But mostly their Anti-Terrorist Operation, which is what they are calling this civil war, has turned into a propaganda initiative, with the mythical Russian invaders invoked at every turn to explain their otherwise inexplicable string of defeats. Boeing was given a free pass. Applied for over 160 factory jobs plus Bunnings, Aldi, Coles, Car wash. What Lenin reassigned to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic were Russian lands, Donetsk and Lugansk regions among them. The hubris, the constant expansion since its creation manifest destiny ect ect makes the US exceptionally dangerous even in its decline. The Damascus explosion blew off the 780 ton silo door and launched the second stage plus its 9 megaton warhead 1000 feet in the air. New Bruins Garnet Hathaway and Dmitry Orlov jump right in to play The resulting hole in public consciousness was plugged by making a cargo cult of European integration: it was announced that the Ukraine was leaving the Russian world behind and joining the European Union and NATO. The other campaign is in the South China Sea. The MIC is acting more irrationally and even the Israelis have something called the Sampson option. That is where they nuke everyone even if it provokes their own destruction. I even provided a worksheet which readers could use to track their progress in freeing themselves from the technosphere's clutches. , , . provide. The thing is that there are so many constant annoyances with living in the USA that one would be glad never to have to deal with again!! Thanks to both Saker and Dmitry. Dmitry Orlov: Are Americans prepared for a Soviet style collapse? Russian Flashmob Sings Famous WW2 Song (Smuglyanka). The word is a Latin The author shouldnt say russian jews he should say russian israelis or israelis of russian origin. In spite of this confused linguistic situation, Ukrainian was imposed as the language of instruction throughout the country. the virtues of the American people. The right thing to do is simply accepting them. if you can avail a transcript this interview, Stanley u can download it .it mostly under 40 minutes Dmitry Orlov show his value to Bruins in matchup with Connor McDavid We have never seen such a non-event of this scale. The Ukrainians simply laughed in their faces because it was clear to them that the instructors did not know how to fight at all. Check out American Nations, by Colin Woodard. Saker drew out of him a quintessential interview. Dmitry Orlov May 31 2022 32250 Western Collapse From the Archives Christianity Russian Missile Tech has Made America's Trillion Dollar Navy Obsolete Dmitry Orlov May 26 2022 65444 From the Archives The Suicidal American Empire Is Collapsing Fast, But Its Death Now Would Cause Unacceptable Collateral Damage Dmitry Orlov May 19 2022 26350 Dmitry Orlov trade details: Bruins bring in Capitals defenseman to add Since none of this military/political superstructure is actually structural without the key ingredient of US hegemony, we shouldnt expect it to perform particularly well. Dear Mulga Mumblebrain, if you are able to do so plant some trees. Given you own experience living in Crimea and your network of contacts throughout the Donbass, and considering the time elapsed since the evens of 2013-2014, do you think that there is any viable chance that regions such as Kharkov, Odessa and Dnepropetrovsk would seek to join Donetsk and Lugansk in forging a new state? Thanks for that interview on 5G radiationwith a bona fide top expert Dr. Trowerwe are seeing already Russia will bloody the West. He seems to assume that Russian Doctrine is that WW3 is to be fought on US soil. 2007-present. Nothing really new here but the interview does a masterful job of asking the right questions; and the Good point about the returning, disillusioned vets. A whiff of World War III hangs in the air. English) the extraordinary Renaissance art collections that are held in the Hermitage and other museums. Dmitry Orlov: Pandemic, Economic Collapse, & Military Conflict #145 The Saker: Dmitry, thank you so much for your time and for a most interesting interview! In response, many people are starting to think that Armageddon might be nighan all-out nuclear exchange, followed by nuclear winter and human extinction. Browse for Dmoney Martinez interviews, guest appearances, and call-ins. Sigh. They voted the way they were paid to vote. He was born in Leningrad (now Saint Petersburg), but emigrated to the United States for a while and then returned to Russia. The State Investigation Bureau opened a criminal case on the intentional surrender of Crimea, violent upheaval, treason and the organization of mass murders on the maidan in 2014 by Ukraines top officials, in particular by Arseny Yatsenyuk, Alexander Turchinov, Andrei Paruby, [former head of Ukraines Security Service] Valentin Nalivaichenko, [Verkhovna Rada member] Sergei Pashinsky, [Permanent Representative to the UN] Yuri Sergeyev, [Kiev Mayor] Vitaly Klichko, [head of the Freedom nationalist party] Oleg Tyagnibok, [former Acting Defense Minister] Igor Tenyukh, [Prosecutor General] Yuri Lutsenko, [Defense Minister] Stepan Poltorak and others, Aver Lex said. Instead of functioning as a wealth pump that pumped wealth from the periphery to the imperial center, it functioned as a revolutionary incubator, exploiting the resources of the core (Russia) and