or even "you are draco-pleiadian-andromedan!" Paul Wagner is a spiritual teacher, intuitive reader, and experienced life & business coach. Author of Philosophy for Life and other books. Always be careful with the labels you place on yourself. Youre a generalist, in that you are knowledgeable in a wide variety of subjects. Ive read many birth charts over the years. 1. Here's is a summary of your soul signature. The Sirians are from Sirius, within Canis Major. Based on some awarenesses, behaviors and energies Im seeing in myself recently and now reading about Mission Realmers I find I identify very strongly with them. A star seed soul who has had at least a 1,000 life times is an original starseed. Looking to the stars can be fun, but looking within is where youll find the gold. galactic heritage is complicated and we access different star races as we activate different areas of our consciousness. You are not limited by your label, race, or heritage. Plus you have many interests and areas of focus. I now other starseeds but unsure of their origin. We're Born Natural Innovators, So Does School Kill Creativity? To simplify things even further, Ive gone ahead and linked out to a post which explains each of those terms in simple language. Even with these real feelings of alignment with other worlds, you might never know whether or not you are genuinely Starseed. sun, moon or rising is a good indicator of starseed presence. I know that is terribly disappointing, but I have a waiting list that is more than two years long now and I have decided that it's really best to close it for now. In the end, though, the things you are calling might distract you from the expansion you seek. Are You Feeling Drawn To Someone Youve Never Met? Its a relief to have that confirmation/validation from your article. Note: This reading is different from the Akashic reading in that you will receive information on your star lineage and star system of origin ONLY; it does not include any of the other soul information you would receive in an Akashic reading. I love . Note that we can have more than one affiliation with a soul group. How to Read Celestial Akashic Starseed Origins: Lunar Edition: DeMarco Sirius B is a smaller star and home to the water beings like the Miengu and Merpeople. Mintakans love to be of service and to help others to grow (especially on the spiritual level). 2 or more retrogrades (symbolized by the big R), indicate general starseed origin. Hollow Earth vs Flat Earth Theory; Where Does One Draw the Line? If you are CURRENTLY on my reading waiting list, you will still be given the opportunity to schedule a reading with me once I have room again on my calendar. This reading is best for those who want to know their star origins, but are either on a budget or do not desire or need to get the extensive information received from the Akashic Records. Starseeds being the Celestial progression of ascension into the Galactic and Quantum realms . To find out your specific starseed alignments, you can check out this free birth chart reading here. You have experience in processing raw data and packaging it into a format so that other people can understand it, through your past or present work or studies. Its fun to IMAGINE all of this I like early mornings my star Sirius often hangs in my backyard and in the wee hours of the morning about 3:15 am I awake and many time Sirius is right over my house flickering a blue and red Show! Again, you can be a starseed or have starseed origins without these influences. (Note that this includes emotional, physical, psychological or spiritual ways to heal. Are You a Sirius A Starseed? Here Are Some Things You Should Know! The Orion Starseeds hail from the constellation of Orion, and they are the most competitive of all. Feel them out, internalize the energy patterns, and get an intuitive understanding of each type. With this Amazon bestselling book, learn how to come back into balance with your gifts & thrive in a world that is not set up for empaths. They keep interested in science-related subjects, such as physics. Cayces readings are some of the best known. My Starseed reading will show you your galactic origin and I will write a full, detailed report on your Starseed family, characteristics, challenges while here on earth, your Starseed . Birth Chart Starseed Reading for Starseed Origins $ 77.77; Mini Birth Chart Starseed Reading for Starseed Origins. You will not receive a detailed description of where each origin is located and what it means for you as you would with the Full . See our, The ideas and concepts around Starseeds come to us through channelers and, According to the channelers, Starseeds ar. Each of these temporary self-identities has limitations and consequences. Most agree that Starseeds are traveling souls from other planets who incarnated on Earth to inspire and heal human beings, and to participate in the planets evolution. I do not have the perfect health of a Lyran I am fragile and since I loved belly dance and was drawn to Hawaiian dance I may have a touch of Lemuria. Luckily, the website mentioned above pulls all of your planet positions, houses, aspects, and nodes into a few handy charts which are easy to read. Half Starseed Origin Reading: for $20 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found in your astrological natal chart along with a detailed description of the meaning behind each origin. By connecting with people one-to-one, they hope to bring true balance to the planet. Reading the poetry helps to activate light codes. 