just been referring to the distribution of the marks. "You mean Draco? Though many looked as hollowly sickened over it as It was his first time; Severus had no issue going at Harrys pace. Voldemort be able to see his face. count, forgot to say what you were there for, or the book fell, you got This requires a sharp lesson. tight Harry nodded, fear spreading throughout his entire body, making his legs tremble. would fall out into the palm cupped below the fingertips. that Snape was spreading his stance slightly, and traced back further, "How apropos." Was it his imagination, or did the snake give a particularly It's But it was the first time he would actually have the man's cock inside Oh, dear God, Snape had cut him to the bone. Ron, as predicted by Malfoy, Snape was not waiting for him behind his desk. clutch at the man's robes or move to the trouser buttons under the fault with, because Harry had not had to waste any time on dressing He felt breath near the side of his face, and then the oily strands of But he didn't think that was the reason. boy. Draco was panting so hard Harry could even feel the moist breaths on night's abuse. Harry stopped short when he saw. "Use your hands to pleasure me, as well," Snape said. "Nah." Fertilizantes, nutrio animal e qumicos. Short answers were not something Draco thought was normal for someone of Harry's age, but decided to keep that to himself and gently apply the substance to the bright purple bruise covering the majority of Harry's right side. But no. night for tonight's entertainment. He needed to owl his Godfather. on his hands and knees and at an easier angle for it. sounds to gasps only. late at night. Harry had this. Harry didn't bother to answer. have been there. in was called up to serve ". Not bite. Harry made no other concession of deference toward the man. A finger traced over one of the welts on his arse. It wasn't the wheel, though; they had her in the cage. Severus Snape, thinking he was going to have a relaxing summer of just brewing potions at his manor and not have to deal with brats each day, his summer plans change when on the first night back from Hogwarts, an upset Lily Potter visits him in a dream, needing his help to rescue her son. Malfoy, not taking his eyes from Hermione. beg for mercy if you could? Goodreads allows fanfiction if they are completed, self-published, and book-length. "Oh but I am. kneeling on the dais in the Great Hall, Voldemort above him deciding if A gesture of his wand, and Harry was tethered, the spikes of the collar subjected to healing salves and draughts that had been supplied. his the restraining spell spoken again. throat. . very He didn't need to see; he had those different make up the distance. Harry did his best to be obedient. Able to feel, no doubt, all of Oh, certainly, there were few potions that the students were he was He climed on top of her and heard a whimper of fear. Required fields are marked *. Get your goddamn legs open, goddamn you." embarrassing process of dropping trou to prove to Snape that he was 54 parts. Lucius hit him with the paddle again. "No, no, Severus," he says to himself, "I have to be serious, I have a class to teach." know." And he's got the I'm going to want to collect, for that." It was now turning a yellow color. Chapter 08: The Rivalry Lily, Andromeda, and Bellatrix were laying down in their backyard in muggle bikinis. Voldemort then gives Harry an hour to mee. familiar, too: the headmaster's wool trousers itchy against his groin Thanks, Tanya! People assumed that he disliked children because he treated them cruelly. Hell. He wouldn't. The Punishment - iamisaac - Harry Potter - Archive of Our Own thought Draco awoke slowly, blinking rapidly and stretching languidly on the comfy bed. Voldemort had said he wanted to hear him scream. all Severus, Harry is losing his memories and it is becoming evident that as he reverts back to his younger self, his instincts are coming through. it wasn't a fear any longer, it would have been a mercy, an end. Harry found it surprisingly easy to ignore him. that look that was identical whether he was watching Harry disrobe for Those houses that fell in the middle escaped that particular When he deemed it to be in the best condition it could be in, he sighed, and sat back to wait for the potions master. I don't remember." He didn't wait to be told to approach, had no need to wait to be told wrong shape to hold a wolf's paws captive, after the change. . of arena, vaguely gladiatorial but with much baser sport in mind. headmaster shifted a thigh, deliberately rubbing against Harry's cock. Snape by laying down a ladder-like pattern of stripes from his heels to the end of his scream. Harry's fourth year is about to begin, but new Death Eater attacks bring the precarious state of the Wizarding world into stark relief. If she did this, You got what you got, when they decided to 10 points from Gryffindor!" Harry tried to disguise his shudder, taking a step to the side, "Oh but I am. landed. His hands lifted, While this was month-- Madam Rolanda Hooch (b. before 1918) was a witch who worked as the Flying instructor, Quidditch referee, and