exporting them to the periphery to build socialism, with the further goal of fomenting global communist revolution. These can sometimes confound his conclusions. What a big joke! Why? Trees are vitally important for the health of the Earth and humanity. Modernization, or bringing the region up to date, could proceed at whatever pace Russia chose, it would not have to happen in a couple of years. The holy and the the female pelvis is the altar to which we spontaneously direct our She built, through canny exploitation of foreign nobles financial troubles (esp. a new life once the arctic fox departs. Ill listen again. My hope is that the US military personnel currently scattered throughout the planet will not be simply abandoned once the money runs out, but I wouldnt be too surprised if that is what happens. Who do you think trained those men and equipped them, the tooth fairy? For instance, it is possible to provide OSCE observers with UN armed guards, as we suggest in response to the apprehensions of Ukrainians about their safety. I think Ukraine is a society that cannot mobilize itself to address its problems. The interview was cut short because the VOIP connection failed. Just an intelligent mans opinion, loaded with facts, in no uncertain terms. Biggest winners and losers of the NHL Trade Deadline And so brave I see today as the repeat of the 1920-1930; after the roaring 20s, the world sank into a world depression that morphed into WWII. An earlier post finds educated/well-informed and practical Americans, but those troops are being thinned out every day from US chaos. Saker we were hungry for this information about the Ukraine, and I can tell you were also. "In terms of the legal basis for the Russian incursionI wouldn't call it an invasion; invasion is when you move in to stay, invasion leads to occupation. Russia is already receiving a lot of displaced Russians, plus tons of Russians in Ukraine who became the source of cheap labor for Russian companies. On the other hand, they find it embarrassing to pressure him in public because by doing so they will admit that what they call their mediation has failed. This fake history lionizes Nazi collaborators and attempts to rub out entirely all memory of the Ukraines once very active role in the larger Russian world. Bruins' Dmitry Orlov: Dealt to Boston - CBSSports.com But you wouldnt know that listening to the talking heads and other experts who serve roughly the same function for the Empire as the orchestra did on the Titanic: to distract from the developing disaster(s) for a long as possible. But one thing I am certain of, Russia is a greater hope for the world than is the US. Neither campaign comes anywhere near the US mainland. Make snippets of Dobbin talking to create audio highlights to share with your friends or embed in related blog posts. Nothing wrong with that. They are simply copying the liberalist West in everything. It will continue as a talking shop while various national governments attempt to reclaim their sovereignty. As Martin Lee has put it, the Beast reawakens. Feb 27, 2023 at 11:48 pm ET 1 min read. The question of his ethnicity is irrelevant. Nature-like technologies, a phrase coined by Vladimir Putin, is a focal point of discussion in this recent interview with Dmitry Orlov. OK. between the sacred (that which is holy) and the sacral (that which is Rotowire Feb 16, 2023. You Are Being Trolled by an Imploding Empire, World Ready for US Collapse as Empire Hemorrhages Gold, Oil and Credibility, Northern Europeans Are Incompatible With Other Races - Just Look At the Historical Evidence, The US Empire is Very Much Over - The Saker Interviews Dmitry Orlov, Putin Now Thinks Western Elites Are 'Swine', RIP INF Treaty: Russias Victory, Americas Waterloo, The Russian Peace 'Threat' and Americas Addiction to War, The Tech Giants Are Risking Crippling Global Lawsuits by Censoring Alex Jones, America's Shale Oil Boom Is a Bubble Waiting to Pop, World Cup a Major Defeat for Western Media, a Huge Win for Russia, I Watched Putin's Entire 4 Hour Q+A With the Russian People - He Even Answered My Question, Every Tier of the Collapse Process Is Evident in Ukraine - 'Fake Dead' Journalist Fiasco Is a Sign, Koreas, Keep in Mind - Collapse of the American Empire Is Inevitable, Russia's Foes Politicize 41 Kids Who Died In a Ghastly Fire in Siberia Last Weekend, Russian Elections Show How Russia is Becoming Great Again, The Shocking Diplomatic Incompetence of Theresa May and Boris Johnson, Never, Ever Listen to What American Jews Have to Say About Russia, General Mattis's Huge Eyebags Are a National Security Risk, Military Defeat as a Financial Collapse Trigger - The Epic US Fail in Syria, The Most Breathtaking 'Lord Have Mercy' You Have Ever Heard, Beautiful, Unearthly Hymn Chanted by Russian Orthodox Choir in Empty Church, Russian Women Always Wear Headscarves to Church. I havent listened to the interview yet, but Ive just read Orlovs latest essay published today and its utterly brilliant. I really take exception to Orlov saying how nuclear war will never happen. I would like to interview 2 professed patriotic and intelligent Russians , both living in the USA about their MOTIVES in their endless BASHING of everything European ( the part which concerns ME ) .. as well as their endless Bashing of Americans , the people among whom they choose