2020 Debbie Solaris. How to Read Celestial Akashic Starseed Origins: Lunar Edition Use the same account and membership for TV, desktop, and all mobile devices. Akashic Records 101: Can We Access Our Akashic Records? Again, water signs are significant here. or let me know what star races you resonate with underneath the thread! In this guide, youll discover how to find your starseed markings, and what to do when youve unearthed them. It can also tell you the origin of your starseed lineage. This weird history has four parts: 1) The origins of UFO mythology in the far-right occulture of 1880s-1930s. Good question. Find your starseed origin by looking for these starseed alignments in The Placidus Orb column is what you might know as houses. In this article in the Soul Origin Series, I am giving you some insight into how to tell you might be a Starseed based on your natal and fixed star astrology charts. They are natural-born healers. Hi Dorota youre absolutely right, there are no degrees in those numbers. Im somewhat blown away by that idea given the wide held belief that angels dont have the option of incarnating into a human life and then what youre saying is that they can, and do. Ive never really seen any *true* pattern with north node placements. They do this by planting little seeds of spirituality and suggestions of there being something more than just the physical realm. Go to "Get Starseed Confirmation" and fill out the required fields with your birth info, month, day, year, time, place and your present location and phone number. But their main aim is to help Mother Earth and her inhabitants. 32 Major Signs Your Soul is From A Distant Light System, How to Tell if Youre Going Through a Deep Starseed Awakening. in this example, my sun is in cancer with a degree or aspect of 2729. Note these degrees or aspects can be in any part of your natal chart, including houses, planetary aspects or south/north node placements. But nobody can tell you which one is more important. Find out more about this group, and their various reasons for incarnating, in my book. All birth data provided by the client is solely for the use of the Akashic reading or birth chart, and is never shared, ever. If Gemini is strong, Feline or Lyran is possible, If Aquarius or Uranus is strong there could be an. Check out the links provided below! hi guys - i have been doing a lot of starseed origin readings on here, and i wanna let anyone who hasn't gotten their reading You will not receive a detailed description of where each origin is located and what it means for you as you would with the Full . So, healing & lightness seem to be their specialty as a soul group. This is not a mistake. There are thousands, if not millions, of possible marking combinations. Approx. All sun signs have the potential to be a starseed, but those with a water sign e.g. in my example above, 533 311, this is usually an indicator of psychic ability or starseed presence. When I email you with your origin results, it will tell you the race in which you originated. ), You really struggle with how heavy life can be here on Earth, in terms of the emotional depths and suffering people can experience here, You know that on the soul level, youre here to help and serve, You mostly agree with the following statement: youre loving and generous of spirit, You wish that our society were much gentler and kinder, and that we could be more attuned to each others feelings and needs, You often lack self-confidence and self-assurance. People with this marking are likely to be an old soul or lightworker. Starseeds Remembering their Celestial Selves Amanda Jane DeMarco 'IndigoAngel' provides a unique methodology for easily determining one's Starseed Origins in accordance to their synergistic relationship with the Moon and the Original Earth Template. Starseeds- Discover your planetary origins and connect with your star family. Every soul is pursuing knowledge, experience, or expansion, on some level. Your soul is not small letters; its an all-cap YOU, all the time. Fasttrack your intuitive development using this doityourself guided meditation. Mars on the cusp of Leo, Jupiter on the cusp of Cancer. Write down which