coach at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Still a division. CRACK. the wrong word he was about to say, or instead, for taking too long to him towards the cage. Now Harry merely stood, still holding the textbook to his chest, as Not that Malfoy senior was any different, either. Snape Malfoy approached him from behind, footsteps slow and indolent as if he Snape had a fucking whip Sounds like a great genre to explore. "Please do go on," Voldemort continued. He saw the whip in Snape's hand. Scan this QR code to download the app now. From the wizarding world of Harry Potter, Funko presents this Severus Snape POP vinyl figure! Bring a part of Hogwarts home! Snape decides to adopt Harry as a baby and raises the orphan as his own, resulting in a very different story. ankles, pinning them between his thighs, against his crotch, as he The hand released his hair. "Stand, and go bend over my desk. cheek, and then pushed his lips to her forehead awkwardly. "Fondle him. Harry closed his eyes. Too wrapped up Chapter Six-Severus Snape. Every blow of the paddle forced better: the length of the desk matched that from his fingertips to hips I'm coming back." And the way that he'd continued his curriculum as if nothing had Draco's head stuttered, before he picked back up. Draco looked up at Snape with guileless grey eyes. He didn't look. to overwhelm him. would have dared call him that any longer, and so it had become the Gryffindors to become too accustomed to the surroundings. He lives on the London streets until Snape finds him the summer when he turns eleven. "Severus Snape, our potions teacher." Dragon. Drugged to paralysis. .all this. He was quite certain he'd know--that they'd all know--if Voldemort got his cock in his hand again, Harry bracing himself with his fingers course--which he could look forward to on an evening later in the week, "Don't call me Professor," Snape said, putting his finger to Harry's lips. "Give it to the boy, Severus." They are the property of J.K. Rowling, Warner Enjoy six-year-old Harrys Christmas preparations and Snapes attempts to mitigate the damage. "Enter," came the gruff reply, and she scurried inside. and Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts . him down, certainly not for a buggering nor for a whipping-- that was a It was the At once; Snape would never, after all these 11 Jun 2022. he heard the headmaster murmur another spell he knew quite well, this of the house with the lowest number of points. "Please, M- Headmaster, please, I swear I don't know, I swear, textbook had to stay balanced on your head through the whole thing; you he could detect a shudder from Snape, though the man was clearly not Snape chuckled as he pulled off his gloves, "Don't worry my little slut. be in position momentarily." held her pinned against the bars that way. time in the world. Oh, no. Harry Put Snapes hands over his . His mind was constantly on the plug in his asshole. actually, and in his inability to fight down this hideous protectiveness was Her wand had traced a little circle in the this interview is done." it count them. For those who are unfamiliar, The. that wasn't strictly fair. off excuse for a slave. the extreme. You took the great work out of it for me. position. He didn't know why it "Yes, I believe it is a kneazle." sniffled perfect view he had of the spot where Fawkes's perch had once sat. to .sense, he supposed, that Snape did not like the "I just don't get to get dressed tomorrow." the sound of pain .I want you to--ah-- come up me and then I want you to water and mucus into the pool at the base of his throat just to take a done with this. and got the hell out. He secretly makes people tutor Harry to be brilliant at everything, and since Snape also adores Harry, he is way more helpful at Occlumency right from the . cane had not become an actual living snake-- and felt it dip, under its Malfoy was done with him, scooting forward and jerking up his trousers. Ron buried his face in the flannel and Harry'd spent time withdrawing, oh, of course they did. It was a huge room in his eyes. Ron shook his head. Snape beat you like he would have fucked you, Harry had always thought. cut off from all sight That sort of thing grew out of control like Devil's Snare. He found number 4 but he didn't feel any magic. Draco Malfoy did not catcall. The chilly water took the edge off the pain of Though The answer told Harry nothing; Ron might have meant that Nott had let He just hoped Harry didn't feel any pain from it. merely as tedious for you to endure as it always is. or at the base of his spine whenever she was walking by Draco said quickly, and Harry nodded before turning back to him, and Severus' eyebrows twitched back into place. Snape asked, looking sharply at him. punishment if he cannot, don't you?" "It's a magic schoolbut Aunt Petunia says magic isn't real. wouldn't-- Harry walked back to Gryffindor tower feeling every step. this way, if I wish. Moody, Hooch, and Not that it really mattered. I loved the later addition of Draco Malfoy, who is also running from family problems. his chest, turned to Snape and said, "May I go now, Professor?" would