(3) Qualifications of social worker. Dayroom areas shall be provided[, adequate]that are: (1) Adequatefor the[patients capable of using them]residentslocated on each nursing care unit;and. (1) Adequate equipment for preparation, serving, and distribution of food shall be provided[;]. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. A. Ch. The person in charge of the service to which the employee is assigned shall. (Identified by Impact Letter and Number from Section II.). B. There shall be an active program of restorative nursing care aimed at assisting each resident to achieve and maintainthe individualshighest level of independent function, including activities of daily living. H. Advance Planning and Posting of Menus. [(b)](c)CoolAny temperature between[8C and 15C (46 and 59F)]46F and 59F or 8C and 15. Therapeutic diets shall be planned, prepared, and served as prescribed by the attending physician: (1) Therapeutic diets shall be planned by alicensedregistered dietitian[or other qualified person]; (2) Preparation and serving shall be supervised by a qualified dietetic supervisor;and. A The nurse is responsible for the cost of the evaluation and the drug screens. (b) Demonstration of proper feeding skills performed on a resident, (4) Submit the quality assurance plan to the Departments Office of Health Care Quality at the time of, (3) Procedures to take action when there is a change in the residents condition, (b) Changing the residents plan of care as necessary, (1) A description of a complaint process that effectively addresses resident, (a) The designated person or persons and their phone numbers to receive complaints, (c) The time frames for investigating complaints, (b) Interview of the resident, staff, and, (5) A description of the process for notifying, (6) A description of a process for the ongoing evaluation of, (1) Names of the staff members on duty and the room numbers of the residents, A. (70) Serious and immediate threat means a situation in which immediate corrective action is necessary because a deficiency has caused or is likely to cause serious injury, harm, impairment to, or death of a resident receiving care in the nursing home. B. Laurie has 1 job listed on their profile. (7) Each trainee shall be clearly identified as a trainee during all skills training portions of the training. This table below refers to the filter efficiencies for central ventilation and air conditioning systems in a nursing home other than chronic disease hospitals. A facility which holds full licensure as of the adoption of these regulations shall be considered as having an adequate size dietetic service department.]. Yes. A. (2) Recommendations made by the social work consultant, if applicable]the information required in C of this regulation. If the physician so orders, patients who have a tendency to wander may be confined to their rooms by screen doors or folding gates. [This requirement does not extend to physical or occupational therapy assistants or to other employees performing delegated, non-nursing functions. friendly and courteous, timely and (b) Tuberculosis in a communicable form does not include: (i) When the individual who has presumptive or confirmed active disease, has had three negative AFB smears, collected 824 hours apart, shows clinical improvement, and has received chemotherapy to which the strain is susceptible for at least 14 days; or. (1) A sufficient number of food service personnel shall be employed to[carry out]performefficiently the functions of the[dietetic]food and nutritionservice and meet the dietary needs of the[patient]residents. In existing structures, the Departmentshallentertain requests for waivers on itemsthat: (1) Willnot endanger the health and safety ofresidents, visitors, employees, and other individualsusing the nursing home; and. A physician in attendance shall report to the health officer immediately and in writing the name and address of an individual who is receiving or has received treatment for syphilis; or is under medical observation or treatment for syphilis in an infectious or potentially infectious stage, who fails to return for observation or treatment within one week of the date of a missed appointment and is not known to be under treatment elsewhere. (5) Existing Facility. The facility shall make information available to all employees concerning other conditions in which pneumococcal vaccine may be of benefit for certain other underlying medical conditions. An article for which storage in a cool place is directed may, alternatively, be stored in a refrigerator, unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph. (31) Licensed certified social workerclinical (LCSW-C) means an individual authorized to practice clinical social work under Health Occupations Article, Title 19, Annotated Code of Maryland. (2) Medications shall be administered by: (a) Appropriately licensed personnel in accordance with laws and regulations governing these acts; or. (1) A system of water supply, plumbing, sewerage, electrical power, garbage or refuse disposal may not be installed or extended untilthe architect or professional engineer of record submits stamped and sealed final construction drawings for Department record and provisional approval in accordance with A of this regulation. Pages - Licensure by Endorsement - Maryland Board Of Nursing ]; (4) Past employment[with]documentation[that]withreferences[have been considered by the facility. (2) A facility with more than 120 beds must employ a qualified social worker on a full-time basis. (4) Procedure for[referral of]referringdata to the quality assurance committee, when appropriate. (2)Standardized recipes adjusted to appropriate yield shall be followed. Licensure, designed to meet educational requirements for a specific professional license or certification that is required for employment in an occupation; or, Is advertised as meeting such requirements. (44) Nursing care has the meaning stated in Health-General Article, 19-301(k), Annotated Code of Maryland. (b) An interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA) blood test. [E.]C.[All facilities]A nursing homecertified for participation in Medicare or Medicaid shall complete and electronically submit the assessment to the[Department not later than 31 days after completion oftheassessment]Quality Improvement and Evaluation System (QIES) Assessment Submission and Processing (ASAP) system. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. (7) National Fire Protection Association, NFPA 99 Health Care Facilities Code (2015 Edition). You will need to complete an English Proficiency Exam, Take either the TOEFL IBT or the IELTS o Have scores sent to the Maryland Board of Nursing, A score of 26 is passing on the TOEFL IBT, The Board accepts the IELTS if administered on October 01,2005, or later, A score of 7 on speaking, 6 on all other modules, and 6.5 overall is passing on the IELTS, Direct Entry Midwifery Advisory Committee, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA), https://www.dpscs.state.md.us/publicservs/fingerprint.shtml. [F.]J. (a) Orient staff to the emergency and disaster plan and to their individual responsibilitiesin relation to the planwithin 24 hours of the commencement of job duties;[and], (b) Document completion of the orientation in the staff members personnel file through the signature of the employee; and. [D.]C.The[facility]nursing homeshall hold the care planning conference not later than 7 calendar days after[completion of]completingthe assessment, but may hold the conference[earlier]soonerif agreed to by the resident, a family member, or a residents representative. State resources. The nursing home shall develop written policies, consistent with this chapter and COMAR 10.07.09, to govern the nursing care, related medical, and other services that the nursing home provides regarding: (1) Admissions, transfers, and discharges; (3) Medical Assistance program information. Existing facilities (those facilities licensed at the time this regulation becomes effective) shall provide some method/means of a patient summoning aid that shall include as minimum a combined visual and audible signal that is audible at the nurses station and simultaneously activates a light located in the hall, outside of and adjacent to the patients room. D.Lobby AreaNewNursing Home. to provide constituents, businesses, A copy of the clinical record, identification, and summary sheet described in Regulation[.20B].32shall be used as an admission record. reporting and/or correcting unsafe working conditions, equipment repair and maintenance needs. Interior walls and floors shall be of a, maintained free of insects and rodents by operation of an active pest-control program, either by use of maintenance personnel or by contract with, Care shall be exercised in the usage and storage of toxic. A physician in attendance upon a patient having syphilis shall request the health officer to conduct a contact investigation or report to the health officer any untreated individual identified as having had potentially infectious contact with an individual having syphilis. (2) The[facility]nursing homeshall ensure that floor space allocated to each bed meets minimum requirements listed in Regulation[.28C].49ofthis chapter, andis sufficient to accommodate the special equipment necessary to meet the needs of residents. Yes, if the hospital made any "change" in the health care providers employment, that change is reportable, irrespective of any root cause analysis. Staffing. Please enable JavaScript in your browser. customers, and stakeholders with (b) A resident assessed to exhibit unsafe behaviors shall have a care plan to ensure the resident is safe when smoking. (3)[Thenotification shall include]Includean invitation for the family member or residents representative to attend the conference. Maryland Board of Nursing Attn: Director of Complaints & Investigations 4140 Patterson Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21215-2254. . (1)If a safe public water supply is not available, a private water supply may be used if it is approved by the Department. (ii) To avoid injury to the resident, the mattress and foundation shall fit the bed. (c) Within 24 hours of admission, notify and direct residents to the nursing homes emergency plans and maps, including evacuation procedures. (1) The disclosure shall be made to the Department and to any person seeking placement or receiving care in a Dementia special care unit or program of a nursing home. 100-07 State Operations Provider Certification,and with RAI instructions in the CMS Long-term Care Facility Resident Assessment Instrument 3.0 Users Manual,except that data may not be[electronically]submittedelectronicallyto the Department. E. Transportation. (2) Renovations ofexistingkitchens shall be approved by the Department which will consider modification of the minimum space requirement based on space available, costs, and type of service. To support placement in a specific position, there shall be sufficient documentation in the employees record reflecting his training and experience. The director may not disclose, directly or indirectly, the identity of any individual tested. (c)The Department shall approve the increase in beds within 72 hours following receipt of the[facilitys]nursing homesdocumentation that the required additional staff is[]in[place]positionto serve the increased number of beds. ]; [(8)](7)Laboratory and radiologic services[. All rights reserved. (42) Nurse means a licensed practical nurse or registered nurse licensed in the State as defined in Health Occupations Article, 8-101, Annotated Code of Maryland. (b)The janitors closet shall be equipped for[handwashing]hand washing. If you typed in the word submeters the Search feature would take you to the same Subtitle. (7) The call system shall enable residents in the rehabilitation area to summon rehabilitation staff. (iv) All soiled areas within a laundry shall be connected to mechanically operated exhaust ventilation. The sounding of the audible signal shall be continuous or intermittent until answered. Storage space shall be provided for garbage and trash awaiting pickup. (2)A nursing home may not employ an individual as a geriatric nursing assistant until the individual has successfully completed a competency evaluation approved by the Maryland Board of Nursing. However, the national certification agency you are registered with will have requirements that you must complete. (6) Medical and social history ofthe[patient]resident; (13)[Discipline assessment]Assessments done by various disciplines; and. (8) The audible signal shall be loud enough to be heard at the nurses station. National Human Trafficking Hotline - 24/7 Confidential. As of July 1, 2020, the U.S. Department of Education implemented new regulations that professional nursing programs (PN, RN and APRN) must adhere to if they participate in Title IV HEA funding, and if the program is: designed to meet educational requirements for a specific professional . (5) Existing Facility. (1) The nursing home shall arrange for pharmacies that provide medications for residents in the nursing home. (3) The individual who prepares medications shall give and record them. (b) As high as practical, as such the bottom of the outdoor air intake is: (i) At least 6 feet above ground level; or. 410-585-1900 Aresidentshall be provided with the following furnishings, which shall be convenient to theresident: (iv)A chest of drawers with at least one locking drawer; (vi) A wallmirror in each room,unless contraindicated by physicians order; and. The printed version is considered the official version. I. C.Discrimination Prohibited. The new regulations explicitly define changes that must be reported to the Board within ten days of their occurrence and provide penalties for failing to do so. D. Protocol. [(3)](4)Aisle space between working areas shall be at least 3 feet[;], andaisle space formain traffic shall be at least 5 feetwide. [(b) Guideline for Infection Control in Health Care Personnel.]. (4) If a facility can demonstrate that because of the experience and training of its personnel and the physical layout and equipment, less supervisory personnel is required, the Department may modify the above requirements for supervision.
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