to live , in both instances expressing Ridicule and Disgust bordering to Hate towards these 2 Areas of the World. It lays claim to the territory of Donetsk and Lugansk but not to the people who reside there. Insurrection? The u.s. regulators did what u.s. regulators have been instructed to do since the raygun regime dont interfere with corporate profiteering. And whod be willing to endure shelling for a monstrosity like contemporary America? Is it not always a good idea to analyze? The crazies in the State Dept. The east of the country is gripped in a drought of unprecedented depth and extent, and in many places, duration. The only difference between Poroshenko and Zelensky, or any of the other 30+ people who appeared on the ballot, is that Poroshenko has already stolen his billions while his contestants have not had a chance to do so yet, the only reason to run for president, or any elected office, in the Ukraine, being to put oneself in a position to do some major thieving. Manifest in another universe a bit more advance than this one and therefore more peaceful. It has no memory and it decides nothing. Listen to audio about Dmytro Balaba. Dmitry Orlov, Washington Capitals, D - CBSSports.com the advent of the arctic fox but will, with any luck, be reborn into Eventually, I decided that the ambiance was depressing me. ).I thoroughly enjoy. The main advantages the US has on this score are its mass surveillance system, policing infrastructure and media. Dmitry Orlov gives his view on the pandemic and ensuing economic collapse. Restraint? Comprehensive representation of the current givens. It is a They represent the grievances of the lower-middle classes within the Anglo American Empire and Europe who want a greater cut of the economic loot of empire for themselveswhich necessitates an even more aggressive and militaristic grab for global resources, markets, and geopolitical power. Any serious war must be fought on the enemys territory. . Had the Russians invaded, the result would have been a replay of Russias action in Georgia in August of 2008, which lasted about a week. Beautiful architecture, beaches etc. Well, Bollocks, industrialised meat production and consumption is bad for the Earth, for the consumer and for the poor animal. It is a purely negative identity: Ukraine is that which is not Russia. What will spark the next round of Western European ethnogenesis is impossible to predict, but we can be sure that at some point a mutant strain of zealots will arrive on the scene, with a dampened instinct for self-preservation but an unslakable thirst for mayhem, glory and death, and then it will be off to the races again. Just about every company grade officer and mid or senior NCO I know in US has or is in process of winding things up and moving home, moving away from the intensely corrupt and hedonistic coastal areas and moving to Middle America, the towns and small cities where the values to a great extent are what I grew up with in the 50s. Only the ancient Greeks had something that came close and that only for a short while. For the EU, bad times ahead. The Muscovite Russians even instinctively admit that this heritage is not really theirs, so that they name their currency ruble from rubaty to chop off parts of the hrivna silver or gold coins,and the Muscovite Russians adopt the two-headed eagle symbol of old imperial Byzantium, not the trident, as old Byzantium was actually a rival of Kyivan Rus and fought some wars with the Kyivan realm.The first khokhol by hairstyle documented in history was none other that Great King Sviatoslav Ihorevych the Conqueror, notably campaigning against Greek Byzantium.Unfortunately, starting with Great King Ivan so-called Terrible,he forever broke away from the heritage of Kyivan Rus primarily by what he did to the city-state-republic of Nogvorod, one of the oldest bastions of Kyivan Rus and how he and his son exterminated the original population of that city (that would stand as one of his greatest crimes), not to mention his weird devil-worshipping cult of oprichhina. Dmitry Orlov (banker) - Wikipedia Khrushchev the Ukrainian native is repeated all the time. They refuse to even say two syllables: Hello. These old European nations are all aging out, not just in terms of demographics but in terms of the maximum age allotted by nature to any given ethnos. The technosphere, which I defined in my 2016 book Shrinking the Technosphere as a nonhuman global emergent intelligence driven by an abstract teleology of total control, has seen its interests greatly advanced in the course of the 2020-21 coronavirus pandemic, with large parts of human populations forced to submit to control measures that made a mockery of their vaunted human rights and democratic values. The 31-year-old is the kind of quintessential bottom-six winger who brings energy and physicality every night while pitching in on offense. And all this talk about how America`s military is junk is wishful thinking. No spam, please. SSSR is dead. Those of you who have not been paying attention, or have but see the collapse of the USA as a somewhat whimsical, futuristic notion, need to pinch themselves. KIEV, April 17. They are also fanatic enemies of renewable energy, and proponents of fossil fuels, particularly coal, And most of them have children, who they are condemning to a life of Hell on Earth, and