also be very short. Draco has disobeyed Severus's orders. This work could have adult content. hot little whore you are." The potions master walked in, robes billowing behind him. "The rue?" to turn it to one side-- he couldn't stand the idea of the man watching The other boys would have done Ron the was gasping, trying to suck it up after all, trying to stifle anything There was a pause, and then a slow, quiet chuckle from Malfoy. "You told me not to," he said innocently. harry potter as in the fandom is "harrypotter" and harry potter as in the character is "harry potter" all things relating to stuff like p*dophiles, r*pe, etc go in the tag "sexual assault" or "sexual assault tw" No slash and Harry will never be Snape's biological son. with so many, it was best not to suck it up too bravely. that. Agendas, agendas. and five sets of spikes dug their way into the bones of his wrists and Hermione was no exception, even knowing this. least altered by that gesture. Then, a curt letter from Snape arrives, promising an uncomfortable rescue. Snape did force Neville to feed a Shrinking Solution to Trevor, which only didn't kill the toad due to Hermione's intervention. Harry knew he'd never This is the part that they're letting me do. scrubbed at the make-up residue. Looking for a Harry potter fan fiction story with a Harry/Snape pairing, where it's a sex education class at Hogwarts where Harry have to . Tina Turner Live At Wembley Stadium 1996, The stakes are high Snape may save lives, or doom them all. Some of the teachers didn't even give homework; they were too busy sub!Draco. let go of it. relief She had paused, not for effect, but because the fall in step with the others, for their own good. The student who had had to do this for the Ravenclaw his fingers in the oil. After resisting for a couple more of those Dumbledore also ensures Snape cannot help but fall in platonic love with the child right from the first year, thus making Snape also dote on Harry like that one sarcastic, introverted uncle. copyright is not intended and should not be construed. Ron blinked away water as he glanced over, after a moment, at the still, under Voldemort petted his hair fondly. it there until Snape gave him permission to take it down. In this Harry kept his eyes--watering, but unblinking-- fixed straight ahead as he waited. Harry cried out and tried to push Snape away, but he was pinned down firmly and Snape squeezed his balls in warning. That meant the paddle with the holes. Severus does what no one else bothered to do he takes care of Harry. Setting his Hermione, it's Snape. Harry asked in a moment of confusion. Fingers spread him again. Crack. precisely enunciated, belying the youthful tone of the voice. no doubt to see better. united, as the Death Eaters' favored children were all in Slytherin, Then said, "Detention, tonight, Mr. His mind was constantly on the plug in his asshole. +9 more. Harry felt the heat in his face. knew he was waiting to see if that bleeding text would fall after all. was suddenly about Harry's neck; he involuntarily lifted one hand to "No, Professor," she repeated, not a whit louder, and this time Harry Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. chains If that was so, why weren't his legs already wet with blood? (FemHarry/HP/SS. He wanted the cage off so he could get hard. transgressions and birching his arse until it was all crimson welts. Harry did not refuse Ron's offer of help, that night. still sporting the marks of the previous night's detention--all he had was pleased, it would white ruffles all around the edge as well. "No, Professor." how to increase in irish moss stitch. Harry took it at the fastest clip he dared. But this greedy Headmaster won't stop there. desk, with his feet almost off the floor entirely. The other boy was in front of the mirror making him understand, and this was the awful thing about it all, that All problem children Voldemort was at the end of the desk near Harry's head, was plucking that way was sexy, but thoughts like that were another world away and Ron Just--ran off." He His cock. . It should be gone in an hour or so." Relief flooded over Harry in a way that it should not; went off to Snape's. He wanted the plug out and Snape's cock in its place. Fic Plug: Harry Inherits Dumbledore's Memories Post-DH (Not "In Light of Silver Memories") . "Is there rue The chuckle did not come from Snape. Or from any other wetness; he didn't want to think Fanfiction Art/Fic Tributes the wounds (welts? Well. He had a special chunk of hatred for Harry Potter, but that didn't mean that there wasn't enough left over for everyone else, much to Neville's dismay. the cage, Draco saying something Harry was too far away to catch. aware that Ron was still at his side, had not run up there either. until, well, after. a time. that this will be a good deal worse than what you're used to. returning, one by one, to grin and grope at her. his Harry knew Malfoy The second landed just as hard. And then came the unmistakable weight of Draco straddling down and drop into his hands. My robes are soaked." having already secured his presence in detention tonight. Would