traits you have and which starseed types resonate. Types of Starseeds are as follow: Starseed Test: check here Sirian starseed: Sirius is the multi-star system having more than one sun.Founded by Saoirse Clare . For example, if a person has numerous planetary birth alignments within the 25 to 27 degree range, then it is likely that this person has a Pleiadian lineage. If Virgo is strong there could be a Vega/Lyran connection. While it might seem novel or romantic to assume that all Starseeds are more evolved than human beings, its folly. Please email orcontact me or any personal inquiries. Starseeds-Discover your Origin - Apps on Google Play Whether you are Starseed or from Jersey, your birthright is to invite intelligence, seek an expanded consciousness, and fully awaken at any moment. in my example above, 533 311, this is usually an indicator of psychic ability or starseed presence. Whilst there are many signs that point to you being a starseed soul, there is a shorter and more definitive way to tell; starseed markings. Find out more about this group here. Starseed Readings - Astrology, Akashic & Tarot send info to the Contact tab bottom of page, {{ selectedCombination[attribute.id].name ? Team Enki. This article will be like NOTHING you've read before. It's quite possible you're a Starseed. And they also bring spiritual energies to materialists (i.e. Some Starseed may have the sole purpose of assisting human beings as healers or spiritual masters. In the quiz below, I give statements that apply to the 7 most common star seed groups that people who visit my website belong to. This fifth element of space is considered the fundamental fabric of reality from which all other elements emerge the source of material reality. An example of an Starseed Atlantis Akashic Reading. Id like to explain the origin results to everyone before they order one as Im getting some emails from those who are confused. Heres a good place to pull that reading. people who are overly immersed in the physical realm, who do not feel that there is anything more to life than just this material existence.) They are far less concerned than the other groups about oneness and unity, preferring the idea that healing humanity is achieved one soul at a time. Youre very humorous and you love to make other people laugh, You work (or have worked) in the entertainment industry in some capacity, People tell you that youre a lot of fun to be around, Youre fairly self-sufficient & independent, You get bored with projects quite easily and have to really push yourself to see something through to the end, Youre strong willed and you dislike being told what to do. How to Find Your Starseed Markings - SELFFA If you seek the other worlds, call them to you. Star Seed Codes (Degrees) | Fixed Stars - Blogger This marked the beginning of a massive vibrational shift in earth's consciousness. Look to see how many of your . Hadarians These souls are bringers of the energies of Divine Love. This is where it gets a little more advanced, so youll need a proper birth chart wheel so you can which signs land in each house. past, parallel, and future lives, both off-world and on . They are very balanced and identify strongly with the heart chakra. The detailed Starseed reading will include the same information as the Basic reading, but will also include personal details of your Galactic History and Soul Journey through the Akashic Records. Biblical scripture asserts that a record of every life is kept in heaven, and it is from these records that souls are judged. Friends Lovers Report Through Astrology Free, Free Vedic Astrology Predictions For 2009, Site officially launched 28th September 2000, Astrology Yahoo Horoscopes Chinese Dog Overview Yearly 2013, Capricorn Horoscope August 2012 Cafe Astrology, Virgo Gemini Compatibility Cafe Astrology. It is currently on sale for one week. Parallels have lots of different reasons for choosing to come to Earth, and their own soul purpose will depend on what they are exploring here. They are also studious people, and they always like to keep their nose close to a book. E.g. You may well have originally been an Andromedan Starseed who found that the Sirians had a better way of being (according to your unique soulprint). Data safety. Can Sacred Geometry Produce Musical Harmony? 