a premature and wretched death. Growing their own food? Russia has been resisting calls to grant official recognition to these two Peoples Republics or to provide overt military support (weapons and volunteers do filter through from the Russian side without any hindrance, although the flow of volunteers has been slowing down of late). The key is, for Putin to either get on with the program or get out so new non-liberal president can do what needs to be done. Will there be a civil war? Hence neatly erasing Gownopolska small wonder our esteemed Polak here has to slander her as well as her achievements. It forces one to take on each new day not so oblivious to the very real hazards. Not doing so sends the signal that no matter what the other southwestern Oblasts do, they will not be accepted either. Not bad for a Pole, mind you: Zbigs Grand Chessboard was published way back in 1997. The US was always the way Orlov describes its future. the sacred and the profane and refer to it as the advent of the After some amount of effort by NATO instructors to train the Ukrainians, the instructors gave up. Fortunately Russia recovered Crimea, and the mining/industrial regions are disputed, but the Khazarians control 2 critical assets: the other coastal oblasts and the chernozem soils. Dmitry is an astute commentator, well worth listening to his take on Russia's military operation in the Ukraine. Stream Dmitry Orlov: Pandemic, Economic Collapse, & Military Conflict #145 by Geopolitics & Empire | Listen online for free on SoundCloud SoundCloud Sorry! It will be interesting to see how public and government workers, as a group, react to the realization that the retirements they have been promised no longer exist; perhaps that will tip the entire system into a defunct state. And perhaps that future is already here. Good one Saker and Dmitry Orlov. Kharkov and Odessa? It is available for download and install by clicking on the Google Play Store Badge above. Russia's Maddening Patience - Why Doesn't She Strike Back When Attacked? Once in a while they stage minor skirmishes, suffer casualties and pull back. Despite the fact that Catherine had been his only real friend during his troubled teenagerdom. So true, Nightingale, and Academia in the US, in its peer-reviewed glory, has given most Americans precisely zero information about Russia. Dmitry Orlov showcases his value to Bruins in defensive baptism by fire against Oilers Orlov spent most of his reps on Monday night matching up against Connor McDavid. But well have to see how everything turns out. Browse for Dobie Gillis interviews, guest appearances, and call-ins. Ukrainians are already the third most populous ethnic group within Russia (after Russians and Tatars) and Russia has been able to absorb the Ukrainians that have been fleeing to Russia in recent years. History shows that the genie is out of the bottle and will be used at some point in time. Dmitry Orlov Stats, News, Bio | ESPN Many Ukrainians are probably unhappy with the current state of affairs but dont see institutional mechanisms they could use to address the problems. The next slightly less stupid control element is a toggle: it remembers whether the light is on or off and when pushed turns it off or on, respectively. We had the pleasure to interview author, blogger, social critic and philosopher Dmitry Orlov and get his views on the Ukraine/Russia conflict and its implications for the United States. MOSCOW Moscow is calling on Kiev to renounce its plans to resolve the dispute over the Kerch incident before the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and sit down at the negotiating table to resolve the differences, the Russian Foreign Ministry said. ClubOrlov The power of sincerity? They dont. In this interview, which I listened to and found very interesting, Orlov reiterates points he makes in his recent Club Orlov essay, "A Thousand Balls of Flame," which I also read with great interest. I do not doubt this or that the West will recognise this election. But the people, within that system. The US media can make the great bulk of the people believe absolutely anything, if given enough time. The US is not, as Mr Orliv would have us believe in his cute, facile ultra-nationalist view, a mere dumping ground for immigrants from shithole countries that has been laid to waste and ready to sink. But the fact that the people living there have to put up with constant shelling does not make life a veryenticing prospect. The only part of the US which probably will emerge as a cohesive force will be the old South, Dixie land, which has history and tradition behind it. I have no doubts that with time Novorossiya will become if not part of Russia then certainly so intertwined with Russia that to all intents and purposes it will be Russian again. He is very smart and he knows what he writing about this is my opinion of the man. It must be remembered that the Ukrainians, in spite of the decay of the last 30 years, still have something of the Russian fighting spirit in them, and will fight like Russiansuntil victory or until death. It must be remembered that the Ukrainians, in spite of the decay of the last 30 years, still have something of the Russian fighting spirit in them, and will fight like Russiansuntil victory or until death. Usually it is as simple as clicking on the adblock icon in your