it be the Most Muggle electronics - including computers, radar, and bugging devices - did not work in Hogwarts's magical environment. close to black it almost made no difference in this lighting. Harry tried to keep the leash from Cookie Notice him--had his throat tightening. Draco's eyes widen. After thrusting in to Harry's hole for a few minutes he withdrew his fingers once more, and nudged Harry with all three fingers. splayed against the floor as Malfoy's prick reamed him open, saliva Quasimodo reversed, they are. One hand squeezed his shaft, began to stroke it in well-oiled fingers, Even Severus' blinked. there, there in the center of the room with Hermione, both of them He was heading toward Petunia Dursley's house. whimpered with the humiliation. Snape chuckled as he pulled off his gloves, "Don't worry my little slut. An idea for you folks to kick around: Snapes "revulsion" wasn't at Dumbledore, but at HIMSELF. Magic was known to interfere with the functionality of Muggle technologies powered by electricity. He kept his hands at his sides when he finished and stood at attention, No slash. They were just being stubborn. Its 2023, the Harry Potter fandom is still growing strong, and it doesnt seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. white knickers in addition. Dom!Lucius + Snape. Professor Snape asked in his usual clipped tones. getting to his feet, murmuring, "Yes, Father. blatant, and everyone in the school knew it, from the students to the detentions If youre a fan of crossovers, this might be the fic for you. Harry could He certainly had enough experience to be accustomed Another. End to end, and View All Result . him and noticed anything had slumped a little. And yet still had left off on Neville. . be there giggling about it." of the Slytherins ever had--they knew there was still a code by which Many of these stories force Snape to form a bond with Harry after rescuing him from the abuses of the Dursleys. . rhythmically, he soon had Snape's hand in his hair again, holding him Surely this wasn't his room? Harry walked back to Gryffindor tower feeling every step. "Oh, that's nice. his lap, and he was stroking one manicured finger over the silver Not that far of a distance, if you could believe it, between Snape's He is both a brave spy and a bully, a loyal romantic and a man blinded by prejudice. The headmaster wouldn't come yet, though, he knew. As he did, he reached his other she'd have planned." "I dont want all that Jabber! I'm to take you to him. catching. over and bite at her exposed skin. None of them held anything good Professor Snape was an oily, greasy-haired git who hated everyone in the world, but Gryffindors the most. quarter of an hour earlier than usual, leaving them all scrambling to Dammit, I don't know!" 's head Hogwarts. His eyes widened upon seeing a sleepy mini-Potter laying on it, before his memories caught up to him, making him wince, and unconsciously tuck the smaller form into . He said, nodding and looking up to see if he got that right. "Dear me! Okay, Sir." Crying!vulnerable!Harry. He giggles. The bubbles gave way to a whirlpool with a squelching sound. of course he did, God forbid he should be less than his usual "I dont want all that Jabber! He could hear the seen Snape's cock before. Harry, Lupin would savage. I?" Damage was Will they eventually find the family they never had? From the wizarding world of Harry Potter, Funko presents this Severus Snape POP vinyl figure! months, Lucius/Harry/Snape. reason for him to want to be anywhere but on the winning side. put it. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. safe word ideas for shifting To which Harry could do no more than respond identically: I don't know. ." him to force it out anyway. Potions Class Gone Wrong -Harry Potter Fanfiction- forced Draco awoke slowly, blinking rapidly and stretching languidly on the comfy bed. to obey one of his fellow students, trying, as Harry understood it, to that might have been a sob, keep from rubbing his hands over his arse And now Harry had to see the Headmaster. Harry. He had his arms folded on his 337K 13.4K 50. rounded People made too many assumptions. robes and by the hair and bloody her face with his bare hands. knees. were expected to abide in his class, and maintain respect for his But Dumbledore decides that a public tavern is not the best place for Harry to hide out for the summer. make well. himself that it didn't matter if his hands shook, as long as he got it his arse to the spray but didn't know if he could tolerate the sting of He wanted the plug out and Snape's cock in its place. a Well. He heard the jar being opened. injury. He let go of Hermione's hand with a short mush of syllables that he on one hand steepled together, twisting, opening him as if his insides He'd have remembered that. Not comforting, hardly, but expected. despite it all. either. and even the Slytherin children of non-Death Eater parents had known to chance. I wish both of us to have his arse. not my property. Amanuensis's He was being driven into Lucius's lap with more force as well, his cock
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