner". [40][41][42], Fourteen professors from Ateneo de Manila University, a prominent Catholic University, considering the empirical evidence of the dire socioeconomic conditions of the Filipino poor, urged that the bill be passed to help them. [citation needed], President Noynoy Aquino during the presidential campaign said that it confounds him why he is always associated with the RH Bill and reiterated that he is neither an author nor a co-author and did not sign the committee report regarding the bill. The State shall provide age- and development-appropriate reproductive health education to adolescents which shall be taught by adequately trained teachers informal and nonformal educational system and integrated in relevant subjects such as, but not limited to, values formation; knowledge and skills in self-protection against discrimination; sexual abuse and violence against women and children and other forms of gender based violence and teen pregnancy; physical, social and emotional changes in adolescents; womens rights and childrens rights; responsible teenage behavior; gender and development; and responsible parenthood: Provided, That flexibility in the formulation and adoption of appropriate course content, scope and methodology in each educational level or group shall be allowed only after consultations with parents-teachers-community associations, school officials and other interest groups. Answered: 1. What are the benefits do we get from | bartleby Free choice regarding reproductive health enables people, especially the poor, to have the number of children they want and can feasibly care and provide for. Meanwhile, six co-authors of the bill withdrew support, with the head of the minority group of the house declaring that eight of their group are withdrawing their previous support for the bill. Rather than being selfish or trying to deceive each other, they ought to deal in a kind and upright way with each other. We are Pro-Life as our first principle. MANILA - The National Economic and Development Authority said that the government will carry out the full and intensified implementation of the National Program on Population and Family Planning (NPPFP), which was approved by President Rodrigo R. Duterte last March 04, during the 35 th Cabinet Meeting.. 4. Sexual & reproductive health | Health Poverty Action SEC. Informed Choice D. Respect for life. "[49] Mangahas acknowledged that the SWS surveys did not include the penalties. [69], Filipinos for Life, an anti-abortion organization, claimed that the bill was funded by foreign population control groups, a claim that Rep. Edcel Lagman denied as "an old yarn which is destitute of factual basis", saying that the lobby opposing the bill was the one which was backed by the "wealthy Catholic hierarchy with the aid of dozens of lay organizations". Flashcards. For these women, terminating a pregnancy is an anguished choice they make in the face of severe constraints. RESPONSIBLE PARENTHOOD AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH ACT OF 2012 Republic Act No. Ovaries in females and testicles in males are reproductive organs, or gonads, that maintain health of their respective systems. (c) Basic Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (BEMONC) refers to lifesaving services for emergency maternal and newborn conditions/complications being provided by a health facility or professional to include the following services: administration of parenteral oxytocic drugs, administration of dose of parenteral anticonvulsants, administration of parenteral antibiotics, administration of maternal steroids for preterm labor, performance of assisted vaginal deliveries, removal of retained placental products, and manual removal of retained placenta. Also, the poor will not have free access to family planning support that many have want, and thus will have more children than they can care for and will not have the money to invest in education to break the intergenerational poverty they are trapped in. (p) That a comprehensive reproductive health program addresses the needs of people throughout their life cycle. It is likewise a shared responsibility between parents to determine and achieve the desired number of children, spacing and timing of their children according to their own family life aspirations, taking into account psychological preparedness, health status, sociocultural and economic concerns consistent with their religious convictions. RH Law was passed in 2014 and former President Fidel Ramos urges President Rodrigo Duterte to fully implement the law. Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012 [10], In Population and Poverty, Aniceto Orbeta, Jr., showed that poverty incidence is higher among big families: 57.3% of Filipino families with seven children are in poverty while only 23.8% of families who have two children live below the poverty threshold. (b) The DOH, in coordination with the PHIC, as may be applicable, shall: (1) Strengthen the capacities of health regulatory agencies to ensure safe, high quality, accessible and affordable reproductive health services and commodities with the concurrent strengthening and enforcement of regulatory mandates and mechanisms; (2) Facilitate the involvement and participation of NGOs and the private sector in reproductive health care service delivery and in the production, distribution and delivery of quality reproductive health and family planning supplies and commodities to make them accessible and affordable to ordinary citizens; (3) Engage the services, skills and proficiencies of experts in natural family planning who shall provide the necessary training for all BHWs; (4) Supervise and provide assistance to LGUs in the delivery of reproductive health care services and in the purchase of family planning goods and supplies; and. This refers to the Inquirer's Jan. 14 editorial ("Freedom of informed choice," Opinion) which lauds President Duterte's executive order directing certain government departments to implement the Reproductive Health Act. 23. These systems are made of organs and hormone-producing glands, including the pituitary gland in the brain. These products and supplies shall also be included in the regular purchase of essential medicines and supplies of all national hospitals: Provided, further, That the foregoing offices shall not purchase or acquire by any means emergency contraceptive pills, postcoital pills, abortifacients that will be used for such purpose and their other forms or equivalent. Treat your child with respect . The PMA condemns abortifacients