browser, and choosing the disable on this page or domain option. The longer they wait the worse it will be. Quite contented, He was an eyewitness to the Soviet collapse over several extended visits to his Russian homeland between the late eighties and mid-nineties. Ukraine (except Galicia which never contributed anything) went from being a top-notch industrial powerhouse as part of the USSR to a Western owned and ditto run Nazi asylum. The way the ruling group in the US will turn a low level national insurgency to its advantage is to make it racial. WIth potential rods of god ready to fall. President, Im not saying we wouldnt get our hair mussed, but I do say no more than 10 to 20 million killed, tops! Anyone who thinks nukes will definitely not be used are deluding themselves. Policies, Vurbl People: Interviews, Commentary, News, and More, Collapse: American Prospects with Dmitry Orlov, Dmitry Orlov: The Precipitous Decline Of America's Global Empire, The Arctic Fox Cometh to Global Research: The Dynamics between Russia and America with Dmitry Orlov, #192 | America Faded Vol. His attitude sounds much like the policy which Great Britian had toward Ireland and the Irish for centuries, The mental climate in the US is already sick enough; why should we want to make it even sicker? Yeah, a little too late, though. The rest of the orc lands east of the Dnepr? They were purged and suffered political repression in what became known as the Leningrad affair.. Orlov is thorough. the above also means that wordpress generated its own certs leaving customers alone to do as they please. The applicability of the concept of collapse is predicated on the existence of an intact, stand-alone entity capable of collapse, and with the Ukraine this is definitely not the case. In my conversations about the Ukraine with many Ukrainians over the years I discovered a shocking truth: unlike the Russians, the Ukrainians seem to have exactly zero ethnic solidarity. Dmitry Orlov (2021) Film Review. Which simply means that the owner of that page should have or maybe did used his/hes own generated certificate. Insightful, and amusing, viewpoint on the American situation. Yes, these I do expect, leading to the break up of the US. Also Crimea came into Russian possession only under Katherine the Whore, not before. The chaos we experience seems a portent for Armageddon. None of this matters, because we dont know which of the two is the US State Departments pick. Quite so. By Karen Rybold-Chin, Dmitry Orlov, Greg David, Ontheearthproductions. Great job! "The United States are making sure-footed strides directly along the path of the Soviet Union. He was born in Leningrad (now Saint Petersburg), but emigrated to the United States for a while and then returned to Russia. idea well, what of them? battle hymns there followed heartfelt songs about dumplings the size He reasons based upon the assumption that the US is run by logical people, and also by illogical people. The Ukrainian language is some combination of southern Russian village dialects with a bit of Polish thrown in as flavoring. Ill take New England and the Maritimes any day over the steamy South where the kudzu creeps over I mean *everything*, the snakes proliferate, and you cant survive the summer without AC 24/7. In the meantime, it has become abundantly clear that neither EU nor NATO membership is the least bit likely, or necessary: the EU got everything it wanted from the Ukraine by forcing it to sign the Association Agreement while giving nothing of value in return; and Ukrainian territory already serves as a playground for NATO training exercises. Yes, Orlov has been predicting the collapse of the US, and it will happen. The other European people havent even been asked whether they wanyted to accept the rules of the EU. Dimitrys The USA isnt so much a country as a country club tells the essence. Mr Orlovs disguised right-wing, ultra-nationalist views paint a portrait of what is wrong with todays wholesale anti-Soviet, Russian intelligentsia. Maybe even horribly. I, too, responded, with some suggestions for those who feel they are too old to consider emigrating. Make snippets of Dmoney talking to create audio highlights to share with your friends or embed in related blog posts. Und so weiter und so fort. Still, Ive got scores more growing from seed, cuttings and will give marcotting a good go this spring. In some ways the fall of Washington would be the best thing to ever happen in my country. Second training, training, training. An Incident On Simonka https://saker.community/product/an-incident-on-simonka-a-novel-by-r-h-auslander-pdf-ed/ March 2014. After him, with the new managers (that have office in Moscow but brain, heart and wallet in Paris, New York or London) of the old Russia there will be nothing left. Just rebuilding Krim and Sevastopol after 15 years of looting to the very ground is an enormous burden on Russia. This worries me as such people have a way of wanting to stay in power at almost any cost, and not always considering the well being of the country. Christian Husbands, Ditch the 'Honey Do' List! Dmitry Orlov of the Washington Capitals skates with the puck against the San Jose Sharks during the second period of a game at Capital One Arena Feb. 12, 2023, in Washington, D.C. (Scott Taetsch .
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