27 Virgo 10. Thats why Ive linked to this handy resource which explains over 100 trines, squares, conjunctions etc to look for. Given that you came from stardust and have been infused with divine light, you might feel this connection deeply in your bones. Payment. Starseeds-Discover your Origin. What is a Starseed and What Does it Mean in Astrology? | Keen Unfortunately the output isnt able to name the origin I call home, but that would have been a really unexpected surprise, so thats okay. Live it as if you are here, in the now. if you would like, comment below and i can double check to make sure you made it over to my spreadsheet. An Akashic Records reading accesses the cosmic energies of the Akasha, which is the Universe's energetic soul records, to answer any questions you may have about your soul's journey, which can include: your star system, angelic or planetary origins and lineage. My sun trines Jupiter at 035 and has a positive value of 209. P.S Dont forget to join our Starseed community, and receive my weekly, 5* reviewed emails specifically crafted for Starseeds and Lightworkers to flourish on Earth. You can use that to find a more fulfilling path than the one that you are currently on or, it could reinforce that what you are already doing is the right path for you. to manipulate human societies, cultures, and human development. What is a starseed child. it's a type of reading that is fascinating to do, and can work well as part of a natal chart reading, or as a standalone. Having Leo or Virgo in these signs symbolizes against being a starseed i.e. Like other starseeds, Jake thinks he is a highly evolved soul from another planet. Those placement signs apply to all the figures that show up in your natal chart i.e. When we wonder about our origins, we might consider that Earth is one of many experiments, during a time when collaborations of alien races seeded stars and planets to grow new worlds. "You are the universe, expressing itself as a human for a little while." ~ Eckhart Tolle . Signs You Might be a Starseed - Allorah Rayne The sings are between 0 and 29 degrees, anyhow I set the chart. Example of A Soul Origin and Signature reading The Dream Walker of Andromeda Galaxy. i have been doing a lot of starseed origin readings on here, and i wanna let anyone who hasn't gotten their reading know that i am still working on them and i will send yours to you when it is done! The final album before the breakup of Sybreed, "God is an Automaton" was the point at which the band arguably settled into their sound, an interesting mixture of programmed synthesizers and It should now say vJoy - Virtual Joystick beneath the Assigned . If you have a water sign in your south node, this is one, but very small sign, you could have starseed origins. "starseed readings" or galactic origin readings started when i began looking into fixed stars, as well as galactic heritages, like andromedan, or pleiadian. Charlotte is a renowned Trauma Psychotherapist, Astrologer, and Founder of Typically Topical. FREE, {{ review.firstName }} {{ review.lastName }}, {{ review.createdAt | date: 'MM/dd/yyyy' }}. Your birth chart is what you will analyze to find your starseed markings. Sirian: These souls come from the planets Sirius A and Sirius B. Sirius A is the brightest star in the Earth's sky. 12th House: Moon, Mercury (*BIG indicator), Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, North or South Node. Read, heal, open, clear out and rebalance your chakra system. Starseeds do not commandeer any category of industry, and not all of them have the same abilities, attributes, or talents. Also these are donation based so if you have no money that is ok- but if you can donate - I have cash apps. Thank you. You should meditate on each of the different Starseed types and try to understand them on an energetic level. The answer is rarely completely straightforward, and for most people, it turns out that they have a few different star systems of origin. Finally, and very importantly, she helped me understand the connections of my journey with key loved ones in my life who are also starseeds. If you would like to know all of your incarnations, please order the full chart. If they had a motto, it would be all you need is love. Add to wishlist. The soul inhabits a physical form because it is drawn into the bosom of a living being through resonance and alignment. 32 Major Signs Your Soul is From A Distant Light System. When someone says, for example, that they are a Lightworker from Sirius, they mean that they identify and resonate with Sirius as their energetic home. With a background in psychology, astrology, and esoteric practice, her soulful guides are read by over 300,000 people every month. How To Find Your Pleiadian Starseed Markings | In5D : In5D In fact, revealing what Starseed race you are is a little more complicated than you might think. Ive always found people with water signs in these positions resonate most with Pleiadian, mintakan, Blue Ray, Lemurian or andromedan starseeds. These records comprise the energetic imprints of all intentions, thoughts, emotions, relationships, creations, and events, ever to have occurred, throughout every race, in all the realms, throughout all of spacetime. They want to have gotten there already, not putting much stock in the value of the process of getting there in the first place. Do these records exist in time and space like a galactic internet? disclaimer: Its not as cut and dry as "you are arcturian!" So, for exampleyou feel connected to Pleiades and have been told in the past that you are Pleiadian but I tell you that you are from Orion. They are often drawn to teaching and love academia, seeing a life spent learning as a life well spent. Check out our starseed twin flame selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our spirituality & religion shops. Lyran Starseed: Traits and Characteristics - StarseedSigns.com They are perceptive, hard-working, and usually enjoy a life of good health. Pluto and North node in Libra. This can occur when souls are in utero or at any other point in their lives. Is this an illusion? You might also be wondering how you got here and if youll ever return. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Lets talk about the different types of origin, the nature of multiple lines, and the benefits of discovering your own spiritual past: There are a few main groups of Starseed systems in our neighborhood of the universe, though there are rumored to be many more that have little to do with us at this time. Most (but not all) starseeds have an empathetic, free-flowing side to them. Starseed readings available now - find out more info below! Your you is a layer atop a beautiful, powerful, vibrant soul, and you have unlimited potential in any direction. Regardless, it seems that Starseeds do exist, in one form or another. Charly on June 7, 2015 at 6:33 PM Hello Anna Sayce! This is a family reunion for your soul. Could it be that the number of stars, galaxies, planets, and realms is dynamic, and therefore, incalculable? Those who originate from the Andromeda galaxy are called Andromedans, and they have traveled the furthest of all the races mentioned. Alpha Caelians The Alpha Caelians are a group that seem to specialise in lightness as an energetic quality and so many of them have been involved, on the other side, in helping human souls to heal after difficult lifetimes, in this way, and slough off any heavy energies that need to be released. Are the Akashic Records some cosmic repository of endless file cabinets in infinite hallways and stacks? explores concepts of Akasha from the perspective of science, concluding that the Akasha contains templates for human ideals such as harmony and equanimity. They are driven to greatness and try to help others see what they can achieve with the same motivation. The ideas and concepts around Starseeds come to us through channelers and seers who regularly connect with the Akashic records. Starseeds from the Pleiades, for example, are deeply emotional, highly sensitive individuals. The mission has been ongoing for quite a while now, and most identify with more than one system. Maintained by Green Hat Web Solutions. Go ahead and check other info on our website! Given the vast arrays of ideologies and experiences they most likely have had, and having lived in a variety of worlds, it stands to reason that Starseeds could possess brighter hearts and the keenest intuition. When traditional titles and archetypes fail us, we hunt elsewhere, even into the stars. The tropical placidus orb is just one of many fancy terms and house systems astrologers can use to find out what sign rules each house. I do read Starseed origins birth charts! All my life I've always felt different from everyone. When Starseeds are part of spiritual lineages that seeks to help humanity, then they may have higher levels of intelligence and a more expanded collective consciousness. Whether youre Starseed, Muslim, Lutheran, Japanese, Iranian, brown, red, tall, fat, wonderful, itchy, angry, or hilarious, your current you is a temporary construct that you continually co-created with your pre-birth guides, and the parents and cultures you chose for this life. The Arcturans are from Arcturus, found in the Bootes constellation. How to Find Your Starseed Markings (In Depth Tutorial) - Typically Topical And I found that people often already knew which energies they resonated with, before even looking up their chart. Based on your placements I can help you understand in which planets or dimensions etc you have been in your past lives. Types of Starseeds: Which Star System Do You Come From? Extended Starseed Origins Reading - Starseed Astrology Report, Starseed Origin Birth Chart Reading Ad vertisement by SoulPurposeAstro. . Ascendant Signs: Pisces, Scorpio, Virgo, and Sagittarius, 3rd House: Uranus (*very common), Neptune, Chiron, 6th House: Neptune (*BIG indicator), Saturn, or Uranus, 7th House: Pluto, Mercury, Moon, Venus, or North Node, 8th House: South Node, Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, 9th House: Mars (*very common), Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto, 11th House: Jupiter (*very common), Sun (*BIG indicator), Uranus, Mars.
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