that "destroys the fertilized egg or the embryo" and "abhors any procedureor medication that will interrupt any stage of fertilization and prevents its normal, physiological, uninterrupted growth to adulthood". The State shall eradicate discriminatory practices, laws and policies that infringe on a persons exercise of reproductive health rights. The guide below will discuss 18 family planning methods available today. [6], In 1989, the Philippine Legislators' Committee on Population and Development (PLCPD) was established, "dedicated to the formulation of viable public policies requiring legislation on population management and socio-economic development". A multidimensional approach shall be adopted in the implementation of policies and programs to fight poverty. The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012, known as the RH Law, is a groundbreaking law that guarantees universal and free access to nearly all modern contraceptives for all citizens, including impoverished communities, at government health centers. The four pillars of the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012 are the following: Responsible Parenthood. [18], Defending the bill, Felipe Medalla, former dean of the University of the Philippines School of Economics, said that "although the poor's access to family planning services can be improved even without the law, the absence of the law makes it easier to block the program". [2], The history of reproductive health in the Philippines dates back to 1967 when Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos was among the heads of state who signed the Declaration on Population. 4244 was finally passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives on December 19, 2012. Family planning is planning for the family in all aspects of life financially, emotionally, physically, and many more. SEC. [13], Proponents argue that smaller families and wider birth intervals resulting from the use of contraceptives allow families to invest more in each child's education, health, nutrition and eventually reduce poverty and hunger at the household level. Reproductive Health Law allows us to have the access to a full range of methods, facilities, services and supplies that contribute to reproductive health and well-being by addressing reproductive health-related problems. Members of the House of Representatives voted 13379, while seven representatives abstained. Marami ang nagpahayag ng kanilang mga opinyon sa Batas, habang ang isang malaking bahagi ng populasyon ay . They are also obliged to monitor pregnant working employees among their workforce and ensure they are provided paid half-day prenatal medical leaves for each month of the pregnancy period that they are employed. 8. The annual report shall evaluate the content, implementation, and impact of all policies related to reproductive health and family planning to ensure that such policies promote, protect and fulfill womens reproductive health and rights. An offender who is an alien shall, after service of sentence, be deported immediately without further proceedings by the Bureau of Immigration. What are the benefits do we get from Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act? Section 18. Responsible parenthood, its true meaning | Inquirer Opinion The MHCS shall deliver health care goods and services to its constituents, more particularly to the poor and needy, as well as disseminate knowledge and information on reproductive health. [35], According to the RH bill, one of its components is "prevention of abortion and management of post-abortion complications". (e) Family planning refers to a program which enables couples and individuals to decide freely and responsibly the number and spacing of their children and to have the information and means to do so, and to have access to a full range of safe, affordable, effective, non-abortifacient modem natural and artificial methods of planning pregnancy. He said that "he will fully support the crafting of a firm policy that will address the serious problem on population"[19] At the same time, Aquino said that "artificial contraception was a matter of choice and conscience and that health professionals who fool people into using artificial contraceptives should be penalized. One in ten women (13%) who had attempted an abortion revealed that this was because her pregnancy resulted from forced sex (ibid.). It will mean reneging on international commitments and will slow down modernization. Responsible parenthood is also . Passage of the legislation was controversial and highly divisive, with academics, religious institutions, and major political figures declaring their support or opposition while it was pending in the legislature. Repealing Clause. 5043 (Reproductive Health and Population Development Act of 2008)", "A Forum on Population, Development and Reproductive Health", "Official Statement of Support for the Immediate Passage of the Reproductive Health Bill in the Philippines", Alliance of Young Nurse Leaders and Advocates, Full text of NSSM 200 (US government source), Philippine Family Planning Statistics (National Statistics Office), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Responsible_Parenthood_and_Reproductive_Health_Act_of_2012&oldid=1137594408, An Act providing for a Comprehensive Policy on Responsible Parenthood, Reproductive Health, and Population and Development, and for Other Purposes, An Act providing for a National Policy on Reproductive Health and Population and Development. 5. [14][15] "Medical and scientific evidence," says the main proponent, "shows that all the possible medical risks connected with contraceptives are infinitely lower than the risks of an actual pregnancy and everyday activitiesThe risk of dying within a year of using pills is 1 in 200,000. Within sixty (60) days from the effectivity of this Act, the DOH Secretary or his/her designated representative as Chairperson, the authorized representative/s of DepED, DSWD, Philippine Commission on Women, PHIC, Department of the Interior and Local Government, National Economic and Development Authority, League of Provinces, League of Cities, and League of Municipalities, together with NGOs, faith-based organizations, peoples, womens and young peoples organizations, shall jointly promulgate the rules and regulations for the effective implementation of this Act. The individuals can then make use of the cash they receive to purchase birth control devices they may choose, thus guaranteeing freedom of choice.
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